@Belekas so glad to hear that going mostly carnivore has helped so much! It’s truly amazing how fast the body can heal when u simply give it what it needs, and stop constantly insulting it with things that are damaging it
It does take a little time for the body to adjust to running off of ketones for energy, so I assume that the way ur feeling is mostly due to u needing a higher dose of test, like u said, and partly because ur body still might be adjusting to using ketones as it’s main energy source. If I were u I would up ur dose to 100mg/ week, and see if how u feel improves. If u end up feeling better at around 3-4 weeks, than u do at say 4-6 weeks, maybe u overshot ur dose with 100mg, and 80mg might serve u better.
and I’m all for home remedies, and not trying to disrespect ur mom in any way lol, but my gut tells me that trying to improve ur stomach lining with flax seed sludge is pointless. There’s nothing our bodies need from seeds. Our stomach linings can be optimal without them. Eat as close to carnivore as u can, get enough protein in, avoid any foods that mess with the gut, get enough water everyday, and ur stomach lining will be as healthy as it possibly can be. No need for flax seed sludge lol. Our stomachs don’t need anything additional to coat it. A healthy mucosal lining of the stomach is all we need. Here’s a pretty good post on Reddit about carnivore and the gut