Are higher T levels safe

Thanks for the reply. How long have you been on cream for? Have you ever missed 2nd application in the evening? I have and honestly didn't feel much different, however I wonder if that would change after a few days/weeks of missing the second dose? Ya I wish I knew what my levels would be 24 hours after, guess the only way is to test. I didn't know it varied that much in people, Nelson must have had a pretty high level 12 hours after application as well than.
If missed second dose and felt no different also. Still woke up with morning wood. I’m dont know if this is going to sound totally ridiculous but I don’t see how just because blood levels drop temporarily,testosterones effects on the tissue and cells just disappears.
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Hey guys,

I switched creams from hrt base 10% 100mg a day (50mg twice per day) to atrevis base 20% same protocol.

My acne cleared up and actually feel much better overall, I suspected I was possibly getting less testosterone since acne went away however that wasnt the case.
My testosterone on the hrt base was 723ng/dl with a free t of 23, e2 248pmol. Now my total is 1087, e2 188pmol, 30FT.

This is 12 hours after last application so im most likely running around with 1500+ testosterone on a regular basis since I'm taking the cream twice a day.

Im wondering if it fine/safe for me to be at those high levels long term? I'm not sure what my trt guy is going to say but I do talk with him in a few days.

My hemoglobin is 163 top of ref is 175, hematocrit is at 48 , so within range. Rbcs is 5.34. So I think all that looks good.

Thanks guys.
I was tested about 6 hours after application on the 20% Atrevis strength, .5ml once per day and was over 1400ng/dl. She lowered mine to 15% strength. Have been on this the last 2 months and haven't been tested.
I have high blood pressure and my HCT was at the upper range, and I "complained" about not sleeping as well as I was. I wish she hadn't lowered it.
During the first 2 months I was going through so many weird feelings (emotions, jealousy, horny beyond what's normal, etc) with the changes and all, that I thought my test was too high, or my Estrodil levels were getting out of hand. So when I complained about these things, she assumed it was too much.
I couldn't get a boner after a month on trt, and before trt I was fine in that department (pre trt levels were 323ng/dl). Or I figured my Estrogen levels were getting too high. But turns out it was a damn water pill she had me on for high bp. I stopped the water pill and within a few days my erections were back and better than ever.
I definitely notice not as much drive on the 15% strength as I had on the 20% strength. I haven't had bloods on the 15% yet, so it's hard to say what my numbers are. If your Dr. is fine with you up at that level and all your other things check out good I say stay there. As long as you check your bloods regularly you'll be fine. I'm going to try to get back up to the 20% strength.
I was tested about 6 hours after application on the 20% Atrevis strength, .5ml once per day and was over 1400ng/dl. She lowered mine to 15% strength. Have been on this the last 2 months and haven't been tested.
I have high blood pressure and my HCT was at the upper range, and I "complained" about not sleeping as well as I was. I wish she hadn't lowered it.
During the first 2 months I was going through so many weird feelings (emotions, jealousy, horny beyond what's normal, etc) with the changes and all, that I thought my test was too high, or my Estrodil levels were getting out of hand. So when I complained about these things, she assumed it was too much.
I couldn't get a boner after a month on trt, and before trt I was fine in that department (pre trt levels were 323ng/dl). Or I figured my Estrogen levels were getting too high. But turns out it was a damn water pill she had me on for high bp. I stopped the water pill and within a few days my erections were back and better than ever.
I definitely notice not as much drive on the 15% strength as I had on the 20% strength. I haven't had bloods on the 15% yet, so it's hard to say what my numbers are. If your Dr. is fine with you up at that level and all your other things check out good I say stay there. As long as you check your bloods regularly you'll be fine. I'm going to try to get back up to the 20% strength.
How many clicks of the 20% and how did you dose it ? Am-pm ?
I was tested about 6 hours after application on the 20% Atrevis strength, .5ml once per day and was over 1400ng/dl. She lowered mine to 15% strength. Have been on this the last 2 months and haven't been tested.
I have high blood pressure and my HCT was at the upper range, and I "complained" about not sleeping as well as I was. I wish she hadn't lowered it.
During the first 2 months I was going through so many weird feelings (emotions, jealousy, horny beyond what's normal, etc) with the changes and all, that I thought my test was too high, or my Estrodil levels were getting out of hand. So when I complained about these things, she assumed it was too much.
I couldn't get a boner after a month on trt, and before trt I was fine in that department (pre trt levels were 323ng/dl). Or I figured my Estrogen levels were getting too high. But turns out it was a damn water pill she had me on for high bp. I stopped the water pill and within a few days my erections were back and better than ever.
I definitely notice not as much drive on the 15% strength as I had on the 20% strength. I haven't had bloods on the 15% yet, so it's hard to say what my numbers are. If your Dr. is fine with you up at that level and all your other things check out good I say stay there. As long as you check your bloods regularly you'll be fine. I'm going to try to get back up to the 20% strength.
It’s seems like for a good amount of us that “struggle” or ”struggled” with trt kind of go through that when we switch to cream. I had a similar experience for the first month or two. I assumed my t was also too high. And it actually wasn’t. I just think it’s the ratio of the metabolites and the body adjusting to it all throws some of us for a loop at first. But it leveled out for me and all is well. I also had to raise my dose. And on cream I can handle the higher levels. On injections I couldn’t handle them whatever reason.
I was tested about 6 hours after application on the 20% Atrevis strength, .5ml once per day and was over 1400ng/dl. She lowered mine to 15% strength. Have been on this the last 2 months and haven't been tested.
I have high blood pressure and my HCT was at the upper range, and I "complained" about not sleeping as well as I was. I wish she hadn't lowered it.
During the first 2 months I was going through so many weird feelings (emotions, jealousy, horny beyond what's normal, etc) with the changes and all, that I thought my test was too high, or my Estrodil levels were getting out of hand. So when I complained about these things, she assumed it was too much.
I couldn't get a boner after a month on trt, and before trt I was fine in that department (pre trt levels were 323ng/dl). Or I figured my Estrogen levels were getting too high. But turns out it was a damn water pill she had me on for high bp. I stopped the water pill and within a few days my erections were back and better than ever.
I definitely notice not as much drive on the 15% strength as I had on the 20% strength. I haven't had bloods on the 15% yet, so it's hard to say what my numbers are. If your Dr. is fine with you up at that level and all your other things check out good I say stay there. As long as you check your bloods regularly you'll be fine. I'm going to try to get back up to the 20% strength.
Yes I'm certainly not going to be changing the concentrations or the base any more.

I've been through alot of crap over this past year I've been on trt as well, mostly with changing providers and their quality of cream base or how they compound it. And of course some symptoms as well.

At first when I started I was on the hrt base for 1 month from the first provider and it was going well and felt great too. I then found a great provider that was in my province and same city. So he put me on the atrevis base, same dosage and everything but I was feeling profoundly anxious restless and way too amped up so he switched me to their hrt base at 20% and it wouldn't rub into my skin just kept balling up and flaking off. After a month and a bit of that then he put me on another base which was even worse. A week later he put me back on the hrt base but at a 10% concentration. That one worked but I had to put so much on all the time and wouldn't dry quickly, stayed on that for 6-7 months and was feeling very fatigued all day. Levels were ok. 724tt ft23 but just didn't feel right. Asked if I could switch back to the atrevis and give it another go. Im feeling great on it, wish I would have stuck it out in the beginning I'm sure I would have adjusted to it eventually. Lol.
Yes I'm certainly not going to be changing the concentrations or the base any more.

I've been through alot of crap over this past year I've been on trt as well, mostly with changing providers and their quality of cream base or how they compound it. And of course some symptoms as well.

At first when I started I was on the hrt base for 1 month from the first provider and it was going well and felt great too. I then found a great provider that was in my province and same city. So he put me on the atrevis base, same dosage and everything but I was feeling profoundly anxious restless and way too amped up so he switched me to their hrt base at 20% and it wouldn't rub into my skin just kept balling up and flaking off. After a month and a bit of that then he put me on another base which was even worse. A week later he put me back on the hrt base but at a 10% concentration. That one worked but I had to put so much on all the time and wouldn't dry quickly, stayed on that for 6-7 months and was feeling very fatigued all day. Levels were ok. 724tt ft23 but just didn't feel right. Asked if I could switch back to the atrevis and give it another go. Im feeling great on it, wish I would have stuck it out in the beginning I'm sure I would have adjusted to it eventually. Lol.
I was only getting 700tt and 20ft on 3 clicks of empowers version of atrevis. Been on 4 clicks for over a month and still kind feel like I can use a little more.

what pharmacy are you using ? I know medquest cream is super potent and they 3rd party test every batch. I’m thinking of switching Cause I don’t have enough sack to be putting more then 4 clicks a day on lol
I was only getting 700tt and 20ft on 3 clicks of empowers version of atrevis. Been on 4 clicks for over a month and still kind feel like I can use a little more.

what pharmacy are you using ? I know medquest cream is super potent and they 3rd party test every batch. I’m thinking of switching Cause I don’t have enough sack to be putting more then 4 clicks a day on lol
Yeah it's crazy how much it can change between compounding pharmacies. Unfortunately man I live in Canada so im sure there is none in which you can use. I'd give those guys a try though.

For now a helpfull tip possibly, it worked better for me to rub in only half of the cream fully and then the rest. It was the only way I could do it besides putting it on other body parts at 10% concentration. Thinking back though it was annoying AF especially at work, sitting there in the bathroom stall rubbing my sack for 10 mins
Now only takes 10 seconds lol.
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Ya I haven't had any negative symptoms what so ever thus far anyways.

What's on my mind right now is possible dvts or aneurysms potentially? I've been reading some horror stories so that wasn't helping. Lol.

The reason why I'm even thinking this way is that I have really bad varicose veins in my legs that I will have to get surgically removed, makes me wonder how the other veins and blood vessels are doing.

I have been on testosterone for over 42 years. I also have what is called venous insufficiency in both lower legs and have had it for 23 years. Its been to the point of having ulcers. A year ago I had a DVT which I believe was related to the vascular issues in the lower legs. No will tell me this for sure but If you read enough you will find out that varicose veins are a risk factor for DVT. Testosterone has always been a constant in my life but I should have gotten this fixed a long time ago. I started last year and have had several treatments on both legs to kill the veins that are allowing this reflux and pooling. I think they are finished unless another problem starts.

Conclusions: The prevalence of primary valvular reflux in patients with DVT is significantly higher than expected. Reflux may be considered as a novel risk factor for DVT. Two-thirds of patients with DVT have pre-existent primary chronic venous disease, which is likely to contribute to post-thrombotic morbidity.
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I have been on testosterone for over 42 years. I also have what is called venous insufficiency in both lower legs and have had it for 23 years. Its been to the point of having ulcers. A year ago I had a DVT which I believe was related to the vascular issues in the lower legs. No will tell me this for sure but If you read enough you will find out that varicose veins are a risk factor for DVT. Testosterone has always been a constant in my life but I should have gotten this fixed a long time ago. I started last year and have had several treatments on both legs to kill the veins that are allowing this reflux and pooling. I think they are finished unless another problem starts.

Conclusions: The prevalence of primary valvular reflux in patients with DVT is significantly higher than expected. Reflux may be considered as a novel risk factor for DVT. Two-thirds of patients with DVT have pre-existent primary chronic venous disease, which is likely to contribute to post-thrombotic morbidity.
See I didn't do any research on varicose veins because I was always going by what all the doctors said to me, that they are superficial and arent threating. Thanks for letting me know the truth, I will be doing some research now.
I always wanted to get surgery done on my legs Anyways just in case but the doc kept insisting alberta health would not cover it so I didn't go through with it. I've had them since I was a teenager and I'm 37 now and they are very much worse than ever. Should have known better I guess. My legs get insanely ichy and I'm getting red spots all over and around the veins covering alot of my calf. I wear compression pants alot but definitely not every day and I haven't found it helped anyways.

Thanks for the link to the study! So what did they do about the dvt?
Hey guys,

I switched creams from hrt base 10% 100mg a day (50mg twice per day) to atrevis base 20% same protocol.

My acne cleared up and actually feel much better overall, I suspected I was possibly getting less testosterone since acne went away however that wasnt the case.
My testosterone on the hrt base was 723ng/dl with a free t of 23, e2 248pmol. Now my total is 1087, e2 188pmol, 30FT.

This is 12 hours after last application so im most likely running around with 1500+ testosterone on a regular basis since I'm taking the cream twice a day.

Im wondering if it fine/safe for me to be at those high levels long term? I'm not sure what my trt guy is going to say but I do talk with him in a few days.

My hemoglobin is 163 top of ref is 175, hematocrit is at 48 , so within range. Rbcs is 5.34. So I think all that looks good.

Thanks guys.
You could try reducing by half a click, I do that , also if scrotum maybe keep an eye on DHT
Hey guys,

I switched creams from hrt base 10% 100mg a day (50mg twice per day) to atrevis base 20% same protocol.

My acne cleared up and actually feel much better overall, I suspected I was possibly getting less testosterone since acne went away however that wasnt the case.
My testosterone on the hrt base was 723ng/dl with a free t of 23, e2 248pmol. Now my total is 1087, e2 188pmol, 30FT.

This is 12 hours after last application so im most likely running around with 1500+ testosterone on a regular basis since I'm taking the cream twice a day.

Im wondering if it fine/safe for me to be at those high levels long term? I'm not sure what my trt guy is going to say but I do talk with him in a few days.

My hemoglobin is 163 top of ref is 175, hematocrit is at 48 , so within range. Rbcs is 5.34. So I think all that looks good.

Thanks guys.
If I were to take a guess, it's likely on the original cream, your DHT levels were higher. You didn't say how or where you were applying it, but especially in thin skin areas like the scrotum, you can get more DHT conversion with some of the newer compounded creams and this is what often drives the acne or pimples. It also is a huge driver for libido, but if you have not seen a change there, then full speed ahead. looks good.
You could try reducing by half a click, I do that , also if scrotum maybe keep an eye on DHT
Yeah I actually just started doing that today. My plan is to do a full click (50mg) in morning and half a click late afternoon. Unfortunately my trt doc doesn't check dht so I have no clue where it's at, but ya I do scrotal application.
If I were to take a guess, it's likely on the original cream, your DHT levels were higher. You didn't say how or where you were applying it, but especially in thin skin areas like the scrotum, you can get more DHT conversion with some of the newer compounded creams and this is what often drives the acne or pimples. It also is a huge driver for libido, but if you have not seen a change there, then full speed ahead. looks good.
Yeah I should have posted that, I do scrotal application, always have. It would be weird if the lower concentration (10%) jacked up dht more so than the atrevis 20% but I'm not entirely sure how that works lol. Either way I'm super happy it's cleared up because it was getting pretty damn bad and I'm not prone to having acne normally. Thanks for the reassurance on the levels.

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