Trans scrotal testosterone cream application is a game changer

So I was on injections of Testosterone cyp for almost 4 years before switching over to scrotal testosterone cream application. Let me tell you it has been absolutely amazing how much better I feel on the cream verses the injections. I dose it at 150 mg daily (3 clicks), 50 mg in the morning before bed (I work nights) and 100 mg about an hour before I leave for work at night. I was doing daily sub q injections for the past couple years, 20 mg cyp daily. I felt good on that protocol, but this blows that protocol out of the water. I messed up and did labs about 2 hours after my application and everything came back out of range, with free t at 48. I would encourage anyone interested to give the scrotal t-cream application a go, I can't see myself ever going back to injections.
Great numbers man. Was that the regular hrt base empower uses?

My e2 has been higher then that and didn’t effect my erection quality. I know everyone is different. But maybe it’s not “e2”. Could your t levels just be too high for you?
Yeah….just the regular base….what’s funny is I put 4 clicks on my inner thighs for awhile just to see what would happen and within 2 weeks I could tell it wasn’t doing shit…pulled TT and it was 210! Apparently my skin is like plastic except on my balls…and yeah, I’m sure the high test levels also didn’t help, although curiously I didn’t feel as anxious and overstimulated as when my levels were high on injections. I really wished the one click would have worked because I felt pretty good on it, but erection quality just wasn’t good….
Yeah….just the regular base….what’s funny is I put 4 clicks on my inner thighs for awhile just to see what would happen and within 2 weeks I could tell it wasn’t doing shit…pulled TT and it was 210! Apparently my skin is like plastic except on my balls…and yeah, I’m sure the high test levels also didn’t help, although curiously I didn’t feel as anxious and overstimulated as when my levels were high on injections. I really wished the one click would have worked because I felt pretty good on it, but erection quality just wasn’t good….
have you ever tried cream with daily tadalafil? That seems to be a great combo for many guys.
have you ever tried cream with daily tadalafil? That seems to be a great combo for many guys.
Yessir….been on the 5mg for a handful of years now….I may go back and give it more time, but I gave it a good couple of months…I get so jealous of the friends I have that shoot 100 mg (or more) once a week and sail along. I’ve asked myself if maybe my expectations are just out of line at 54, but then I ll run through times where “thumper” gets as hard as it ever did and I’m ready to go 2-3 times a week….just can’t sustain it…overall EQ is usually better on injections, but I’ve even had spells where it wasn’t all that great even on the needle….I may just replace pussy with pie and when I go get a “piece” it’ll be chocolate or lemon!!!
Yessir….been on the 5mg for a handful of years now….I may go back and give it more time, but I gave it a good couple of months…I get so jealous of the friends I have that shoot 100 mg (or more) once a week and sail along. I’ve asked myself if maybe my expectations are just out of line at 54, but then I ll run through times where “thumper” gets as hard as it ever did and I’m ready to go 2-3 times a week….just can’t sustain it…overall EQ is usually better on injections, but I’ve even had spells where it wasn’t all that great even on the needle….I may just replace pussy with pie and when I go get a “piece” it’ll be chocolate or lemon!!!
I know for me on cream my erections are very reliable. My nocturnal erections are really good and my libido is pretty much as good as when I was in my 20s. My only issue with trt has been my moods. Seems to amplify obsessive thoughts. And that leads to depression.
Yessir….been on the 5mg for a handful of years now….I may go back and give it more time, but I gave it a good couple of months…I get so jealous of the friends I have that shoot 100 mg (or more) once a week and sail along. I’ve asked myself if maybe my expectations are just out of line at 54, but then I ll run through times where “thumper” gets as hard as it ever did and I’m ready to go 2-3 times a week….just can’t sustain it…overall EQ is usually better on injections, but I’ve even had spells where it wasn’t all that great even on the needle….I may just replace pussy with pie and when I go get a “piece” it’ll be chocolate or lemon!!!

I bet if u worked on improving ur diet, and other lifestyle factors, like sleep and stress and exercising with weights, u’d see much more consistency with ur sexual function. I’ve tried every protocol under the sun, and I’ve always had pretty good libido and erections. I attribute this to always being on top of optimizing all my lifestyle factors apart from my hormone protocol. I really think these things make MUCH more of a difference, in regards to how protocols work, than people realize. Just some food for thought
I bet if u worked on improving ur diet, and other lifestyle factors, like sleep and stress and exercising with weights, u’d see much more consistency with ur sexual function. I’ve tried every protocol under the sun, and I’ve always had pretty good libido and erections. I attribute this to always being on top of optimizing all my lifestyle factors apart from my hormone protocol. I really think these things make MUCH more of a difference, in regards to how protocols work, than people realize. Just some food for thought
No doubt libido and erections are multi factorial, especially as we age…..I’m in what I would consider on the good side of overall health and fitness, stress levels fluctuate but many have it worse….just puzzling that when I have a “good” run of libido and response I can’t put my finger on what’s different when it isn’t good…..
No doubt libido and erections are multi factorial, especially as we age…..I’m in what I would consider on the good side of overall health and fitness, stress levels fluctuate but many have it worse….just puzzling that when I have a “good” run of libido and response I can’t put my finger on what’s different when it isn’t good…..

That definitely sounds extremely frustrating, and puzzling obv. We don’t have to get too deep into the weeds, in regards to diet, but can u give a brief description of what a normal day of eating looks like for u? I bet I can give u a ton of tips on how to improve sexual function just based on what ur eating. And it will most likely be surprising to u. Someone saying they eat good literally means zero to me at this point lol. I’m a nurse, and funny enough, another nurse where I work did an inservice to the staff on heart health last week, and this morning I saw a paper with the food pyramid on it, and it’s such a joke. And this is what medical professionals are using for cardiovascular health inservices in 2024. I’ll post a pic of it. Point being, 99.99% of the time, when people say they’re eating healthy/ think they’re eating healthy, it couldn’t be further from the truth. And I promise u diet plays a much bigger role in sexual function than u think, no offense. It just plays a much bigger role than most guys think


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That definitely sounds extremely frustrating, and puzzling obv. We don’t have to get too deep into the weeds, in regards to diet, but can u give a brief description of what a normal day of eating looks like for u? I bet I can give u a ton of tips on how to improve sexual function just based on what ur eating. And it will most likely be surprising to u. Someone saying they eat good literally means zero to me at this point lol. I’m a nurse, and funny enough, another nurse where I work did an inservice to the staff on heart health last week, and this morning I saw a paper with the food pyramid on it, and it’s such a joke. And this is what medical professionals are using for cardiovascular health inservices in 2024. I’ll post a pic of it. Point being, 99.99% of the time, when people say they’re eating healthy/ think they’re eating healthy, it couldn’t be further from the truth. And I promise u diet plays a much bigger role in sexual function than u think, no offense. It just plays a much bigger role than most guys think
What do you consider central to a good diet? Personally, I avoid sugar and processed foods. I eat meat or fish every day but at the same time try to keep my cholesterol below 240-250 which isn't too difficult. But on a paleo diet it easily goes above 300.
What do you consider central to a good diet? Personally, I avoid sugar and processed foods. I eat meat or fish every day but at the same time try to keep my cholesterol below 240-250 which isn't too difficult. But on a paleo diet it easily goes above 300.

So after at least 20 years straight of non stop researching on the subject, and still continue to research daily, it’s extremely obv that the healthiest diet is a carnivore diet, or at least a carnivore based diet, with added carbs, in the forms of fruits and raw honey. And I’ve done equally as much research on both sides of the coin. I’ve looked into a vegetarian/ vegan diet almost as much as I have carnivore. It’s just now that I know for a 100% fact that a carnivore/ carnivore based diet is the healthiest diet we can eat, I don’t really feel the need to continue researching diets that I know aren’t optimal for us.

Avoiding processed foods should always be the #1 goal with any diet. That’s where ur going to see the most benefits, regardless of the type of diet u decide to eat. And sugar is such an ambiguous term at this point. But yes, avoiding added sugar in food is obv the way to go

Meat is another ambiguous term. All meat is not created equal. When I speak, I speak about what a person eats on a regular basis. What we eat daily/ regularly, and what we eat on occasion, can be two different things, and u can still have pretty optimal health, overall. We’re not robots lol. I say that because u said u consume meat and fish. Fish right away is not something u want to consume regularly. And if it’s the kind of fish that most people are eating, u really don’t want to consume it at all. Maybe on occasion if ur really craving it. But fish are a monogastric animal. Any monogastric animal that isn’t eating its natural diet, u want to stay away from. The only animals that u want to consume that don’t eat their natural diet, are ruminant animals. They have 4 chambers to their stomachs, and are able to ferment and turn not great food into meat that’s still high quality enough to be very healthy for us. But with a monogastric animal, if they eat crap, the meat that u consume when eating them is crap too, and u want to stay away from eating them regularly. But if the monogastric animal is eating it’s natural diet, then go for it and eat that meat regularly. In regards to fish tho, most fish aren’t wild caught. So right away u don’t want to touch any fish that aren’t wild caught. And even if they are wild caught, u don’t want to consume them too regularly, due to most fish being moderate to high in heavy metals. I know everyone thinks the more omega 3’s from fish they can get, the better their health is going to be. But that’s not the case. It’s actually arguable that we don’t want to get too many polyunsaturated fats in our diet. So if ur going to consume fish, try to stick to only wild caught fish, and only eat them maybe once or twice a week. Or eat some sardines here and there during the week as a little omega 3 supplement. And like I said, just stay away from eating chicken and pork on a regular basis, unless it’s from chickens and pigs that were fed their natural diet. The meat that u want to be consuming as much as possible everyday is fatty ruminant animal meat.

Don’t stress cholesterol. Cholesterol is not what causes cardiovascular disease. Eating as much fatty ruminant meat as u can each day will only decrease ur risk of cardiovascular disease. Don’t worry about how high ur HDL, LDL and/ or total cholesterol levels sit. What u want to focus on is keeping HDL as high as u can get it, and keeping triglycerides as low as possible. And then letting ldl and total cholesterol sit wherever it will. Studies show that the people with the lowest cholesterol levels have more cardiovascular events than people with high cholesterol. Don’t be like some people believing in false information that they grew up hearing. Like low cholesterol will prevent heart attacks, egg yolks and fatty red meat and cholesterol in general will increase ur chances of having a heart attack, butter is bad for u, eat margarine instead, etc. Whatever u learned growing up/ hearing about diet, basically just do the complete opposite lol. Eat as much fatty red meat as u can, consume as much grass fed butter as u want, and consume as many pastured egg yolks as u want. U do those things, and u would be shocked at how amazing u feel, and how ur overall health improves.

And either don’t consume at all, or if u have to, limit ur intake of nuts, seeds, legumes, grains, crap dairy and vegetables/ plants
@of574 its funny, after I sent that reply to u, I checked my fb feed, and immediately saw this post. Basically just eat like this guy and u’ll be good lol. People think eating carnivore, or mostly carnivore is restrictive and limits delicious foods. But those people just don’t realize the things that they can eat. Idk how anyone could complain that to be the healthiest they can be they “have” to consume fatty red meat cooked on a grill or cooked in a pan with literally as much butter as they want, and then who would want some nice crab legs that they can then dip in as much grass fed butter/ ghee as they want, and then shrimp/ scallops wrapped in bacon with more grassfed butter/ ghee. Like come on, my mouth is literally drooling just typing this lol

And I know I say not to eat monogastric animals that aren’t fed their natural diets, on a regular basis, but absolutely 100% still eat that over processed foods, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, vegetables/ plants and crap oils. Oh that’s another huge thing. What people cook their food in. Never cook with anything that’s not solid at room temp. So only cook with things like grass fed butter/ ghee, organic unrefined coconut oil, lard, suet, etc. I’m sure there’s a few others. But never cook with oils that are liquid at room temp. And honestly stay away from consuming oils in general. Even olive oil. But if u need to consume things like olive oil or avocado oil, just never heat them up/ cook with them. But absolute stay away from canola oil, vegetable oil, and just any processed seed oils in general. They’re worse for u than high fructose corn syrup, believe it or not. And they’re in most processed foods


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Thank you very much for that. Some of what you said is not new to me, however there certainly are points that I never considered before and will look into further.

As to the threads starting point for going into diet - sexual function. High cholesterol is often cited as a high risk factor for ED and an obstacle to the production of nitric oxide. Is this another busted "truth" on the level that margarine is better for us than butter?
Thank you very much for that. Some of what you said is not new to me, however there certainly are points that I never considered before and will look into further.

As to the threads starting point for going into diet - sexual function. High cholesterol is often cited as a high risk factor for ED and an obstacle to the production of nitric oxide. Is this another busted "truth" on the level that margarine is better for us than butter?

100% a myth. There’s nothing better that u can do for proper hormone production/ balance (main components of libido), as well as optimal cardiovascular/ endothelial lining of the blood vessels (a few of the main components of erectile health), than eating a carnivore diet/ carnivore based diet, and eating most of ur calories from fatty red meat/ cholesterol rich foods. If u want to improve ur erections, get ur fasting insulin level and triglyceride levels as low as possible. Those are two of the main ways to improve blood vessel health. And we obv all should know by now that erections are very dependent on how healthy our cardiovascular systems are in general. Erections are also pretty heavily dependent on libido, ime, so maintaining optimal hormone balances within the body is equally important, again, imo/ ime. And the carnivore diet will 100% help with that, better than any other diet model u can base ur daily eating habits around. So again, the whole high cholesterol negatively affecting erections and nitric oxide production are total myths. I can say that with the utmost confidence. Now would nitric oxide production be improved if u did a carnivore base, with added carbs from raw honey and fruit? I’m honestly not sure. But my gut tells me there’s a good chance that it would be, with those foods in the mix, on top of a carnivore base. I’d have to look into it more to know for sure tho
I know for me on cream my erections are very reliable. My nocturnal erections are really good and my libido is pretty much as good as when I was in my 20s. My only issue with trt has been my moods. Seems to amplify obsessive thoughts. And that leads to depression.
I had the same, 2.5mg of zyprexa do the trick even for depression
On the carnivore diet, consuming sufficient calories, my libido was zero!
I respond best to a high carb diet.
The higher the sugar content, the higher the libido for me.
Eating lots of chocolate and sugary foods skyrockets my libido.

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