Ya nandrolone can replace testosterone as a base. At HRT dosages it just doesn’t produce enough E2 for most guys. So in the dosages we would take on hrt u would just need to add in something that reproduces a decent amount of E2. That‘s where adding in the minimum effective dose of test comes in. Back in Arnold’s day, nandrolone was the preferred AAS, not test. They didn’t use AI’s back then, so test would cause a ton of side effects at the dosages they needed. So a lot of guys used high doses of nandrolone. Nandrolone converts into estrogen, just at a much lower rate than test. So if u use huge bodybuilding dosages of it, it’s enough to use it by itself, since there will be enough estrogen in ur system. But with low HRT dosages, its just not enough nandrolone to create enough estrogen on its own
When I did a nandrolone based protocol, I kept my nandrolone dose the same the entire year, which was 200mg/ week, and started with 40mg of test, and titrated all the way up to 100mg of test. I think my sweet spot ended up being 40-60mg of test, with the 200mg of deca. I’ll also share the protocol that the PA at my clinic uses. And I’ll also link a YouTube vid. It’s obv about steroid cycles, but if u go to 34 mins in, the guy talks about using nandrolone by itself, and all the benefits he noticed over using other AAS, including test. He says that nandrolone just makes him feel way more in control of all his emotions. This is common to hear when guys switch over to a nandrolone base. They usually report feeling more calm, cool and collected. I can also report feeling the same when I was using a nandrolone base
PA’s protocol:
140 deca
35 test cyp
-does daily subQ injections for both deca and test. Draws and injects with 30 gauge syringe. Draws up both in same syringe
-if no morning wood, will skip test shot, and E2 will come down and morning wood comes right back