So who is happy with TRT? Who wish they never started?

Man my best ever trt dosage was like this:

Mon 200 mlg test cyp

Wed: ai

Friday 250 iu hcg
Sunday 250 iu hcg

Felt amazing…

I quit years ago due to getting bored and frustrated always chasing blood work… last total test in september was 546 after being off since 2016ish…
Man my best ever trt dosage was like this:

Mon 200 mlg test cyp

Wed: ai

Friday 250 iu hcg
Sunday 250 iu hcg

Felt amazing…

I quit years ago due to getting bored and frustrated always chasing blood work… last total test in september was 546 after being off since 2016ish…
On the surface that sounds contradictory. You 'felt amazing' but 'got bored and frustrated chasing blood work'. If you felt amazing, what were you seeking by doing more blood work? The 'bored' part I don't understand.

How do you feel & function since you've been off T, etc., for about seven years? Thanks.
On the surface that sounds contradictory. You 'felt amazing' but 'got bored and frustrated chasing blood work'. If you felt amazing, what were you seeking by doing more blood work? The 'bored' part I don't understand.

How do you feel & function since you've been off T, etc., for about seven years? Thanks.

I did feel amazing on that protocol…. BUT my blood work just kept seemingly getting worse and worse… and in all honesty…

It all gets tiring af… pinning and just stressin about meals and crap that comes along with it all…. gets old af… talk about bored… lifting weights and all the effort u gota put into it and still not making urself look like all those with great gentetics weighs on ur psyche

Honestly im tired all the time with no motivation, no drive, lazy af… but somewhat happier if that makes any sense??

Happier i have less to worry about.. did i pin, do i have my hcg, can i order this without breakin the bank… what else can i use for harm reduction…. Etc…

I have a script for cyp and now the auto inject test e, called xyosted….its $150 for 400 mlg per month thru a specialty pharmacy which isnt bad… yes cyp is cheaper but at least i get to give it a shot if i need to go back on….So i have everything whn ever i want to go back

This is what i commented on another thread…i started trt when i was super young like 26ish (never did any roids or anything to obtain this low test)

The protocol ive posted basically on all forums im on was this

Monday: 200 mlg test cyp

Wednesday: ai either aromasin @ 12.5 mlg or anastrozole .5-1mlg depending on blood work

(crislers hcg protocol)
Friday 250iu
Sunday 250 iu

I felt the bestest of all… but that started circa 2005ish, so by 2016ish… i was just tired of chasing the blood work and throwin stuff at my blood to prevent thickness….

They say people at higher elevations usually have thicker blood but i never did growing up above a mile high for over 20 some years…

Never had blood thickness issues until i had been on trt for well over 10+ yrs then something changed and not sure what

So instead of continuing to chase everything and spend more money on supps and doing more and more research

I GOT LAZY…. i had spent so many hours of research (terabytes of data on my hard drive to include blood stuff, foods and exercise stuff) and going to doctors and taking stuff to aide in harm reduction… for the years i was on trt that basically after 3 kids and dealing with a change in lifestyle and not having or making time actually to live the lifestyle….

I called it quits…

Now between the time i quit and upto september of this year my total test has dropped to 126 and as of recently is as high as 546…. All with no trt

Its a roller coaster fo sho!

I did have a 200 mlg shot from my urologist about a month before that test showing 546 total so maybe* my levels were actually low and he helped raise them with that one shot… he recommended i go back on trt and with how i have felt maybe that shot helped and he is right…. I guess ill know more as im getting bloods done this next week or 2 i guess ill find out?
waiting with baited breath how ur bloods turned out! lol

Total test: 643… wow up 100 points from september (with no hormones added)

Cholesterol is going to be thru the dang roof tho as it always is and cholesterol converts to test correct?

Shgb: 60

Free test: 76
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Total test: 643… wow up 100 points from september (with no hormones added)

Cholesterol is going to be thru the dang roof tho as it always is and cholesterol converts to test correct?

Shgb: 60

Free test: 76
Dietary cholesterol intake and TC levels were not associated with TT levels in men from the US. Therefore, although testosterone is partially synthesized from cholesterol, individuals with higher habitual cholesterol intake do not have higher testosterone levels.Oct 5, 2023

Dietary cholesterol intake and TC levels were not associated with TT levels in men from the US. Therefore, although testosterone is partially synthesized from cholesterol, individuals with higher habitual cholesterol intake do not have higher testosterone levels.Oct 5, 2023

Theoretically or perhaps, actually, supplemental pregnenolone 'might' improve the conversion of cholesterol into androgens, but we can't control the steroid pathways. Maybe just eat more salmon and olive oil.
I have added olive oil and coconut to my morning protain shakes, could that possibbly lead to a higher test level? Ive never had my total test levels this high without trt… no idea how it has rebounded to this high of a level and in the upper 40’s age range
I have added olive oil and coconut to my morning protain shakes, could that possibbly lead to a higher test level? Ive never had my total test levels this high without trt… no idea how it has rebounded to this high of a level and in the upper 40’s age range
About 12 years ago I was eating salmon almost everyday and using olive oil on my salads, pasta, as well as to fry and sautee. Previously, my TT was in the 300s. After a year of eating like this, had labs pulled. My lipid panel had greatly improved and TT had gone from 325 to 668. Free T went from 45 to 102. Really didn't feel any different. Still had ED, too. The HMO, Kaiser, didn't check SHBG, E2, DHT or DHEA-S

Having naturally improved lab numbers is good but I don't believe that always translates into physical improvement. Sometimes testosterone is what's needed, along with a healthy diet or, if it's erectile issues, a PDE5 inhibitor or Trimix or PT-141.
About 12 years ago I was eating salmon almost everyday and using olive oil on my salads, pasta, as well as to fry and sautee. Previously, my TT was in the 300s. After a year of eating like this, had labs pulled. My lipid panel had greatly improved and TT had gone from 325 to 668. Free T went from 45 to 102. Really didn't feel any different. Still had ED, too. The HMO, Kaiser, didn't check SHBG, E2, DHT or DHEA-S

Having naturally improved lab numbers is good but I don't believe that always translates into physical improvement. Sometimes testosterone is what's needed, along with a healthy diet or, if it's erectile issues, a PDE5 inhibitor or Trimix or PT-141.

yeah everything uve said is true, do i feel great nope, i feel lazzy af, im not fat, got a skinnier lower body.. and havent touched anys eafood in over a decade...i cant eat fish or shrimp it all makes me sick or im allergic... believe me my test shots are calling even with those numbers... i may jump back on even if its only 10-20 mlg eod or so and see how i feel...
yeah everything uve said is true, do i feel great nope, i feel lazzy af, im not fat, got a skinnier lower body.. and havent touched anys eafood in over a decade...i cant eat fish or shrimp it all makes me sick or im allergic... believe me my test shots are calling even with those numbers... i may jump back on even if its only 10-20 mlg eod or so and see how i feel...
Got it. Yes, you have to scratch seafood. You know how it is with us outliers; we have to be our own doctors, even if we have a good doctor! We're 'A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma' to paraphrase a description used by Winston Churchill. Keep plugging away. And yes, maybe resuming testosterone is the best option.
I think its more when take statins that stop production of cholesterol by your body that forsure causes decrease in testosterone. perhaps not lack of cholesterol but disrupting the enzymatic pathways... ie could still have normal levels of cholesterol but lowered levels of test because of the statins.
I'm glad I started. Though libido has not increased at all, erections and staying power are now on point.

Resistance training is fun. One set of pushups and I'm pretty pumped, and the pump increases as the workout continues. When the pump reaches a maximum, it stays until well after the workout ends. Before trt, not only would I not get nearly as pumped, I'd sometimes work past the pump, which just felt wrong. Now it doesn't seem possible to work past the pump. The strength gains are measurable. The hypertrophy gains are harder to assess, but the naked eye says they're for real.

Diet-wise, apart from a month here and a month there, I have been overeating and eating a lot of junk. I'll feel and look bloated for two or three days, and then I'm pretty much back to normal. So overall I have gained some fat, but compared to how much junk I'm eating, I am in really good shape. That has to be down to the trt.
not sure "pump" is a good sign as indicates increase in BP... along with water retention of course making it even worse. how much has your BP increased since on TRT?

while "pump" feels good its not great in reality to get as means your BP is high esp if comes easier lasts for longer etc. there is a theory that is good for muscle growth but is 100% broscience as guys like to look veiny and have high BP...

if want to be healthy and in shape less "pump" the better. ie runners dont like 'pump" in there feet or ankles as means they are out of shape ;)

amazing this is still cited as a positive, the healthier your vessels and better your BP the less pump you will get. the shorter your pump stays means your recovery is better aswell. ie long pumps are a sign you should be doing more cardio eating less garbage and focus on lower BP.... only BROS can take something that is a sign of poor health and make it a positive JUST being feels good and makes them look bigger.
As someone with a total T of 230 at 42 years old. And reading these boards as well as numerous research articles. Who is ultimately happy with going on TRT? What benefits did you see? What negatives did you personally see? Its hard to really discern whether the benefits outweighs the risks etc. How is everyone's libido? What ester are you on and how much/how often?

Just trying to get some feedback from people currently on TRT or that were on and went off due to side effects.
I am not sure where to start, except to say, TRT has turned my life around 180 degrees! I am back to my old self. I have much more energy, stamina, desire to participate in life's great fun things. I had a total T measured three times, as low as 153. It sucked. Sex was out of the question. Even with high doses of viagra. not only that, I had little drive, or desire too, even though I knew I wanted more. My lipid profiles have improved, my A1C has improved, I am by most any measure a better, healthier person. And a much happier person. I am back to many of my old hobbies. My wife can't believe the difference in me, as I went from begging her not to order large bags of dog food (they weigh 37 - 45 lbs) because I couldn't lift and carry them to me picking them up like next to nothing and carrying them down two flights of steps. I went from sitting on the couch to losing 40lbs so far, and plans to lose another 25 or so. I have not been this small in at least 25 years.But make no mistake, find a good doc who will work with you, and get you started the right way. Someone who will tell what to be careful of, and help you keep from finding the pitfalls. I am now living my best life, and I wouldn't go back no matter what. Quality of life is as important, as just breathing. I truly hope you get help and results, if you need help.
I wish i had never started. Simply never found a protocol that worked sustainably.

Reading through this thread, i see a lot of guys that seem to have found the one variable that they had to fix for their protocols to work (hcg/no hcg/ dose etc)

I have gone through those phases where everything seemed right for a few months after a change.. until it wasnt and then i had to search for a new solution again. Tiresome.

Not to say it isnt possible of course.
I like the pump. And I really don't care that "runners dont like 'pump" in there (sic) feet". And yes, I like to eat what I want when I want.

But thanks for your concern about my BP. I appreciate it.

sorry if came off as criticism... just wanted to dispel some broscience re "the pump".. as its not a good thing other than means ur getting a good workout... but if sustained and comes TOO easy just keep an eye on that BP as would be curious how much higher its gotten.... cheers!

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