Spike In BP upon IM injection enanthate


Hi all,

Just started TRT for low T I'm just 2.8 baseline ..My Dr. and I agreed to start on a low dose @ 0.2ml x2week 80ml total to follow-up blood panel in 3 months.. I initially injected Im 0.4ml at clinic this was my first IM injection at about the 2hour mark my ears turned red and face did to somewhat I then checked my BP 160/83/66 I then relaxed on couch and for the next several hours just did not get up after about 3 more hours my BP fell to 135/83/62. I did not sleep to much if at all.. I tried again this time the 1/2 dose @ 0.2 ml and upon Im injection got a sharper/spike increase in BP @ 170/90/92 then rested on the couch and was on the verge of going to ER but did not after about 4 hours my BP fell 125/66/84 I walked around at 11:00pm and slept getting up only x3 times to take a leak.. Couple days later the next day my BP is more normal 120/68/58. For the positives more concentration,less achy bones,better labido,also energy. Also,My Dr. wants me to start HCG also but have not done this yet.
Im thinking to go with Empower Cream but I have a child.

No BP medication
No Statins
I do take daily asprin

Has anyone had spikes in BP after IM injections? Any ideas why this is happening?

All replies are much appreciated.
There are a few cardiovascular threads out there, but this is a good opportunity for people to weigh in on this important topic. There is a really good discussion about the importance of blood pressure control in this thread. It's a few years old, so I think it's important to revisit.

I suspect my cardiovascular response to TRT is more sensitive than most. After a recent Xyosted injection, I got the sense that my heart was working harder than usual. Not elevated rate, but just felt a little more forceful than usual. So, I started following my blood pressure. So far, it's been normal to marginally elevated. I will keep an eye on it and recommend that anyone on TRT keep an eye on theirs.

I also wonder if my cardiovascular sensitivity to TRT might explain my frequent and incredibly annoying headaches with most forms of TRT except Natesto.

Anyone with cardiovascular thoughts or concerns, please jump in.

Meanwhile, to the OP, I recommend getting a quality cuff for home and checking your pressure three different times a day. Record the numbers. Do it for a few weeks and see if it correlates in any way to injection time and/or symptoms. One option is lower dose/more frequent shots if it's related to TRT. That said, you definitely have to know what's going on so you can treat it, regardless of whether or not it's TRT related.

Please post back here with updates.
Hi all,

Just started TRT for low T I'm just 2.8 baseline ..My Dr. and I agreed to start on a low dose @ 0.2ml x2week 80ml total to follow-up blood panel in 3 months.. I initially injected Im 0.4ml at clinic this was my first IM injection at about the 2hour mark my ears turned red and face did to somewhat I then checked my BP 160/83/66 I then relaxed on couch and for the next several hours just did not get up after about 3 more hours my BP fell to 135/83/62. I did not sleep to much if at all.. I tried again this time the 1/2 dose @ 0.2 ml and upon Im injection got a sharper/spike increase in BP @ 170/90/92 then rested on the couch and was on the verge of going to ER but did not after about 4 hours my BP fell 125/66/84 I walked around at 11:00pm and slept getting up only x3 times to take a leak.. Couple days later the next day my BP is more normal 120/68/58. For the positives more concentration,less achy bones,better labido,also energy. Also,My Dr. wants me to start HCG also but have not done this yet.
Im thinking to go with Empower Cream but I have a child.

No BP medication
No Statins
I do take daily asprin

Has anyone had spikes in BP after IM injections? Any ideas why this is happening?

All replies are much appreciated.

Was this empowers compounded enanthate? Or brand name? If brand name, which brand?
I have the exact same issue. IM injections cause me to bloat and raise my BP. I keep my BP down by not drinking alcohol and caffeine. Eating healthy. And doing cardio. Testosterone is a medicine and this is a side effect. I just watch it.
After a recent Xyosted injection, I got the sense that my heart was working harder than usual. Not elevated rate, but just felt a little more forceful than usual.
I get this too. I use cream and not Xyosted though. I have also noted that the higher my dose the more pronounced the effect.
Similar to what others have said, I have found that three things can potentially help with both BP spikes and palpitations. Lower your dose; increase injection frequency to daily or EOD; and consider changing esters to Propionate. On the last point, I had gained nearly 15lbs of mostly water weight on cypionate, but zero on Propionate.

That said, you should probably give your current protocol a chance and let your body adjust. It's way too early to be making changes unless of course you have some medical condition
Similar to what others have said, I have found that three things can potentially help with both BP spikes and palpitations. Lower your dose; increase injection frequency to daily or EOD; and consider changing esters to Propionate. On the last point, I had gained nearly 15lbs of mostly water weight on cypionate, but zero on Propionate.

That said, you should probably give your current protocol a chance and let your body adjust. It's way too early to be making changes unless of course you have some medical condition

Have u tried enanthate at all?
Funny you should ask as I am starting new enanthate protocol soon. It will be interesting to compare.

I’m also switching over to enanthate. @Charliebizz was telling me how cyp drives his cortisol down but enanthate doesn’t. I tend to have a cortisol level too low for my liking, so worth a shot to see if I have the same experience with enanthate as he does

What’s ur goals/ reason for trying out enanthate?

To all and Fortunate, many thanks to you for your honest read and the link/thread about BP control.. My original protocol was IM 0.2ml x2 Week Enanthate from (*Empower*)- But after the BP spike (160/98/83) IM injection of 0.2 ml at 11:30am 2:04 pm BP (141/82/63) 3:19pm BP 143/82/70 @ 6:36 pm BP 134/74/78. My BP was in normal range at 6:43pm (116/70/62) and several glasses of water and chamomile tea throughout the 7 hours. I suggested to Dr. Urolo we try Walgreens brand (*West -Ward a Hikma company reads on bx vile)lower the dose 0.15ml x2 wk see if my BP was better this time. Urologist approved, I pinned @ 5:28pm again IM injection 27g 1/2 right thigh (1/2) dose. My BP spiked to 153/91/62 without even working out ,went into panic mode and BP jumped to 171/87/92 @ 9:54pm BP 135/82/61 walked/ran for 30 min around the block and at 11:20pm BP 119/66/55. **these reading are with a quality cuff BP monitor**. I have been taking BP reading since my last pin(* 2 weeks ago )and my BP is in the normal range AM-(120/59/60) Mid afternoon 117/65/54 night PM 112/68/52. I now have the Empower Cream but have not tried this I am hoping that It will not spike my BP. does anyone here use the cream ? Does it raise your BP ? Can you tell me the Benefits and side effects? off topic- Mr urologist Dr. gave me couple samples of Xyosted initially to try what Fortunate, ML do you have? I am really tempted to pin those samples but my BP spikes are holding me back. I am so inexperienced to TRT and have only pinned 4 times. Seems my Dr. Urologist has given me the tools/prescriptions ran my blood panel gave me the green light but does.nt have time to babysit me. I haven't even started my HCG protocol yet. I don't really feel bloat on the IM injections but I do drink lots of water so I am pissing a lot. I really enjoy Health and fitness and my BP is a one of the parts to the big picture of Health for me I am hoping that I can find more friends/foes to collaborate with that have more experience than I with TRT and give me there idea's about the BP spikes I am having and ideas that can bring down the BP?​

*Before starting TRT I had a nuclear stress test at the beginning of 2021 everything was in the normal range*
No blood pressure meds
No Stains
Daily aspirin

All responses are appreciated!

Similar to what others have said, I have found that three things can potentially help with both BP spikes and palpitations. Lower your dose; increase injection frequency to daily or EOD; and consider changing esters to Propionate. On the last point, I had gained nearly 15lbs of mostly water weight on cypionate, but zero on Propionate.

That said, you should probably give your current protocol a chance and let your body adjust. It's way too early to be making changes unless of course you have some medical condition
Dose? Protocol?

To all and Fortunate, many thanks to you for your honest read and the link/thread about BP control.. My original protocol was IM 0.2ml x2 Week Enanthate from (*Empower*)- But after the BP spike (160/98/83) IM injection of 0.2 ml at 11:30am 2:04 pm BP (141/82/63) 3:19pm BP 143/82/70 @ 6:36 pm BP 134/74/78. My BP was in normal range at 6:43pm (116/70/62) and several glasses of water and chamomile tea throughout the 7 hours. I suggested to Dr. Urolo we try Walgreens brand (*West -Ward a Hikma company reads on bx vile)lower the dose 0.15ml x2 wk see if my BP was better this time. Urologist approved, I pinned @ 5:28pm again IM injection 27g 1/2 right thigh (1/2) dose. My BP spiked to 153/91/62 without even working out ,went into panic mode and BP jumped to 171/87/92 @ 9:54pm BP 135/82/61 walked/ran for 30 min around the block and at 11:20pm BP 119/66/55. **these reading are with a quality cuff BP monitor**. I have been taking BP reading since my last pin(* 2 weeks ago )and my BP is in the normal range AM-(120/59/60) Mid afternoon 117/65/54 night PM 112/68/52. I now have the Empower Cream but have not tried this I am hoping that It will not spike my BP. does anyone here use the cream ? Does it raise your BP ? Can you tell me the Benefits and side effects? off topic- Mr urologist Dr. gave me couple samples of Xyosted initially to try what Fortunate, ML do you have? I am really tempted to pin those samples but my BP spikes are holding me back. I am so inexperienced to TRT and have only pinned 4 times. Seems my Dr. Urologist has given me the tools/prescriptions ran my blood panel gave me the green light but does.nt have time to babysit me. I haven't even started my HCG protocol yet. I don't really feel bloat on the IM injections but I do drink lots of water so I am pissing a lot. I really enjoy Health and fitness and my BP is a one of the parts to the big picture of Health for me I am hoping that I can find more friends/foes to collaborate with that have more experience than I with TRT and give me there idea's about the BP spikes I am having and ideas that can bring down the BP?​

*Before starting TRT I had a nuclear stress test at the beginning of 2021 everything was in the normal range*
No blood pressure meds
No Stains
Daily aspirin

All responses are appreciated!

Sorry for the late response. I have used all three doses Xyosted: 50 mg, 75 mg at 100 mg. Unfortunately, as of now, I would say that every dose tends to make my heart feel like it’s beating harder than it should and probably spikes my blood pressure. On the flipside, I tolerate it much better than compounded and/or other forms of enanthate. Maybe due to lack of alcohol and/or preservatives?
It has to be the f***ng spike in e2 or test level. I get it onlg with test. Could inject tren and feel anything. Mast? Anything. It's probably the spike in e2. Anxiery, insonia and rage. E2 is by bet!
Fortunate, since my Bp spikes I stopped my TRT I was mostly on edge and cranky, moody at stopping but I did make it happen (October my last IM injection) have not had BP spikes @ 160/98/83 since stopping TRT, (that made me feel better on that issue) occasionally BP 120Z-138z not often. On my last blood test (December)my Total T was at (300) and my free T was (low) 270'Z. Now, I have empower cream but have not started up yet. Have you or anyone here tried Cream from Empower? If so positives/negatives? My e2 was not high. My insurance does not cover Natesto I think Empower sells a compounded form of that? I would like to try Natesto can you and anyone here give me there opinions? and responses good/bad? I want to start up TRT again for sure just those damn BP spike issues. I am trying to find a way to raise my FT and T without those BP spikes. What you think? Idea's?
Its taking x2 days after my workouts to recover and no gym gains.
All advise is appreciated
Last edited:
Fortunate, since my Bp spikes I stopped my TRT I was mostly on edge and cranky, moody at stopping but I did make it happen (October my last IM injection) have not had BP spikes @ 160/98/83 since stopping TRT, (that made me feel better on that issue) occasionally BP 120Z-138z not often. On my last blood test (December)my Total T was at (300) and my free T was (low) 270'Z. Now, I have empower cream but have not started up yet. Have you or anyone here tried Cream from Empower? If so positives/negatives? My e2 was not high. My insurance does not cover Natesto I think Empower sells a compounded form of that? I would like to try Natesto can you and anyone here give me there opinions? and responses good/bad? I want to start up TRT again for sure just those damn BP spike issues. I am trying to find a way to raise my FT and T without those BP spikes. What you think? Idea's?
Its taking x2 days after my workouts to recover and no gym gains.
All advise is appreciated

Get prescribed or buy some Telmisartan and u should be good. Has a bunch of other benefits as well. Here’s some that I’ve come across

-Decreases BP
-Lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides
-Decreases visceral fat
-Decreases general fat accumulation while maintaining the same amount of calories
-Increases nitric oxide production
-Decreases fluid retention
-Increases overall cardiovascular health
-Improves glucose tolerance
-Reverses left ventricular hypertrophy
-Decreases kidney stress
-Lowers HCT levels
Have you or anyone here tried Cream from Empower? If so positives/negatives?
I felt the T from the cream immediately upon application but it only lasted for 3 hours and then the rug got pulled out from underneath me.

The levels never stayed elevated for long, 86 ng/dL was measured after 4 hours.

I'm on Jatenzo (oral T capsule) 237mg twice daily now and doing well. The half-life of Jatenzo is longer than creams.

If you have treatment failure on other forms of TRT, you can get a medical exception for covering other formulations of TRT if it's medically necessary.
Fortunate, since my Bp spikes I stopped my TRT I was mostly on edge and cranky, moody at stopping but I did make it happen (October my last IM injection) have not had BP spikes @ 160/98/83 since stopping TRT, (that made me feel better on that issue) occasionally BP 120Z-138z not often. On my last blood test (December)my Total T was at (300) and my free T was (low) 270'Z. Now, I have empower cream but have not started up yet. Have you or anyone here tried Cream from Empower? If so positives/negatives? My e2 was not high. My insurance does not cover Natesto I think Empower sells a compounded form of that? I would like to try Natesto can you and anyone here give me there opinions? and responses good/bad? I want to start up TRT again for sure just those damn BP spike issues. I am trying to find a way to raise my FT and T without those BP spikes. What you think? Idea's?
Its taking x2 days after my workouts to recover and no gym gains.
All advise is appreciated
Cream was kinda awful for me. Natesto pretty good. Search comments under my screen name. Happy to provide more commentary, too.
Fortunate, since my Bp spikes I stopped my TRT I was mostly on edge and cranky, moody at stopping but I did make it happen (October my last IM injection) have not had BP spikes @ 160/98/83 since stopping TRT, (that made me feel better on that issue) occasionally BP 120Z-138z not often. On my last blood test (December)my Total T was at (300) and my free T was (low) 270'Z. Now, I have empower cream but have not started up yet. Have you or anyone here tried Cream from Empower? If so positives/negatives? My e2 was not high. My insurance does not cover Natesto I think Empower sells a compounded form of that? I would like to try Natesto can you and anyone here give me there opinions? and responses good/bad? I want to start up TRT again for sure just those damn BP spike issues. I am trying to find a way to raise my FT and T without those BP spikes. What you think? Idea's?
Its taking x2 days after my workouts to recover and no gym gains.
All advise is appreciated
@ZALEMAX - did you ever try the cream?
@ Cooper not yet, I have a follow-up this month with urologist I want to talk to him about trying Natesto or Empower formula. I am not ruling out the cream its still on the table. I was also interested in shockwaves and stem cells therapy and been awaiting other threads from people here. I know that my Urologist from Baylor College of Medicine works with Dr. Mihit Khera I will see were that goes. But I was hoping to here back from [email protected] about his perspective/results/sides from the shockwave. or any others who have had that.

its X2 days to recover from workout and no gym gains

All advise is appreciated
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There are a few cardiovascular threads out there, but this is a good opportunity for people to weigh in on this important topic. There is a really good discussion about the importance of blood pressure control in this thread. It's a few years old, so I think it's important to revisit.

I suspect my cardiovascular response to TRT is more sensitive than most. After a recent Xyosted injection, I got the sense that my heart was working harder than usual. Not elevated rate, but just felt a little more forceful than usual. So, I started following my blood pressure. So far, it's been normal to marginally elevated. I will keep an eye on it and recommend that anyone on TRT keep an eye on theirs.

I also wonder if my cardiovascular sensitivity to TRT might explain my frequent and incredibly annoying headaches with most forms of TRT except Natesto.

Anyone with cardiovascular thoughts or concerns, please jump in.

Meanwhile, to the OP, I recommend getting a quality cuff for home and checking your pressure three different times a day. Record the numbers. Do it for a few weeks and see if it correlates in any way to injection time and/or symptoms. One option is lower dose/more frequent shots if it's related to TRT. That said, you definitely have to know what's going on so you can treat it, regardless of whether or not it's TRT related.

Please post back here with updates.
What ester have you found to have the least side effects on your blood pressure? I'm on 9-10mg EOD of Cypionate and I am still having high blood pressure... especially on the days that I pin. I'm in the process of setting up with Defy for my TRT care but I'm honestly about to stop. I was on opiates for 15 years for my back but I will be off next year. Opiates drastically suppress testosterone so I am hoping that my natural levels will go back up to a tolerable level. I even thinking about the possibility of Clomid for a few months. Any thoughts? Thanks.

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