I was using 20% strength. 50mg scrotal/50mg shoulder in the AM, then 50mg shoulder in the PM.
Trust me, brother - I want it to work! No question you are correct on letting the esters clear. I'd consider trying it one more time down the road. That said, I alluded above to a certain kind of bad feeling I get with cream. It's a familiar type of bad I have felt in the past. There is no question that three days is meaningless. But, I thought it might be informative to see how my numbers correlated with feeling this way.
For now, I am on Natesto solo. Natesto seems to be the trusty friend that's always there for you: maybe not terribly exciting, but not gonna let you down! In the past, I was able to inject various esters and use cream without the horrible side effects I now experience. Natesto by far is the easiest treatment option, but I digress. This is a cream thread.
Here's what I have so far:
- Total T 847 (250-1100)
- Free T 180.8 (35-155)
- SHBG 27.4
- DHT 165 (12-65)
- HGB/HCT normal
- Estradiol pending
I have felt OK with T levels this high, but have never had DHT close to this high. My sense is that high DHT and/or E2 is the reason for feeling the way I felt.