Would this protocol not deprive the body of testosterone if no testosterone is also being administered? It will shut down natural testosterone production. The penis for example, relies on the molecule testosterone in order for essential maintenance to occur. Nandrolone is not the same chemical messenger by any means. One of the dangers of long term use of anabolic steriods is depriving the body of testosterone! This could lead to erectile dysfunction.
Nandrolone is an AAS that can fulfill the same androgen pathways as testosterone, as far as I know. It’s so similar to testosterone that if u get the non sensitive testosterone panel done, the test cannot decipher the difference between a testosterone and nandrolone molecule. So it just thinks they’re both testosterone, and will add them together
Nandrolone just doesn’t convert to E2 enough. Its aromatization rate is very low. So u either have to run it ya pretty high dosages, or add in exogenous E2, or use a compound with it, at a low dose, that aromatizes at a higher rate. Although I do know a guy that uses nandrolone solo at around 210-240mg/ week, with great success. This was him explaining how he was doing on it
-Deca makes me feel absolutely amazing tbh. Much more optimistic, easy going, and generally stoked on life.
-Deca only is the one of the best things that ever happened to me lol. Deca + test was nothing but sides
-my hrt dose which is usually between 210-240mg per week
-yeah I actually feel best with estrogen on the lower end. At that dose I’m great as long as I eat enough fats/copper. There was a week or two where I felt lower sex drive so I added in 30mg test and I felt back to normal again. For me, sex drive is my main indicator that estrogen is in a good level or not.
These are all the things he said in a thread I was following