That's very unfortunate you had that experience with the andrologist. Believe me, I understand your frustration. It is very difficult to find an open-minded fertility specialist, or a doctor in general, who is willing to embrace ideas and approaches outside of the norm and off the beaten path.
All you can do is use their assistance and experience for what it is worth, and go outside of that on your own to get you to where you want to be.
In my own case, my fertility doctor would prescribe me HCG, but not HMG or, initially, FSH. I had to source black-market HMG (Menopur and Merional) on my own for most of my protocol, and then he finally agreed to prescribe me FSH at the very end. You will probably have to go the same route and procure your own HMG.
HMG is mixed FSH and LH, it contains both usually in equal concentrations (150iu FSH and 150iu LH per vial, for instance.)
In your case, you will be using it for it's FSH. The extra LH you will have to take into account when deciding how much HCG to use, as you will need to use HCG as your analogue for LH. HMG on it's own doesn't have enough LH to provide high enough levels of intra-testicular testosterone, so you will need both HMG and HCG for optimal fertility.
In the article that Focus already gave you:
Recovery of spermatogenesis following testosterone replacement therapy or anabolic-androgenic steroid use
You can read this section on the importance of having both HCG and either FSH or HMG to provide optimal fertility:
"FSH given alone or in combination with testosterone has proven unsuccessful at inducing spermatogenesis or maintaining spermatogenesis in those previously induced with hCG/FSH (hCG 1500 IU and HMG 150 IU both subcutaneous and 3 times per week), confirming the need for maintenance of elevated ITT.
46 However, long-term use of hCG alone can induce spermatogenesis in up to 70% of patients, with a greater effect seen in men with initial testis length >4 cm, but further improvement is appreciated with the addition of FSH (HMG) suggesting a timelier recovery with both gonadotropins."
You can look at Table 1 to see approximate levels of FSH or HMG along with HCG that have restored fertility for men in our situation.
Best of luck to you. HCG and HMG worked well for me for most of my fertility protocol, before my doctor agreed to prescribe me FSH. As long as you are getting your FSH and LH (or HCG), you are getting everything you need to successfully produce sperm.