Yes i did. After 3months i got 5milion semens then i uped the dose to 150ie hmg 3 times a week hcg same dose. 3 months later toke another semen test. Resultat came back 8million/ml. Before the hmg i was 6 months on hcg mono. Semen test showed 0 semens on only hcg.
Hey everyone. First of all Healthman, Dni.labs, and Mrj, Glad to hear your numbers are coming back and you feel better, and fertility is there (for some so far at least). Im in a very similar boat to you. Just stopped high dose T in June after 10 years on. I immediately started on 2500iu HCG EOD and 25mg
enclomiphene in July after reviewing studies on people in my situation. I ran labs after 90 days and started seeing Dr. Saya, who was fine with that amount based on the fact that fertility is my primary goal.
Labs were run through LabCorps:
TT 1125 (250-1100ng/dl)
FT 129.6 (46-224pg/ml)
BAT 266.5 (110-575ng/dl)
LH 1.1 (1.5-9.3Miu/ml)
FSH 4.1 (1.6-8Miu/ml)
DHEA 128 (106-464mcg/dl)
SBGH 48 (10-50nmol/L)
Estradiol Ultrasensitive: 10 ( <or=29pg/ml)
All other numbers were good. I was especially pleased with these labs only 90 days after stopping T, considering the length of time and dose. Dr. Saya continued my HCG at 2500 EOD, DHEA 50/day, FSH (if I need it at 75iu/MWF), and Adex 0.25mg MWF, and wants me to get a semen analysis and labs in 90 days.
So that said there are a few issues: I am finishing a masters now, so I have not had a chance to get the SA yet. While I don't feel terrible, my sex drive and energy is in the gutter! My strength and mood are fine, and I have had a noticeable increase in testicular size, but the lack of energy and libido are disconcerting. I know this can be from low the E2, as well as from stress finishing my degree. But I also know many people feel bad on SERMs in general, and while Dr. S, did not dislike the
enclomiphene (in fact he prefers it to clomid) I feel like, after all, my time on high dose test, combined with your guy's accounts, FSH may be the way to go. Unfortunately I can't exactly recall what he said as far as lowering/removing the
Enclomiphene so if anyone can suggest how to make the switch from
Enclomiphene to Adex please let me know. Because it's a research chem there's really no literature on dosing equivalents that I could find. Should I stop the En and wait until I feel symptoms, or protect the receptors and just start the Adex about 4 days after stopping the En? Also, I'm curious what, if any, types and doses of antiestrogens you guys were/are running to keep E2 in check, especially on high regular doses of HCG? If I can get my libido back I'll be fine, and can wait it out until I know I am producing, but if I fix my E2 and my libido is still low, I would consider ramping up the FSH and adding a little T back in if he is ok with it. Obviously, these are hypotheticals, as I need to get the SA, but I definitely think I need to raise my E2 into the 20 range, and probably get off the SERM. I plan to get the SA this month, and hopefully Ill see some signs of life. But until then Id like your guys' feedback. If anyone has any input please let me know. I feel really positive reading this thread. Thanks.