Taking Testosterone and HCG on holiday


New Member

2 questions

1. Wondering if anyone has had any issues at airports while taking prescription pre loaded Test and HCG in the ampules through airports? (Im going from Manchester to JFK, Logan to JFK, Bristol to Edinburgh and Bristol to Malaga in August) I have bought a small insulin cool zip case for this purpose.

2. For UK guys, I can get a docs note for the above (from my private clinic) for a fee and I think just for the dates supplied, but could I call my NHS dr and explain and get them to write a note that would cover me indefinitely and for free?

I dont mind paying from my doc, but just wondering if I could save money by explaining to my NHS doc..

cheers! :)
I have traveled with my test cyp multiple times in country and out. I take a vial in a box with my prescription so if questioned I have a legal script. I do not preload syringes, figured more of a chance they get broken in transit than the vial. I take a couple extra syringes. I out in my shaving kit and in my checked luggage, i have never tried carry om, that would probably result in some questions or confiscation. I always save the last couple of doses in a vial for traveling, that way if it ever gets confiscated i do not loose a lot.

i have never been questioned in probably 10 trips
Ok.. Cool,

At the moment I have ampules of 1ml Test E, so I would have to preload either before or at the destination, but could take one in the box with my name on incase im asked.. So you would put it in the luggage? I only thought carry on as it will be thrown about less..but yeah I could see it being flagged up..

Good you havent been stopped tho..
I never take my HCG with me when I travel, I feel it's much of a headache. Missing HCG for a short time never affected me negatively.
The hcg would still be powder in the ampule, and also the bac water..so id make it up and discard the rest..I

m new to this so worried that missing a dose would affect my mood which would affect the holiday..

You're right about why would they confiscate it, it is prescription medication but would a docs paper be necessary then? As all of the boxes have my name on with the pharmacy it was from too..! As trt is a fairly newish thing especially in the eyes of airport customs and tsa I just want to be sure I have done all I can to have a great time when I'm away..
It is not TSA or UScustoms that is the problem. It is the other end i worry about. In some smaller less developed countries, or heck, even moscow, i have been thru the wringer over a small roll of duck tape, zip ties, why is there a few feet of parachute cord. In zimbawe they have to count each bullet jn a box of twenty and then each bullet in the identical box after that. Just saying, i have seen some stupid things, so better dafe than sorry

QUOTE=lowe2sucks;75814]why somebody would confiscate it if you have prescription for it.. do they also confiscate insulin that diabetics use?[/QUOTE]
small roll of duck tape, zip ties, why is there a few feet of parachute cord. In zimbawe they have to count each bullet jn a box of twenty and then each bullet in the identical box after that.

Yeah... I hate when I have trouble bringing my armed robbery and abduction kit with me travelling.
I carry my test-p and needles in my carry-on and have had the TSA and german authorities look right at it with no problem. I don't take my HCG on short or medium trips, but I have used the opportunity to experiment with clomid as a substitute with generally positive (or at least not negative) results so far, however I am one of the people who don't seem to notice a lot from HCG.
For the guys that don't travel with HCG on shorter trips, what amount of time would you have to be gone before you took it with you?
For shorter trips instead of 2 injection per week I inject a whole week dosage after that I use Testim for a week. I don´t care if this mix is good or not it works better than nothing. For longer trips I take my testosterone with me with prescription. HGC I never take with me if the trip is less than a month and if longer I take it with me and mix it where I will stay. I never had a problem with customs. You are probably risking getting checked if you bring 1 kg of L-Citruline powder even if it is legal in most countries but it look like someting els. lol
Can I ask, why don't you travel with HCG? Is it to do with keeping it fresh?

I inject 300IU's twice a week, but would only need to inject once as my holiday falls on a wednesday. So I would have a 1500IU ampule and bac water in a box, I'd make that up as usual on the wednesday and bin the rest. I have never not taken HCG, yet I have very low estrogen (far too low, the reason I take T) so thinking stopping HCG for that week may have a negative effect, again I'm just guessing!

Have my first month check up tomorrow so will have a chat with the doc.
Yes its needed to be kept in a cooler temperature. But you can find info here on this forum ways to carry these items safe and cool. I just can´t be bothered with it. I don´t feel anything special when I pause for some weeks only that the nuts start to getting smaller.
Good Luck!

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