My thoughts: Too much testosterone.
I realise you have dropped your dose down to 0.22ml 3 times a week @ 250 mg/ml, however, this is still what I would call high (Why is your thread titled at 100 mg per week?)
55 mg, 3 times a week equals 165 mg a week. If I was to take this much testosterone a week I would also be suffering from anxiety, persistent ED and other sexual dysfunctions.
I see you have just posted some labs, they are not dated, but your T levels are quite above range. I am not surprised you are experiencing or have been experiencing side effects such as anxiety.
Your body may have been able to tolerate these high levels of testosterone initially, when you were in what I call the honeymoon period of TRT. This period of time can last for quite some time for some men. Then, things change and your nervous system and other systems can no longer manage the issues this creates. I feel it disrupts the balance in our autonomic nervous system, creating a form of sympathetic dominance. Some men are much more sensitive to this than others.
I am sure you felt great initially, with heightened levels of dopamine (which excessive T promotes) and receptors in your body still relatively fresh to increased levels of T, but eventually this stops.
We can tolerate a certain medication for a period of time also, and then all of a sudden we do not.
It is a constant theme on this forum of guys using too much T and trying to justify it.
Even doctors recommending excessive dosages. It is a very small proportion of men that actually need these higher levels of T.
I also tolerated high levels of testosterone for a period of time when I was younger, more than a couple of years in fact. Then slowly things started to change, anxiety issues crept in, sexual dysfunctions, chronic ED.
In my opinion, once your body develops this change in function/tolerance due to excessive testosterone stimulation, it can take a long time for these changes to find a more normal balance again, a homeostasis whereby systems can once again function at a healthy level. I think for some this may even mean discontinuing the hormone treatment for a significant period of time. After this, TRT may be able to be reintroduced at a much lower dosage and the systems which it affects will function much better, as your individual genetics dictate.
This is what I did at one point in time. I stopped all hormone therapy for almost 2 years. I am not saying you need to do this, it is just something that I did, not necessarily with this intention in mind. However, the result was that my body had completely readjusted itself back to its own natural balance.
Dropping your dose down from 0.29 x 3 (72.5 mg x 3 =217mg) per week (very high dose for TRT) to 165 mg, (still a high dose) will not solve your issues in my opinion.
I am currently on 30 mg twice a week, plus my rhCG at approximately 300 iu twice a week. This solved many of my issues from when I was using around 120 mg per week.
Testosterone can have a big influence on our nervous system. Having too much of this very potent ligand on a consistent basis, disrupting the delicate balance of many other chemicals in our body is asking for trouble. Remember, our body produces this chemical messenger in a very specific way each day, with two rises and drops. This is not just accidental, it is by design. Saturating your cells with testosterone in a completely different manner, in excessive quantities; odd things are sure to occur and they do!