Guys, great posts, very helpful. A bit go history and then kindly seeking advice.
I'm an older guy, 59. Always had extremely high libido and rock hard erections until my mid to late 40s, when things started to go down a little. Went to the doctor, Testosterone was 283 ng/dl in 2019 and doctor said I was okay. Prescribed Cialis 5 mg daily, which worked well in general and also helped me with my BPH. Libido and quality or orgasm was good. I started working out, taking supplements, improving diet, losing weight (from 190 to 175, I'm 6 feet tall) and 6 months later my TT was 403 ng/dL
Then about 2 years ago, I started having problems with delayed ejaculation (sometimes more than 30-40 min) and quality or orgasm was really bad, basically no sensations during the whole trip just to feel the orgasm coming and going in a sec.
Went to andrologist (quite famous) about a year ago. I was feeling like crap, but still had some libido, I still had thoughts about sex (which I have always had), required a lot of work to get an erection but once I got it it would remain up for a long time, but orgasms were crappy.
My initial tests before starting treatment were:
Total Testosterone =492 ng/dL
Estradiol: 27 pg/ml.
LH: 2.6 mIU/ml
FSH: 7.1 mIU/ml
HCG Monotherapy
He prescribed HCG (from Empower) 2000 UI every week starting August 2020. For the first 3 weeks I was over the moon. I felt like 40, lots of optimism, days were beautiful, the mere thinking of sex got me an erection, my penis was very sensible, morning erections returned, did not have to use Cialis, orgasms were great, I could focus on sex and enjoy every minute of it. On top of that, all my BPH symptoms went away, I could urinate fully and stronger. My balls were bigger, my penis felt fuller. Had not felt that way for decades! Full of confidence. But it all went downhill after the first 3 or 4 weeks. I started feeling worse than when I started the treatment, erection was worse, BPH symptoms returned, orgasm was even more delayed, sometimes impossible, no sex thoughts, no interest in sex.
After 3 months on HCG 2000UI every week, my tests came back as:
Total testosterone: 309 nd/dl,
LH: 5.7 mUI/ml
FSH: 5.5 mIU/ml
estradiol: 27 pg/mL.
Enclomiphene Citrate
After these disappointing results (which coincided with the fact that Empower would not sellHCG anymore) my doctor switched me to
enclomiphene citrate from Empower at 12.5 mg every day. I've been taking it for almost 3 months and I decided to do my own tests since the doctor did not prescribe any follow up, and these are the results
TT: 710 ng/dL
FT: 126 pg.mL
FSH: 15.2 mIU/mL
LH: 19.7 mIU/mL
DHT: 57 ng/dL
E2: 32 pg/mL
DHEA: 230 mcg/dL
With these values I should be feeling great! But I don't I feel the worst I have ever felt. I have no libido, no interest in sex, no penile sensitivity, no morning erections, no sexual thoughts, naked women don't arouse me, and orgasms are really bad and take a long time and effort, not enjoyable.
Since you guys seem to know a lot about this stuff, could any of you suggest any route to get out of this rut? Im not enjoying life much in this situation, Sex has always been a very important thing to me.
By the way, I am not depressed or anything, at least not any more than probably 90% of the people in the world that had to go through 2 years of covid, now a war in Ukraine, etc. Fortunately, financially I seem to be okay. I'm happily married with a woman I like and love.
Do you think TRT would be a better option? If so, Natesto?, Androgel? Testosterone Cypionate? I'm not interested in bodybuilding or anything, just to recover a decent libido and decent enjoyment of sex with my wife.
I'm currently 59 years old, 6 feet tall, 180 lbs, about 20% body fat, work out every day (either walking 2 to 5 miles or rowing), eat mostly healthy (all home cooked food, no fast food) supplement with D3/K2, Magnesium, Zinc, B-Complex, Omega 3. Take Cialis 5 mg for BPH.
Thank you ver much