I was tested about 6 hours after application on the 20% Atrevis strength, .5ml once per day and was over 1400ng/dl. She lowered mine to 15% strength. Have been on this the last 2 months and haven't been tested.
I have high blood pressure and my HCT was at the upper range, and I "complained" about not sleeping as well as I was. I wish she hadn't lowered it.
During the first 2 months I was going through so many weird feelings (emotions, jealousy, horny beyond what's normal, etc) with the changes and all, that I thought my test was too high, or my Estrodil levels were getting out of hand. So when I complained about these things, she assumed it was too much.
I couldn't get a boner after a month on trt, and before trt I was fine in that department (pre trt levels were 323ng/dl). Or I figured my Estrogen levels were getting too high. But turns out it was a damn water pill she had me on for high bp. I stopped the water pill and within a few days my erections were back and better than ever.
I definitely notice not as much drive on the 15% strength as I had on the 20% strength. I haven't had bloods on the 15% yet, so it's hard to say what my numbers are. If your Dr. is fine with you up at that level and all your other things check out good I say stay there. As long as you check your bloods regularly you'll be fine. I'm going to try to get back up to the 20% strength.