Testosterone in Atrevis hydrogel base = almost double test levels!

How are you liking cream compared to shots?
It is good since I can attain nice T levels. I may return to 50 mg twice per week injections for convenience since I will add 500 IU hCG twice per week back this week. Some men like daily dosage and some prefer once or twice per week dosing. The experiment with the hydrogel was important for me to see if it indeed absorbed better than the regular compounded cream. Libido boost during the first month was good but it tends to stabilize after a while. But nothing works better for libido for me than hCG, even after using it for several years.
It is good since I can attain nice T levels. I may return to 50 mg twice per week injections for convenience since I will add 500 IU hCG twice per week back this week. Some men like daily dosage and some prefer once or twice per week dosing. The experiment with the hydrogel was important for me to see if it indeed absorbed better than the regular compounded cream. Libido boost during the first month was good but it tends to stabilize after a while. But nothing works better for libido for me than hCG, even after using it for several years.
Okay yes this was my experience as well. Good to know.
Take a look where TT level sits 16 h (post-application) using the 50 mg dose.


This study provides a pharmacokinetic profile of three doses of testosterone administered to the scrotal skin in a cream formulation. Application of the testosterone cream produced a rapid rise in serum testosterone peaking around 2 h after administration with a dose-dependent peak concentration, but not any consistent relationship between time of peak and testosterone dose.
At the lowest dose (12.5 mg), the serum testosterone concentrations were maintained in the physiological range for at least 12 h and with the 25 mg dose maintained serum testosterone concentrations within the physiological range for nearly 24 h concentration.


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Figure 1 Serum testosterone following three doses (12.5, 25, 50 mg) of testosterone cream applied to the scrotal skin at time zero with sequential blood sampling at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 and 16 h. Each participant underwent scheduled blood sampling after administration of each of the three doses with at least 2 days between the administration and sampling periods. S1 and S2 are two screening blood samples taken prior to the study and P1 and P2 are two blood samples taken 15 and 5 min prior to the application of the testosterone cream. Data are plotted as the mean and standard error of the mean. Biexponential curves are fitted to all the data for each dose. For further details see the text. Note conversion factors: to ng/dL multiple ng/mL by 100; to SI units multiply ng/mL by 3.47. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com].
Is there a chart to accompany this graph with the specific ng/dl on the hours tested? I’d like to do a few calculations to project where the 24 hour serum level will end up and then determine the buildup of subsequent doses to have an estimated steady state graph/chart.

Also it would be useful to know what base the cream was in?
Is there a chart to accompany this graph with the specific ng/dl on the hours tested? I’d like to do a few calculations to project where the 24 hour serum level will end up and then determine the buildup of subsequent doses to have an estimated steady state graph/chart.

Also it would be useful to know what base the cream was in?
Also was the cream different concentrations or same concentration different volume? Unspecified?
Is there a chart to accompany this graph with the specific ng/dl on the hours tested? I’d like to do a few calculations to project where the 24 hour serum level will end up and then determine the buildup of subsequent doses to have an estimated steady state graph/chart.

Also it would be useful to know what base the cream was in?

Not that I am aware of.

conversion factors: to ng/dL multiple ng/mL by 100

*The strengths of this study include the detailed blood sampling after single applications of a range of testosterone doses (12.5, 25, 50 mg) to better define the pharmacokinetics of the scrotal skin route, the use of nandrolone to suppress endogenous testosterone to allow an investigation of testosterone pharmacokinetics without interference by endogenous testosterone, and the use of LC-MS measurement of all steroids.

The limitations of this study are that it investigated only a single administration so that long-term steady-state findings could not be studied.

The use of nandrolone to suppress endogenous testosterone could, in theory, modify skin or other organs which might influence testosterone absorption or metabolism and, while it cannot be excluded, this possibility would not interfere with the interpretation of our findings relevant to the different testosterone doses studied in random sequence under the same conditions.


This was a single-center, three-phase cross-over pharmacokinetic study of three single doses in a random sequence of testosterone cream [AndroForte 5, 5% w/v (50 mg/mL) testosterone cream; Lawley Pharmaceuticals, West Leederville, Australia] administered to healthy volunteers.

*AndroForte 5 (Lawley Pharmaceuticals, Perth, Australia) is a new 5% (50 mg/mL) alcohol-free topical testosterone cream (T cream) approved for use in men with confirmed androgen deficiency.

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Also was the cream different concentrations or same concentration different volume? Unspecified?

Same concentration different volume.

After two screening visits, participants attended five study visits over 11 days. They were administered two intramuscular injections of nandrolone decanoate (50 mg in 1 mL Arachis oil vehicle) comprising 200 mg three days prior to and 100 mg four days after the first testosterone dose to suppress endogenous testosterone secretion throughout the study. The nandrolone dosage was selected as known to transiently suppress endogenous testosterone for the study period without adverse effects (Minto et al., 1997; Handelsman et al., 2009, 2014; Singh et al., 2014). Each eligible, consenting participant was administered three single doses of testosterone cream in a random sequence on different study days with at least 2 days wash-out period between studies. The testosterone doses were 50 mg (1 mL cream), 25 mg (0.5 mL cream), and 12.5 mg (0.25 mL cream) each drawn from the same tube for each participant with the volume (dose) of testosterone cream measured using 1 mL insulin syringe and verified by a separate investigator. A venous cannula was inserted to obtain three pre-dose baseline blood samples at 15, 5 min and immediately prior to application of the testosterone cream which was applied at 08:00 to the scrotum by the participant using a gloved hand. Blood sampling was then further undertaken at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, and 16 h post-cream application. Serum was stored frozen (-20 °C) until assay in a single batch. In addition, venous and finger-prick blood samples were spotted onto filter paper at 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 24 h and stored at room temperature in sealed plastic bags. T
Hey I am very recently on TRT.. My doc started me on ( Testosterone 200 MG/GM ATREVIS CREAM #15, 2 clicks per day) I picked it up at my closest compounding pharmacy. Which came in a topi-click 35. It was supposed to be a 30 day supply. But when I did a little research my first day using it. I found out that the pharmacy somehow messed up, only giving me a 15 day supply. I know this because on the topi-click 35, it has a refill marker. It says that at the bottom of the refill marker, their are approx 32 clicks left. So I have a few questions. 1st, how much testosterone am I putting on daily with the written prescription? 2ndly, how can I find out if what I have been applying is even the prescribed amount? Finally, how can I get this fixed. I contacted the pharmacy and they argued, that they gave me 15gm, which would have been half of the topi-click filled. When I originally picked it up, it was only filled to the bottom of the refill line. I have been using it since the 17th. And the only thing that I have noticed, is me being way more flaccid as well as super frequent erections. Any help with all the info and questions I supplied, would be very much appreciated. Cuz I'm getting nowhere with the pharmacy, nor my doctors office who said that it was called in as a 30 day supply, and that I needed to work it out with the pharmacy I got it from... I am so stressed out and concerned about this. Tho it did only cost me $15 for the prescription, I still feel that their should be a way to get the rest of the months supply without paying again. Especially if they could have compounded the prescribed dosage incorrectly (which they did with how many days I was supplied) resulting in a possible doubled dose each time I apply it. Thank you, to anyone who reads this and especially to someone who may be able to help me figure this out! I attached a copy of the topi-click I have, as well as a Pic of my topi-click after 2 uses.
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Has anyone had any experience getting Testosterone with Hydrogel base compounded in Canada? I've only been met with resistance, as everyone is a shill of the government. The big thing is getting a precipitation and no one is touching something that isn't on the vastly out dated approved drug list. I would be dead before this compound gets approved.

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