This is Weird! Testosterone Scrotal Cream vs Injections

I've been on the cream for nearly a year now.

I've settled on 3 clicks in the AM. (1 on scrotum, 2 on shoulders)
I also inject ~500iu HCG twice a week to keep my testicles plump and orgasms good.

TT 800-900 ng/dL 3 hours after injection with e2 around 20-30pg,mL.

It hasn't fixed my ED 100% that still causes occasional issues, and I'm not nearly as lean as I was on the injections. With that said, I feel consistently great with a pretty good mood. I'm not planning on changing anything at this point, just feeling consistently normal and forgetting that I'm even on TRT is all I could ask for.

T-cyp felt like injecting poison into my body, completely wrecked a year and a half of my life.
Sorry, one more question. Is your libido solid on 150mg per day T cream?

I think so, I tried many different dosages and intervals of HCG with T-cyp. I did T-cyp by itself, and even did HCG Mono too.

In the case of using the 500iu x2wk with the cream, I only do it for orgasms and testicle volume. I was doing the Cream for a good 6months before adding the HCG back in, and part of the reason I added HCG back in is because I have an unusually large amount on hand. A lot of it is due to expire this year unfortunately. I addition, I am somewhat Primary so the small amount I use probably does very little to my TT.
LOL Not my last question... Have you noticed any changes positive or negative since adding HCG back in?
This is what happened

Injection alone - Doesn't do shit for me no matter what protocol

Cream 2x a day - Felt Amazing, but due to horrible hair loss I stopped it but it was a miracle

Cream 1x a day - Felt great, not as great as 2x. Say about 75% of what I felt on 2x

now I'm doing injection + CreamScrotum - I'm not even feeling as good as I did with cream 1x a day. Still better than injection alone but not much better

It almost seems like injections just mess something up in the system, maybe low SHBG guys shouldn't have stable levels??? Because when I did injections the only other time I felt good was when I changed my dose, I'd feel good for a week or two then once bloods stabalize I'd feel like hell

SHBG - 10-13

“I'd feel good for a week or two then once bloods stabalize I'd feel like hell”

This seems to be the same for me as well. I can never get that feeling to stick no matter what.

Something I’ve noticed as well is just being on TRT makes me feel different even
if my levels are the exact same as before I got on.

By that I meant, before I started I would feel much better at 250 test, 15 e2 (using random numbers here) than if I had the same exact numbers on TRT. This is with or without the hcg so it’s not something related to being shutdown.
LOL Not my last question... Have you noticed any changes positive or negative since adding HCG back in?

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, yes my libido is pretty solid on this protocol and honestly I think the HCG helps a little bit too.

Not that I'm aware of, but I have been feeling exceptionally well over the past several months and perhaps the HCG has something to do with it?
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, yes my libido is pretty solid on this protocol and honestly I think the HCG helps a little bit too.

Not that I'm aware of, but I have been feeling exceptionally well over the past several months and perhaps the HCG has something to do with it?
No problem. Glad to hear. thank you for getting back to me.
Im a bit in the same boat struggling with libido.
Cream only —> poor mood, low libido
Injects only —> poor mood, low libido
At one point i said fuck this lets try an experiment and do a “high” dose and see what happens. So i did test E 50mg daily IM.
after 4 weeks, there was NO improvement in libido, but i had MUCH better mood!
But i gave up on this because my cream is prescribed and the injections not.. so i had no choice. So on a saturday i did my last daily shot. And sunday i started back up at 50mg creme 2x daily. And BOOM!! By sunday night i had raging libido and felt awesome! This lasted for 2-3weeks. And then feeling just mehh again..
so im really thinking of trying a combination of the 2. But not sure what protocol to start with?
Im wondering if the cream only gives me 2 much DHT and that is givong me low e2like symptoms? Idk..
Your protocol sounds interesting. A few years ago, so deeply depressed, I injected 30 mg Test E, IM. Woke up feeling great. Told my urologist when I went to get my lab results. He was fine with me doing 30 mg, daily. Yes, it did improve my mood and energy, had crazy libido...but still poor erectile function. And, I gained 15 pounds around the waist. Didn't want to use an AI. Now he's prescribed compounded topical to apply to the scrotum. We'll see.
Your protocol sounds interesting. A few years ago, so deeply depressed, I injected 30 mg Test E, IM. Woke up feeling great. Told my urologist when I went to get my lab results. He was fine with me doing 30 mg, daily. Yes, it did improve my mood and energy, had crazy libido...but still poor erectile function. And, I gained 15 pounds around the waist. Didn't want to use an AI. Now he's prescribed compounded topical to apply to the scrotum. We'll see.

A few years ago, so deeply depressed, I injected 30 mg Test E, IM. Woke up feeling great. Told my urologist when I went to get my lab results. He was fine with me doing 30 mg, daily. Yes, it did improve my mood and energy, had crazy libido...but still poor erectile function.

Would not have put too much weight behind this unless you had been on the protocol for 3 months and still maintained the positive effects.

As you very well know when starting a new protocol let alone increasing T dose levels are in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels stabilize (4-6 weeks) and during this time many can/will experience a temporary honeymoon period with a strong increase in libido/erections which is in most cases temporary and short-lived as the body will eventually adjust.

Even then it will take another 2-3 months for the body to adapt to those new levels and this is the critical time period when one should gauge how they truly feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-t symptoms.

Those critical 2-3 months is what separates the men from the boys.

Unfortunately many make the critical mistake of bailing out on a protocol before even giving it a fighting chance.

Top it off that too many get caught up in searching for that raging libido let alone expect that being on trt or running absurdly high T levels will have them running around with tons of energy, stellar mood, raging libido, titanium erections 24/7!

Unrealistic expectations.

And, I gained 15 pounds around the waist. Didn't want to use an AI.

You were retaining excess water/bloat.

This was most likely because your TT/FT/e2 levels were through the roof on such protocol as 210mg T/week (30 mg daily) would be a whopping dose of T for most!
I have had raging libido when I restart or change protocol. At one point I stopped for almost a month, To restart and used clomid. Suddenly I decided to go back and stop the restart ... injected 50mg twice weekly and for this week and maybe half the second Week had amazing libido and erection was super.

I think it all has to do with changing protocols.
Your protocol sounds interesting. A few years ago, so deeply depressed, I injected 30 mg Test E, IM. Woke up feeling great. Told my urologist when I went to get my lab results. He was fine with me doing 30 mg, daily. Yes, it did improve my mood and energy, had crazy libido...but still poor erectile function. And, I gained 15 pounds around the waist. Didn't want to use an AI. Now he's prescribed compounded topical to apply to the scrotum. We'll see.
Well after alot of experimenting i settled on a very weird protocol. But it worked wonders 70-100mg test E ( cant recall exactly what i did that period) every 10-12 days with daily 20% cream on the scrotum, 100mg am and 50mg pm. Life was good. But strangely enough, when i ordered new supply of cream and started this new batch everything went back to shit . This cream was thicker then my previous batches. Previous cream was much more watery and absorbed like instant.
Well after alot of experimenting i settled on a very weird protocol. But it worked wonders 70-100mg test E ( cant recall exactly what i did that period) every 10-12 days with daily 20% cream on the scrotum, 100mg am and 50mg pm. Life was good. But strangely enough, when i ordered new supply of cream and started this new batch everything went back to shit . This cream was thicker then my previous batches. Previous cream was much more watery and absorbed like instant.
High DHT can sensitize estradiol in the prostate, which through Estrone forms 16 alpha OH than in the man who has some genetic predisposition causes prostate cancer. When using the creams, do you do prostate and DHT exams every so often?
A few years ago, so deeply depressed, I injected 30 mg Test E, IM. Woke up feeling great. Told my urologist when I went to get my lab results. He was fine with me doing 30 mg, daily. Yes, it did improve my mood and energy, had crazy libido...but still poor erectile function.

Would not have put too much weight behind this unless you had been on the protocol for 3 months and still maintained the positive effects.

As you very well know when starting a new protocol let alone increasing T dose levels are in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels stabilize (4-6 weeks) and during this time many can/will experience a temporary honeymoon period with a strong increase in libido/erections which is in most cases temporary and short-lived as the body will eventually adjust.

Even then it will take another 2-3 months for the body to adapt to those new levels and this is the critical time period when one should gauge how they truly feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-t symptoms.

Those critical 2-3 months is what separates the men from the boys.

Unfortunately many make the critical mistake of bailing out on a protocol before even giving it a fighting chance.

Top it off that too many get caught up in searching for that raging libido let alone expect that being on trt or running absurdly high T levels will have them running around with tons of energy, stellar mood, raging libido, titanium erections 24/7!

Unrealistic expectations.

And, I gained 15 pounds around the waist. Didn't want to use an AI.

You were retaining excess water/bloat.

This was most likely because your TT/FT/e2 levels were through the roof on such protocol as 210mg T/week (30 mg daily) would be a whopping dose of T for most!
I recall, a couple of years ago, Nelson posting that he was on 100 mg, IM, 2x weekly. FYI, I was on that dosage for at least two months. I have extraordinary patience, borne from having to deal with untreatable bipolar illness for 16 years, suicidal ideation, plus associated physical health issues that go with bipolar. And before that, health problems since I was a child; not an exaggeration. I would have died shortly after I was born if my father, without money, hadn't found a surgeon to operate on me. My father told me that when you stop trying you start dying, so I carry on, even if it takes me to a dead end and I have to start over. I don't subscribe to the 'right way' 'wrong way' mode of thinking. The only 'way' is the way that works for someone, even if that takes you outside the conventional parameters.

I read plenty of medical abstracts, too; endocrinology, psychiatry, psychoneuroendocrinology, gastroenterology/microbiome. I've consulted with and communicated with some of the foremost researchers/clinicians in psychiatry and psychoneuroendocrinology. I see an excellent, cutting edge urologist. I'm desperate to restore my mental and physical health and sexual function. I want my life back; the life I had before 2004, when I began to relapse. I want to be able to work, to sleep, to have erections so I can make love to my wife. My brain and body are trying to go into shutdown mode and to that I say 'Fuck you!'. Balls to the wall, take no prisoners.
Well after alot of experimenting i settled on a very weird protocol. But it worked wonders 70-100mg test E ( cant recall exactly what i did that period) every 10-12 days with daily 20% cream on the scrotum, 100mg am and 50mg pm. Life was good. But strangely enough, when i ordered new supply of cream and started this new batch everything went back to shit . This cream was thicker then my previous batches. Previous cream was much more watery and absorbed like instant.
Your protocol speaks to the reality that some of us have to try non-standard 'protocols'; ones that are looked upon as odd or outdated. As for the quality of the cream, I've read that, too. You want to trust the compounding pharmacy, whether a small operation or a large one, to keep the quality consistent and listen to the feedback from their customers or prescribing physicians. Let them know. Maybe they believed they were improving the product but maybe not.
I recall, a couple of years ago, Nelson posting that he was on 100 mg, IM, 2x weekly. FYI, I was on that dosage for at least two months. I have extraordinary patience, borne from having to deal with untreatable bipolar illness for 16 years, suicidal ideation, plus associated physical health issues that go with bipolar. And before that, health problems since I was a child; not an exaggeration. I would have died shortly after I was born if my father, without money, hadn't found a surgeon to operate on me. My father told me that when you stop trying you start dying, so I carry on, even if it takes me to a dead end and I have to start over. I don't subscribe to the 'right way' 'wrong way' mode of thinking. The only 'way' is the way that works for someone, even if that takes you outside the conventional parameters.

I read plenty of medical abstracts, too; endocrinology, psychiatry, psychoneuroendocrinology, gastroenterology/microbiome. I've consulted with and communicated with some of the foremost researchers/clinicians in psychiatry and psychoneuroendocrinology. I see an excellent, cutting edge urologist. I'm desperate to restore my mental and physical health and sexual function. I want my life back; the life I had before 2004, when I began to relapse. I want to be able to work, to sleep, to have erections so I can make love to my wife. My brain and body are trying to go into shutdown mode and to that I say 'Fuck you!'. Balls to the wall, take no prisoners.

Again 210 mg/week let alone 30mg/daily is a whopping dose of T and would have most men's TT/FT/e2 levels through the roof!

Sure some men do need the higher-end doses to achieve a healthy FT level but it is far from common.

Many men on trt are overmedicated.

Stuck on that more T is better mentality.

Let alone many have no idea how high their FT level truly is on such protocols as they do not use accurate assays.

Regardless of how one feels good or bad, it is critical to know where your hormones truly sit on such protocols (dose T/injection frequency), and the only way to know such is to use accurate assays.

If you meant 2 months including the 4-6 weeks that it takes for blood levels to stabilize then it is hardly enough time to gauge how one truly feels on such protocol (dose T/injection frequency).

Again if one sets their expectations too high then you will most likely be chasing your tail for years to come.

Much more involved than just having healthy T levels.
Im a bit in the same boat struggling with libido.
Cream only —> poor mood, low libido
Injects only —> poor mood, low libido
At one point i said fuck this lets try an experiment and do a “high” dose and see what happens. So i did test E 50mg daily IM.
after 4 weeks, there was NO improvement in libido, but i had MUCH better mood!
But i gave up on this because my cream is prescribed and the injections not.. so i had no choice. So on a saturday i did my last daily shot. And sunday i started back up at 50mg creme 2x daily. And BOOM!! By sunday night i had raging libido and felt awesome! This lasted for 2-3weeks. And then feeling just mehh again..
so im really thinking of trying a combination of the 2. But not sure what protocol to start with?
Im wondering if the cream only gives me 2 much DHT and that is givong me low e2like symptoms? Idk...

This was pointless as such dose 350 mg/week T (50 mg daily) has absolutely nothing to do with trt/hrt.

Even if by some chance you felt amazing over the next few months I would put money on it that this would come to a grinding halt let alone one would be dealing with numerous sides!
Some of these experienecs with fluctuating levels and feeling better point to the concept of less frequent injections could be beneficial for some. I know that the entire time I have been on Cyp, my libido and erections have been not so great. I have never tried anything less frequent than twice a week. Having absolutely steady state levels is not natural. I might try the cream upon my next consultation if I am not feeling satisfied.
Some of these experienecs with fluctuating levels and feeling better point to the concept of less frequent injections could be beneficial for some. I know that the entire time I have been on Cyp, my libido and erections have been not so great. I have never tried anything less frequent than twice a week. Having absolutely steady state levels is not natural. I might try the cream upon my next consultation if I am not feeling satisfied.
If you want to have more variation you can try the propionate together with the cypionate. @Cataceous has used a mixture of enanthate and ED propionate as propionate causes some variation in testosterone levels to occur.
This was pointless as such dose 350 mg/week T (50 mg daily) has absolutely nothing to do with trt/hrt.

Even if by some chance you felt amazing over the next few months I would put money on it that this would come to a grinding halt let alone one would be dealing with numerous sides!
Could be pointless.. but after feeling like shit for years you’ll try anything to make you feel better
High DHT can sensitize estradiol in the prostate, which through Estrone forms 16 alpha OH than in the man who has some genetic predisposition causes prostate cancer. When using the creams, do you do prostate and DHT exams every so often?
i dont do prostate exams. And here in Belgium you can’t even test for DHT..

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