Testosterone plus Clomid Combination

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34 year old male here. Been on TRT for approx 30 months.

Started clomid @ 25mg eod in mid June, alongside TRT of 165mg/week (M,W,F). One week in I noticed my balls were hanging lower pretty consistently, they also seemed slightly more inflated. My goal was fertility - 9 weeks in I got an analysis done and I was sterile. FSH/LH were <.02. At around the 6 week mark, I started to feel some slight negative effects. Mood, enthusiasm, focus - all lowered. Not zeroed out, but enough to notice the change. Around this time I also developed a pretty foul body odor and was sweating randomly like crazy (yes, I shower plenty lol). After my semen analysis, and considering these negative sides, I decided to taper down to 12.5mg EOD, then E3D, then finally dropped clomid completely. Personally, I do not have any data to backup the need for a taper, but it seemed wise to me considering my body was obviously being impacted by the drug.

For my purposes, clomid @ 25mg EOD with TRT was a failure. Looking through my log, it seems obvious that clomid was impacting my body's chemistry and some of the things I was experiencing/not experiencing. Unfortunately, most of them were negative. The only upside was balls hanging lower and possibly a big bigger. Not worth it in my case.

Good luck to everyone!
Do you feel better now that you've dropped the clomid?

also I need some advice if you have any :

Ive been taking Enclomiphene for 3 weeks at 25 mg daily as a fertility protocol.

I’ve been feeling absolutely awful, and today I honestly caved and pinned 30 mg of test cyp, As I decided to bail on this fertility protocol. I know I was being a total wimp and not toughing it out. But I’m at this point what would you do if you were in my position? Just get back on TRT or would I have to start my PCT fertility protocol from the beginning?
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I'm 40, on trt for 2 years. 200mg a week. My wife and I recently discussed having another child. I knew I was suppressed so I did a semen analysis. Results showed zero sperm. The doc told me to cease TRT and begin clomid 50mg every day. I didnt like that too much, I didn't want to stop trt. After researching a bit, I thought I could do both. Well, I am 2 weeks in. My testicles do feel bigger but.....

After reading these labs I see that clomid doesn't raise FSH or LH if exogenous testosterone is present. So, I have begrudgingly stopped my testosterone.

Let's hope this goes as planned.... the moment she is pregnant, back to trt I go.
The doc told me to cease TRT and begin clomid 50mg every day. I didnt like that too much, I didn't want to stop trt.

Search PubMed (or this board) for the keywords HCG and fertility. Print out a few of the results and show them to your doctor. I'm not saying clomid won't work (in fact, there's research to suggest it will), but there's likely a better way.

For instance:

Clomid will work as well. Its clogs receptors in hypothalamus which respond to estrogen and limit Gnrh if enough estrogen is binding. If those receptors are blocked even on trt GnRh will still be reliesed and stimulate LH and FSH. If you do not think so trt it for your self.It has brought my testicles back to pre trt size.I only speak facts here and personal experience. Think about it.
Hiold post but I can confirm I was lh and fsh total defficient on long term trt and anabolic use levels were non existent ,tried trt with hcg all doses nothing happened to my balls ..added 25mg clomid on Mon wed Fri and conceived a child aged 49 ..this was after cycling for years and no nuts ..so I agree my daughters now 2 years old ..it took approx 8 weeks from starting the clomid ..here's what I did continued the 300 test PW with 500 iu HCG Mon wed Fri ..then added the clomid ..started at 50 a day for a week then the 25 mg ..doctors say it's because I added clomid all the best
Clomid will work as well. Its clogs receptors in hypothalamus which respond to estrogen and limit Gnrh if enough estrogen is binding. If those receptors are blocked even on trt GnRh will still be reliesed and stimulate LH and FSH. If you do not think so trt it for your self.It has brought my testicles back to pre trt size.I only speak facts here and personal experience. Think about it.
Hiold post but I can confirm I was lh and fsh total defficient on long term trt and anabolic use levels were non existent ,tried trt with hcg all doses nothing happened to my balls ..added 25mg clomid on Mon wed Fri and conceived a child aged 49 ..this was after cycling for years and no nuts ..so I agree my daughters now 2 years old ..it took approx 8 weeks from starting the clomid ..here's what I did continued the 300 test PW with 500 iu HCG Mon wed Fri ..then added the clomid ..started at 50 a day for a week then the 25 mg ..doctors say it's because I added clomid all the best
Now I am not denying that clomid has no affect on LH in the presence of exogenous testosterone, but I don't understand how clomid can raise endogenous levels to 900 or more, and the HPTA is still not shut down. How is that endogenous 900 level from clomid different from the exogenous 900 level?

As in, how does the body "sense" exogenous testosterone and clomid simply won't work?
Don't listen to those who do not know What they are talking about. Clomid will still help with testicle size. It works for me as well. I take it during trt on and off.
iold post but I can confirm I was lh and fsh total defficient on long term trt and anabolic use levels were non existent ,tried trt with hcg all doses nothing happened to my balls ..added 25mg clomid on Mon wed Fri and conceived a child aged 49 ..this was after cycling for years and no nuts ..so I agree my daughters now 2 years old ..it took approx 8 weeks from starting the clomid ..here's what I did continued the 300 test PW with 500 iu HCG Mon wed Fri ..then added the clomid ..started at 50 a day for a week then the 25 mg ..doctors say it's because I added clomid all the best
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This is one forum of millions. You can find the answer you want and the exact opposite. Many well researched, backed by science, peer reviewed. And yet you can find the exact opposite. I was told by my MD that low dose clomid w/ TRT can be helpful. Yet, I've read and fact checked many responses that say otherwise. I don't trust MD's. Most of the guys on here that have cycled for a while are WAY more knowledgable. There are no more facts. The ammount of info is overwhelming.
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