"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

@Belekas I wish we knew if the h pylori would eventually resolve itself if u stuck to as close to full carnivore as u can for a while. My gut is telling me it would resolve itself (pun intended lol) but I really don’t know. I just know antibiotics are one of the worst things u can put in ur body. Can take years and years to fully recover from even one round of them. Sometimes they’re necessary tho, unfortunately. I’d personally only take them if I was like gonna die if I didn’t lol. Otherwise I’m not putting them in my body. Once u know the destruction they cause in the body, and how long it takes to recover from the damage they cause, it’s hard to justify taking them unless u absolutely need to
Who knows but I'm not willing to gamble on this one as I've been suffering for a long time. Plus having this bitch might give serious complications as it effects pretty much everything in the body. I think I've posted before. Scarry shit for real. And since my chest pains been 10/10 crippling together with anxiety on top, fuck that, I'll take the antibiotics 3rd time and say my prayers. TBF it's also a gamble because UK NHS docs have no fucking idea how to treat it and just write generic 7 day protocol which is too short. As we discussed with @sammmy before, its usually 10-14 days and bigger doses. Plus 2x more PPis and Bismuth Subcytrate together as well. I tried talking to the random doc on phone when she called and she couldnt do anything. Neither extend the treatment to 10-14 days, neither prescribe 2x more PPis to have them 4x day, neither prescribe Rifabutin as @Nelson Vergel used and suggested and neither prescribe Bismuth at all. It's a fucking joke. I tried pressing her a bit but she said CDC will come and take away her license haha So I have my own PPis ready as much as I need, also Bismuth should be with me next week as well. So I don't like it, because its not the way we have to do it but IIWII I have no other option, as I don't want to risk for complications and I want to get back to living normal life without pain, without having to eat only beef and feel like a zombie, which I've been the last 2 weeks. All my work is on pause, everything is on pause, plans on pause because of this issue. I could go on but you get the picture. Of course antibiotics fuck you up real bad but most likely theres no other way to kill the multi-strain resistant bug that I've been having for a decade more or less. I'm not happy at all to take them and hope because hope is not a strategy, but I can't get my hands on what antibiotics I need, so the ones GP prescribed is all that I have. I tried sourcing on the net but nowhere to find. Maybe eating Carnivore stictly can be the cure but I have no idea. It's a tough one but IIWII.
I always eat them all together. Breakfast is 15/85 ground beef, rice, honey all mixed together. Lunch is cut up steak, rice, honey, and ghee, all mixed together. And dinner is the exact same thing as lunch. When I cook each meal I basically just put everything into a frying pan and cook it all up together. I cook everything in the morning. Takes me about 30 mins. I cook the two steak meals, put them in food thermoses. And then cook my breakfast and eat it right after I make it. Then I have my other two meals in thermoses for whenever I end up eating them throughout the day. Food thermoses have changed the game for me. They’ve allowed me to stay super consistent with my diet, and get all the calories and micronutrients I need everyday
Yeah cool idea and TBF I was planning to get some myself hehe Good job on the diet btw. I will try to introduce some foods and see what happens. Still will continue to suffer for another week till my birds b-day next weekend and then we will see. I'm craving Jasmine rice, fruit and honey as well. Ghee use sometimes but usually cook plain ground beef and theres plenty of fat as I get mostly 20%. Some 12% as well, but prefer 20% for more fat and calories. Cause its been a bitch to eat all the required food thats why I incorporated hard cheese, which seems sits good with my gut. Can't tolerate chicken, salmon, no pork either. Only beef and some cheese. Feels weird eating all this fat and watching your body fat melt when feeling like a zombie LOL
Yeah cool idea and TBF I was planning to get some myself hehe Good job on the diet btw. I will try to introduce some foods and see what happens. Still will continue to suffer for another week till my birds b-day next weekend and then we will see. I'm craving Jasmine rice, fruit and honey as well. Ghee use sometimes but usually cook plain ground beef and theres plenty of fat as I get mostly 20%. Some 12% as well, but prefer 20% for more fat and calories. Cause its been a bitch to eat all the required food thats why I incorporated hard cheese, which seems sits good with my gut. Can't tolerate chicken, salmon, no pork either. Only beef and some cheese. Feels weird eating all this fat and watching your body fat melt when feeling like a zombie LOL
Ya carnivore is wild how u can legit eat as much food and fat as u want, and still see ur body fat melt away. It’s pretty crazy lol.

It’s funny, when I was young I always wished that veggies weren’t good for us, and things like steak were healthy. Along with wishing cake and icecream were healthy too, but we can’t have it all unfortunately lol. But I digress. It’s funny because when I was younger I thought that was a complete pipe dream. Meanwhile the whole time this was actually the case! Guess sometimes dreams do come true lol. No matter how unlikely they may seem
Ok guys its been 2 weeks since eating mostly Beef and some Cheese lately. My chest pain went down and nearly gone but my anxiety went up big time. Been feeling edgy and wired all fucking time due to more cortisol and adrenaline being on 0 carb diet. Been tough 2 weeks won't lie but I made it so far. So I'm cooking some Jasmine rice, that I used to digest good years ago, and will try to re-introduce 50g with Beef to see what happens. If somebody likes to feel this way then they def fucked in the head lol and more power to them but perhaps I need more time to get this Carnivore diet working, we will see. If Jasmine rice doesn't sit with me, then back on beef only I go. So fingers crossed!
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Ok guys its been 2 weeks since eating mostly Beef and some Cheese lately. My chest pain went down and nearly gone but my anxiety went up big time. Been feeling edgy and wired all fucking time due to more cortisol and adrenaline being on 0 carb diet. Been tough 2 weeks won't lie but I made it so far. So I'm cooking some Jasmine rice, that I used to digest good years ago, and will try to re-introduce 50g with Beef to see what happens. If somebody likes to feel this way then they def fucked in the head lol and more power to them but perhaps I need more time to get this Carnivore diet working, we will see. If Jasmine rice doesn't sit with me, then back on beef only I go. So fingers crossed!
Just had 50g Jasmine Rice with 200g 12% Ground Beef cooked in 2tsp Ghee Butter. Fuck me it was good LOL I don't remember when I tasted real taste of Rice, feels ages ago. Now going for a brisk 20min walk and lets see what happens. Fingers crossed!
sucks ur energy levels are suffering. Maybe try slowly introducing some fairly benign carb sources, like the ones we’ve talked about. Raw honey, white rice, fruit.
Honey can be problematic for an inflamed stomach or esophagus with a highly acidic pH and high FODMAPs in the form of excessive fructose (high ratio of fructose to glucose). This is one I would categorize as a healthy carb after healing the gut but perhaps not before that depending on the individual. I'm an example of a mostly carnivorous eater that can't really tolerate honey for the above reasons.
Honey can be problematic for an inflamed stomach or esophagus with a highly acidic pH and high FODMAPs in the form of excessive fructose (high ratio of fructose to glucose). This is one I would categorize as a healthy carb after healing the gut but perhaps not before that depending on the individual. I'm an example of a mostly carnivorous eater that can't really tolerate honey for the above reasons.
Oh wow, good points, didn’t know any of this. What effects do u get from eating honey? Were u eating organic raw honey?
Oh wow, good points, didn’t know any of this. What effects do u get from eating honey? Were u eating organic raw honey?
Yes I tried organic raw honey. In small doses it was fine, but taking it by the tablespoon-full, Paul Saladino style, it flared up my GERD pain.
Just had 50g Jasmine Rice with 200g 12% Ground Beef cooked in 2tsp Ghee Butter. Fuck me it was good LOL I don't remember when I tasted real taste of Rice, feels ages ago. Now going for a brisk 20min walk and lets see what happens. Fingers crossed!
Just had second exact same meal with 50g Jasmine rice and 200g Beef only 20% this time and no Ghee. So far so good. I think I'm gonna leave it like that today and just have more Beef later on before sleep.

I asked a highly respected coach whom I like and follow for many years regarding wether its possible to kill H-Pylori with just diet manipulation, going to strict Carnivore/Lion diet, and he replied- sadly not. Then he said that the most important and big factor is what people are eating and lifestyle/habit modifications during the treatment protocol while taking antibiotics. And then how you approach diet after the protocol to strenghten the gut...Also the relapse rates are around 80% from what he said...high af...So anyway, I'll go zero meat/protein during my treatment and then afterwards will try maybe lower protein as its needed for the gut lining to heal as discussed before here. Still waiting on call of the GP as I talked against the protocol they prescribed which is only 7 days. I want them to give me last (third) line of defense for at least 10 days, best would be 14 days. Also I've read UK guidelines for treating this bug and they can prescribe Rifabutin and Bismuth as well as the last line of defense when nothing is working. So will try once again to press another GP when she calls today. Fucking unbelievable. They really want to keep us sick and struggling so we come back again and again and again to buy the same damn meds instead of prescribing a scientifically researched and proven to work protocol that has way higher chance of erradicating this bacteria. SMH
A strange thing to remember is that two thirds of the world population is infected with h. pylori and we co-evolved together for 60,000 years. The majority of people infected with this bacteria live their whole life with it and have no symptoms. So, the presence of h. pylori does not necessarily mean you will have digestive symptoms. There must be other factors at play when it becomes an issue. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to get rid of it but just a reminder again to manage your expectations around that.
A strange thing to remember is that two thirds of the world population is infected with h. pylori and we co-evolved together for 60,000 years. The majority of people infected with this bacteria live their whole life with it and have no symptoms. So, the presence of h. pylori does not necessarily mean you will have digestive symptoms. There must be other factors at play when it becomes an issue. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to get rid of it but just a reminder again to manage your expectations around that.
The problem with that is that I'm the minority and my pain is on the level that most have never seen. Even the well respected doc back home said he was amazed how well it looked from the inside against how severe the pain i get after eating. So I can either run more antibiotics and prey that it works this time or can go back to eating meat only and prey that it dont give me serious complications. Both ways a gamble. Although I had full relief after last years protocol but after some months it creeped back maybe got reinfected maybe fuck knows what. They have no idea how to treat it yet no idea how severe and crippling my pain is. I have no expectations at all because I'm fed up, tired, sometimes feeling hopeless. But still refuse to give up even though I can't work, train and not even eat what I enjoy...
So I can either run more antibiotics and prey that it works this time or can go back to eating meat only and prey that it dont give me serious complications. Both ways a gamble. Although I had full relief after last years protocol
Ok that's an important detail that you had full relief after your last shot at an eradication protocol. I think that indicates you are doing the correct thing to keep trying.
Anyone experienced with Thyroid? I've never looked into it deeply and so many different "optimal range" theories around, so very interested if my numbers suggest anything that needs to be looked at?

TSH 2.32 mIU/L (0,27 - 4,2)
fT3 4.03pmol/l (2,63 - 5,7)
fT4 13.83pmol/l (9 - 19,05)

Thanks in advance fam!
Ok that's an important detail that you had full relief after your last shot at an eradication protocol. I think that indicates you are doing the correct thing to keep trying.
Yes, agree. Had a talk with some GP or whoever she was on phone, told her all history and she will forward to endos and they will let me know whats the next move based on all should be, so lets see what happens.
Anyone experienced with Thyroid? I've never looked into it deeply and so many different "optimal range" theories around, so very interested if my numbers suggest anything that needs to be looked at?

TSH 2.32 mIU/L (0,27 - 4,2)
fT3 4.03pmol/l (2,63 - 5,7)
fT4 13.83pmol/l (9 - 19,05)

Thanks in advance fam!

Euthyroid. Congrats. In before the " you need your TSH at <1 and fT3 in top quartile or higher".
Anyone here have experience with Female HRT or T monotherapy? I've been researching as much as possible on this topic lately as will be trying to put my girl on a protocol as shes been struggling a lot over the years and now as shes approaching her 48th b-day she got even more MP looking symptoms. All her other symptoms are exactly as Low-T but severe FWIW. Will be trying to press NHS GP next week to run some hormone and thyroid tests but I doubt anything valuable will happen but still maybe will save us a few pounds. Will be ordering some labs to see whats under the hood to have some baseline #s. She also is going to remove her contraceptic implant as it has fucked up her mental health and not only in the last couple years she had it. Should have never got it in first place. Nasty fucking stuff and so many girls struggling if you start digging deeper. Live and learn. I sincerely hope I will be able to help her at least feel some better as its painful to watch her suffer so bad day in day out. I would have put her on low dose T already but still want to remove that fucking implant first, wait a little bit and run some labs. Was nearly about to pull the trigger but patience is a virtue and gotta do as per plan.

So anyone have experience- hit me up. Thanks in advance!


PM me or we can chat here. The care she gets is of course only as good as the Doc she can get unless she self treats which is quite a leap. Blood work? Great she is getting off the implant. That complicates the baseline picture with bloodwork.

Starting with T in verbabase cream on labia or anus is a great way to start a conservative T protocol if blood work indicates.
Looks about right lol

Day time had RHR in 70-85bpm, had a couple carb meals and now measured in the high 50s FWIW.
I have been having nightmares pretty much every day since quiting carbs/vegs 2+ weeks ago as body was struggling with all extra adrenaline and cortisol. RHR was all over the place jumping from 70-90 while sitting mid-day in my office chair trying to relax. Yesterday after those 2 carb meals I calmed down absolutely incredible and went to sleep. I had the most vivid and beautiful dream probably in the last 4 years. It was absolutely amazing and I will remember it for a long time. As 2pac said- "Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real." Sometimes I think that reality is just a program setup to make us struggle, get ill, stay poor, be slaves, obey to the rules of dirty politicians and ppl in power, missout on life and then sayonara. It's a sad fucking world we live in but as hard as it gets the main thing is to keep moving forward and never ever give up! Enjoy the little things, the details and try to be as happy as possible without ever taking it for granted.

I had a fasted 40min walk back from GP, had some cured grass-fed beef on my way back and now going to get some bloods done. Nothing special just basic panel so will see how my HTc and HB looks FWIW.

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