Terrible Nandrolone Experience

Check the studies buddy., 200mg deca, ZERO problems with libido.

Then stick to that if that's what works for you buddy. Your own people (you brought up Taeian) say you need 700mg+ weekly or E2 is going to be nil if doing deca solo and that's not good.
It would be extremely rare at that dose and in that time frame to experience any side effects (or benefits for that matter) at all. Where did you get it from and were there any other changes to your protocol?
I got it from empower pharmacy so I'm pretty sure it's real. I think I just had a bad reaction to it or I'm a hyper responder....or something. I don't think it was placebo because all I thought I was taking it for was joint pain. I wasn't expecting to really feel anything to be honest. Then I'm wide awake and can't go to sleep and crawling in my skin. Weird!!!
I got it from empower pharmacy so I'm pretty sure it's real. I think I just had a bad reaction to it or I'm a hyper responder....or something. I don't think it was placebo because all I thought I was taking it for was joint pain. I wasn't expecting to really feel anything to be honest. Then I'm wide awake and can't go to sleep and crawling in my skin. Weird!!!
keep us updated how you feel. dick issues are something we can all face at some point.
now as a side note, this guy got me thinking. 1) deca dick seems to be indeed real, despite some people on reddit claiming that its not
now looking at UCF....your posts my friend, you do seem to have dick issues in the past with no deca? maybe its not deca after all.
I used to have issues but it was due to taking too much T a few years back. I was on 200mg's a week of testerone and it was way too much I think. Once I lowered my dose to 100mg a week, I was fine. Even with only 100mg's a week, my levels are 800-900 total T. Free T around 30.
I “felt” nandrolone even after taking a few milligrams (10mg of a 2:1 T:N blend). That said, it didn’t make me impotent, but I definitely felt that I took a new substance almost immediately. Crazy. I think I am hyper responder to everything (maybe except Natesto).
I think I might be an over responder or hyper responder too. I took my second shot in the morning and that night I felt like I was super wired and anxious. It was crazy and completely unexpected.
ok, OK. my deca delivered. now really on the fence what to do. the results are so mixed. some guys love it, others hate it. there doesn't seem to be a good reason why some get 'deca dick' and others don't. a lot of speculation on the hormonal basis.
this seems to be a very controversial steroid for some reason, and i don't assume that half of the people just lie.
Be careful. I'm going on a week after my second samll dose and still feeling screwed up.
I've been a bodybuilder on and off for the last 30 years now I'm 64 I have a lot of experience with chemical enhancement deca does very good for bodybuilding when combined with a testosterone base however a couple of bad side effects one is deca d***

And that's what you got.

So that's very negative effect on your erectile function - and it takes a long time to get out of your system.

And so now with trt I don't do Deca at all.
I'm just doing testosterone cypionate but during my bodybuilding cycles I used to do two parts testosterone cypionate to one part Nandralone - and the effects in muscular gains are dramatic.

However the DECA has a negative effect on any natural desire for sex for instance - and your ability to perform is also negatively impacted by Deca.

I never got depression or had anxiety from it however so that's not a symptom I'm familiar with...
Thanks for the feedback. I'm just hoping it doesn't last that long since I took such a small dose (Thankfully).
Then stick to that if that's what works for you buddy. Your own people (you brought up Taeian) say you need 700mg+ weekly or E2 is going to be nil if doing deca solo and that's not good.

Works great and no, they dont.

It is said that for some, they need to up the dose to get the correct convertion to e2 yes. However, for many, 2-300mg is enough. As it is for me.
Well I cant tell u that ur own experience is incorrect, ofcourse. If thats true its true.

I guess deca only can fuck up ur cock then.

But I havent seen it and in the studies on deca only, its not reported.

And deca-dick was unheard of back in the golden era. If u ask old ass bodybuilders from back then, they didnt even know it was a thing, they just didnt experience it.

But ya maybe some can get a "deca dick" using only deca then, apparently, but i do not believe its that common.
Yes you're right - it's probably not all that common - because out of the 10 or 12 hardcore bodybuilders I know - there's only 3 of us that have this definitely bad experience using Deca - and that's at about 150 mg to 300 mg blood levels - in my case 220 mg.....
Use deca or NPP ALONE if u ever gonna use it, that is AWESOME.

With test? HELL NO
I think for many this actually works. But I think many also need a tiny amount of test. Also there are those that can actually run it differently with a 2:1 ratio or a 1:1 ratio. But your point that Solo Deca is worth a try is valid. I tried it, was scared as hell but it worked out pretty decent. Not perfect, but not nearly as bad as I feared. Better than testosterone only at the same dose in my case.
I'm reading that the half life of nandrolone is 7-12 days. So after two weeks I should still have roughly 25% of this stuff left in my system right? I sure hope that makes me feel better. This sh*t is brutal.

Does anything make it exit your system quicker? Exercise? Water? etc
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I'm reading that the half life of nandrolone is 7-12 days. So after two weeks I should still have roughly 25% of this stuff in my system right? I sure hope that makes me feel better. This sh*t is brutal.

Does anything make it exit your system quicker? Exercise? Water? etc
at 7 it would be 50% at 12...do your math not 25% lol
you can run through a blood donation and dump a small amount of whatever circulates
Well I cant tell u that ur own experience is incorrect, ofcourse. If thats true its true.

I guess deca only can fuck up ur cock then.

But I havent seen it and in the studies on deca only, its not reported.

And deca-dick was unheard of back in the golden era. If u ask old ass bodybuilders from back then, they didnt even know it was a thing, they just didnt experience it.

But ya maybe some can get a "deca dick" using only deca then, apparently, but i do not believe its that common.
I respect the fact that you are looking at studies, but any chance you can cite any of them?
Limited nandrolone experience only at 50mg per week with years of TRT experience.

I’ve found anytime I’ve taken a hormone I notice a change. I can feel it, maybe I’m sensitive to changes I don’t know I can feel a increase in trt dose maybe as low as 10-20mg, that said it’s just at first and my body adjust to the new normal quickly.

I had improvements in Libido, and less water retention lowing my T dose 25mg and adding 50mg of nandrolone per week to my protocol. I did feel alittle different the first week sort of like changing my TRT dose would do. It’s since leveled and if anything I feel more calm.
Psychologically different? That’s what has turned me away from Deca several times.
Where did you get that?


A 50 mg intramuscular dose of nandrolone decanoate reaches a mean Cmax 2.14 ng/mL, with a mean Tmax of 30 hours, and a mean AUC of 400 h*ng/mL.1 A 100 mg intramuscular dose of nandrolone decanoate reaches a mean Cmax 4.26 ng/mL, with a mean Tmax of 30 hours, and a mean AUC of 862 h*ng/mL.1 A 150 mg intramuscular dose of nandrolone decanoate reaches a mean Cmax 5.16 ng/mL, with a mean Tmax of 72 hours, and a mean AUC of 1261 h*ng/mL.1

Nandrolone decanoate has an absorption half life of 6 days and an elimination half life of 4.3 hours.13 Alternate studies have shown that nandrolone decanoate has a terminal half life of 7.1, 11.7, and 11.8 hours for doses of 50, 100, and 150 mg respectively.1

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