Trans scrotal testosterone cream application is a game changer

So I was on injections of Testosterone cyp for almost 4 years before switching over to scrotal testosterone cream application. Let me tell you it has been absolutely amazing how much better I feel on the cream verses the injections. I dose it at 150 mg daily (3 clicks), 50 mg in the morning before bed (I work nights) and 100 mg about an hour before I leave for work at night. I was doing daily sub q injections for the past couple years, 20 mg cyp daily. I felt good on that protocol, but this blows that protocol out of the water. I messed up and did labs about 2 hours after my application and everything came back out of range, with free t at 48. I would encourage anyone interested to give the scrotal t-cream application a go, I can't see myself ever going back to injections.
@Charliebizz, I suspect you are not having any issues with scrotal application, but I think I recall some saying cream is better than hydrogel for the scrotum because of alcohol. Am I making this up? Does anyone know if hydrogel is "safe" for the scrotum?

I believe your situations are similar to mine in that I have went back and forth many times between cyp and cream. Always feel better on cream but I tend to make myself paranoid about transference.
Yeah that was my biggest issue too. I know the kids aren’t anywhere near that area. But still. You scratch yourself and forget !! ya Never know. But I know plenty of people with kids on cream have no issues
20% 2clicks am one pm of empowers hydrogel.
I’ll tell you this it was a really rough start. After the first few good weeks. I almost bailed like usual. But I stayed strong. at First in my opinion. Guys like us probably get sides from the higher dht and body needs to adjust. And at that time we assume it’s our levels too high. Then I lowered dose and slowly low t symptoms came back. I was wrong my levels of T weren’t too high at all. So that’s why it’s so important to get labs. We think we know our body’s and have it all figured out. My problem is I have like ptsd from how bad I used to feel. So any little side effect I’m afraid I’m going to go backwards. So I bail out. Returning to the “not so good but manageable“ state I was in. I’m not by any means perfect. but my headaches and depression are gone. I didn’t have them even with low t. And something with injections brings that out in me. I wish I knew why. My last hurdle is this damn cold intolerance. If I can figure this out I’ll be a happy man.
Hey, man, do you mind sharing in what way the early weeks were rough? I’ve had some ups and downs with cream. I’m curious if my struggles are similar to yours.
So, I have never pulled labs while on cream. Finally I went ahead and got some labs. Was on cream for about three days and felt absolutely horrendous the whole time. Thought it would be useful to see what my labs look like while feeling like this.

Long story short, free testosterone was a touch high and DHT was through the roof. I suspect that the DHT was the issue. I’ll post more specifics when I get a chance.
So, I have never pulled labs while on cream. Finally I went ahead and got some labs. Was on cream for about three days and felt absolutely horrendous the whole time. Thought it would be useful to see what my labs look like while feeling like this.

Long story short, free testosterone was a touch high and DHT was through the roof. I suspect that the DHT was the issue. I’ll post more specifics when I get a chance.
Post the numbers. I know for me personally it took a while to acclimate to the higher dht. Now I’m fine with my trt at 167 top of range being 85.

pulling labs after 3 days isn’t going to help you in this journey man. You need to let things stabilize And settle in. Also what protocol were you on before switching to cream?
Post the numbers. I know for me personally it took a while to acclimate to the higher dht. Now I’m fine with my trt at 167 top of range being 85.

pulling labs after 3 days isn’t going to help you in this journey man. You need to let things stabilize And settle in. Also what protocol were you on before switching to cream?
how long was awhile?
how long was awhile?
took around a month to settle in. Don’t forget I was on enanthate and started cream a few days after my last shot. So possible my levels were a little too high in the beginning. But all speculation. That said I do feel better overall on cream then injections.
Post the numbers. I know for me personally it took a while to acclimate to the higher dht. Now I’m fine with my trt at 167 top of range being 85.

pulling labs after 3 days isn’t going to help you in this journey man. You need to let things stabilize And settle in. Also what protocol were you on before switching to cream?
I (kind of) agree that three days is insignificant. But, I think waiting six weeks for labs is more applicable to esterified forms of testosterone with long half lives. Cream has a quick onset and short half life. That said, three days is by no means 5-6 half lives it might take to reach a steady state. But, that’s part of the reason I wanted the labs.

My assumption is that T, DHT and E2 levels will only rise - not fall, over time. I wanted to see what the numbers looked like when I felt this bad. My instincts tell me that I’d feel even worse with numbers that were higher than the ones I pulled. So, it gave me a frame of reference. Now, would I acclimate and feel better over time? That’s another question. But, based on how bad I felt, I couldn’t wait around to find out.

This was not even a “clean” trial with a blank canvas. I used Xyosted 50mg five days prior to labs. So, really not fair to fully vilify the cream. That said, there is a certain kind of bad that I generally only feel on cream. This was that kind of bad. So, I took the data point and bailed.

I am still waiting on E2. When that comes back, I’ll post.
I (kind of) agree that three days is insignificant. But, I think waiting six weeks for labs is more applicable to esterified forms of testosterone with long half lives. Cream has a quick onset and short half life. That said, three days is by no means 5-6 half lives it might take to reach a steady state. But, that’s part of the reason I wanted the labs.

My assumption is that T, DHT and E2 levels will only rise - not fall, over time. I wanted to see what the numbers looked like when I felt this bad. My instincts tell me that I’d feel even worse with numbers that were higher than the ones I pulled. So, it gave me a frame of reference. Now, would I acclimate and feel better over time? That’s another question. But, based on how bad I felt, I couldn’t wait around to find out.

This was not even a “clean” trial with a blank canvas. I used Xyosted 50mg five days prior to labs. So, really not fair to fully vilify the cream. That said, there is a certain kind of bad that I generally only feel on cream. This was that kind of bad. So, I took the data point and bailed.

I am still waiting on E2. When that comes back, I’ll post.
Same mistake I made. you have to at least let the injectable testosterone fully leave your system to give it a true assessment. Just way too many variables. I understand not being able to wait out side effects. I’ve done it with other medications. But I can assure you you’ll always have that seed of doubt and likely try it again. Because you’re never giving anything a fair shot. I’ve been down the same road and it’s bordering on insanity what you’re doing (I did the same) l

what was your cream strength and dosing for this 3 day trial? While no denying cream works fast and gets your numbers up. You still have the injectable t in your system and can’t be sure if your levels are high solely because of cream or the combo of both. Especially because xyosted has a longer half life then regular test e.
Same mistake I made. you have to at least let the injectable testosterone fully leave your system to give it a true assessment. Just way too many variables. I understand not being able to wait out side effects. I’ve done it with other medications. But I can assure you you’ll always have that seed of doubt and likely try it again. Because you’re never giving anything a fair shot. I’ve been down the same road and it’s bordering on insanity what you’re doing (I did the same) l

what was your cream strength and dosing for this 3 day trial? While no denying cream works fast and gets your numbers up. You still have the injectable t in your system and can’t be sure if your levels are high solely because of cream or the combo of both. Especially because xyosted has a longer half life then regular test e.
I was using 20% strength. 50mg scrotal/50mg shoulder in the AM, then 50mg shoulder in the PM.

Trust me, brother - I want it to work! No question you are correct on letting the esters clear. I'd consider trying it one more time down the road. That said, I alluded above to a certain kind of bad feeling I get with cream. It's a familiar type of bad I have felt in the past. There is no question that three days is meaningless. But, I thought it might be informative to see how my numbers correlated with feeling this way.

For now, I am on Natesto solo. Natesto seems to be the trusty friend that's always there for you: maybe not terribly exciting, but not gonna let you down! In the past, I was able to inject various esters and use cream without the horrible side effects I now experience. Natesto by far is the easiest treatment option, but I digress. This is a cream thread.

Here's what I have so far:
  • Total T 847 (250-1100)
  • Free T 180.8 (35-155)
  • SHBG 27.4
  • DHT 165 (12-65)
  • HGB/HCT normal
  • Estradiol pending
I have felt OK with T levels this high, but have never had DHT close to this high. My sense is that high DHT and/or E2 is the reason for feeling the way I felt.
Same mistake I made. you have to at least let the injectable testosterone fully leave your system to give it a true assessment. Just way too many variables. I understand not being able to wait out side effects. I’ve done it with other medications. But I can assure you you’ll always have that seed of doubt and likely try it again. Because you’re never giving anything a fair shot. I’ve been down the same road and it’s bordering on insanity what you’re doing (I did the same) l

what was your cream strength and dosing for this 3 day trial? While no denying cream works fast and gets your numbers up. You still have the injectable t in your system and can’t be sure if your levels are high solely because of cream or the combo of both. Especially because xyosted has a longer half life then regular test e.
Hey, man. You may have missed it, but somewhere above, I have some questions about your early cream experience. You said you struggled early on. In what way? Was your struggle lack of efficacy (ie, low T symptoms brought forward), or did you struggle due to side effects (ie, new symptoms from the treatment)? Did you get headaches? How long did it go on? Obviously, it's impossible to know if your experience will translate into mine.
Hey, man. You may have missed it, but somewhere above, I have some questions about your early cream experience. You said you struggled early on. In what way? Was your struggle lack of efficacy (ie, low T symptoms brought forward), or did you struggle due to side effects (ie, new symptoms from the treatment)? Did you get headaches? How long did it go on? Obviously, it's impossible to know if your experience will translate into mine.
I sent you a pm
I sent you a pm
I was using 20% strength. 50mg scrotal/50mg shoulder in the AM, then 50mg shoulder in the PM.

Trust me, brother - I want it to work! No question you are correct on letting the esters clear. I'd consider trying it one more time down the road. That said, I alluded above to a certain kind of bad feeling I get with cream. It's a familiar type of bad I have felt in the past. There is no question that three days is meaningless. But, I thought it might be informative to see how my numbers correlated with feeling this way.

For now, I am on Natesto solo. Natesto seems to be the trusty friend that's always there for you: maybe not terribly exciting, but not gonna let you down! In the past, I was able to inject various esters and use cream without the horrible side effects I now experience. Natesto by far is the easiest treatment option, but I digress. This is a cream thread.

Here's what I have so far:
  • Total T 847 (250-1100)
  • Free T 180.8 (35-155)
  • SHBG 27.4
  • DHT 165 (12-65)
  • HGB/HCT normal
  • Estradiol pending
I have felt OK with T levels this high, but have never had DHT close to this high. My sense is that high DHT and/or E2 is the reason for feeling the way I felt.
I have almost exact numbers as you tt was 700 ft 200. Dht 167. I would suggest if you’re gonna do cream go full scrotal. I had more sides when I mixed and matched.
Estradiol was 46 on the above regimen.

A lot of guys feel fine with levels a lot higher than this. I believe I feel bad at this level.

I suspect that if I had the same amount of testosterone with lower DHT and E2, I would not have felt as bad as I did. I also suspect scrotal application may be partly to blame for the DHT.

If I ever try cream again, I would likely keep it off the scrotum.
Estradiol was 46 on the above regimen.

A lot of guys feel fine with levels a lot higher than this. I believe I feel bad at this level.

I suspect that if I had the same amount of testosterone with lower DHT and E2, I would not have felt as bad as I did. I also suspect scrotal application may be partly to blame for the DHT.

If I ever try cream again, I would likely keep it off the scrotum.
Estradiol was 46 on the above regimen.

A lot of guys feel fine with levels a lot higher than this. I believe I feel bad at this level.

I suspect that if I had the same amount of testosterone with lower DHT and E2, I would not have felt as bad as I did. I also suspect scrotal application may be partly to blame for the DHT.

If I ever try cream again, I would likely keep it off the scrotum.
Most people I have talked to that are similar to us. (struggles with trt) have used scrotal application. Again you were 3 days in. Those numbers are irrelevant. You still had injectables in your system. You really can’t say you ”feel” dht and e2 are a problem when you dont give anything a chance.

A few guys on this very forum have stated how all those numbers were irrelevant for them once dialed in on t cream. And they felt great. Look up Tman and Eli. (Two off the top of my head). I know what’s it’s like to feel bad and never want to go back to that but you’re just chasing your tail. You will never be able to right cream off because you haven’t given it a fair shot. I know I did the same thing for over 2 years. I’ve finally had enough. I got rid of all my injectable t and nasal gel and only have cream in the house so I had no chance of switching things up lol. i Did mess with the dose a little too much at first but once I made it to labs. And see how I feel with decent numbers. I know what direction to go if I feel like changing dose. Again it’s your body. You do what you want. But you’re not doing yourself any favors by messing around so much. (Trust me I know). Thankfully my wife and a good friend had enough and got all in my shit about it and I’m doing much better on cream only.
Most people I have talked to that are similar to us. (struggles with trt) have used scrotal application. Again you were 3 days in. Those numbers are irrelevant. You still had injectables in your system. You really can’t say you ”feel” dht and e2 are a problem when you dont give anything a chance.

A few guys on this very forum have stated how all those numbers were irrelevant for them once dialed in on t cream. And they felt great. Look up Tman and Eli. (Two off the top of my head). I know what’s it’s like to feel bad and never want to go back to that but you’re just chasing your tail. You will never be able to right cream off because you haven’t given it a fair shot. I know I did the same thing for over 2 years. I’ve finally had enough. I got rid of all my injectable t and nasal gel and only have cream in the house so I had no chance of switching things up lol. i Did mess with the dose a little too much at first but once I made it to labs. And see how I feel with decent numbers. I know what direction to go if I feel like changing dose. Again it’s your body. You do what you want. But you’re not doing yourself any favors by messing around so much. (Trust me I know). Thankfully my wife and a good friend had enough and got all in my shit about it and I’m doing much better on cream only.
I'm sure you probably posted this somewhere, but are you one of the guys with low shbg?

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