Semen analysis results after adding FSH to TRT and hCG

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Healthman I am going thru the EXACT same thing...need to get my wife pregnant. Was your FSH low and is that why Dr Saya prescribed it? I tried clomid, tshot and it totally took my count to 0. I got off that n just did clomid by itself...only 32% motility but still low...its better but my FSH is high?? Would love to be on trt but it shut me down last time...Were u already low on FSH? Vince can chime in to as I need all the help I can get
Healthman I am going thru the EXACT same thing...need to get my wife pregnant. Was your FSH low and is that why Dr Saya prescribed it? I tried clomid, tshot and it totally took my count to 0. I got off that n just did clomid by itself...only 32% motility but still low...its better but my FSH is high?? Would love to be on trt but it shut me down last time...Were u already low on FSH? Vince can chime in to as I need all the help I can get
HealthMan had great success with FSH. Here's a thread that may interest you.
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Healthman I am going thru the EXACT same thing...need to get my wife pregnant. Was your FSH low and is that why Dr Saya prescribed it? I tried clomid, tshot and it totally took my count to 0. I got off that n just did clomid by itself...only 32% motility but still low...its better but my FSH is high?? Would love to be on trt but it shut me down last time...Were u already low on FSH? Vince can chime in to as I need all the help I can get
I was fertile before TRT. LH and FSH low-mid range. Clomid will not work with exogenous testosterone. When you tried clomid monotherapy how long did you try it for and what was your sperm count? Like Vince posted some supplements can help with motility.
TRT with HCG and FSH worked for me. If you were fertile before TRT chances are high that you can keep your fertility using both HCG and FSH. But if you had fertility issues before you have to investigate the cause first
As stated, injectable FSH would offer no additional benefit when endogenous FSH is already high (whether naturally or with Clomid).

Lyophilized FSH can be used along with hCG, however, for a male on TRT to “replace” the lost LH/FSH (clomid is still an overall better fertility treatment, though, when used for men NOT on TRT).
Thanks for all the responses Healthman, Vince and Dr. Saya...Dr Saya is the best I have come across...I got my wife pregnant and she miscarried. I didnt know trt nails ur sperm to 0. As soon as I found that out I got off...Fsh and LH were mid to low...i tried hcg 2500 per shot 3 times a week and clomid for 6 months...nothing...then got off of everything, then still nothing...began just HCG for 6 months at expensive 5000 per shot..still no motility...2yrs into this and I found Dr. Saya. We did Clomid by itself and in 1 month immediately 32% or so motility but still low...tried trt plus clomid and it shut me down again in 1 month so stopped and went 1 50mg clomid a day...seemed to have plateau'd at 35% so trying some motility pills along with clomid...may try arimidex small dose...never felt better than when i was trt...without it no libido, but trying like hell to get my sperm back up...crazy how while on trt only got her pregnant now off for over 3yrs...hoping my body slowly recovers more...clomid has my LH and FSH slightly above high normal range...wonder if trt, hcg and fsh would work as trt may lower those levels but like Dr Saya said if Im already high on FSH giving me more prob wont help?
I Need some help. Have ben on hcg mono for 6 Months for fertility. First 1500ie mon and friday. Last 2 months 750ie eod. Before that i have zero sperm from using nebido for 5 years. After 3 months on hcg mono i haved low count Sperm. Dr recently put me on 75ie fsh togetter with hcg 750ie mon wed friday. IM so tired and my mood is like a rollercoster. cant exercice and i feel low and depressed, zero motivation and mucle paine After exercice. Recent labs Testosteron 15 nmol/L ref 8.8-31
SHBG 42 nmol/L ref 16-54
E2 90 ref <160

tsh t4 and t3 are normal.

Iam going to take testosterone enathe together with hcg and fsh becouse i cant live with this tiredness and depression Any More, but i still want to get wife pregnant. How much enathe and how often Will be best together with hcg and fsh? IM thinking of subq 30mg mon wed fri togheter with hcg and fsh sameday. And maby 6,25mg aromasin. Or 100mg E7d. What you think?
I Need some help. Have ben on hcg mono for 6 Months for fertility. First 1500ie mon and friday. Last 2 months 750ie eod. Before that i have zero sperm from using nebido for 5 years. After 3 months on hcg mono i haved low count Sperm. Dr recently put me on 75ie fsh togetter with hcg 750ie mon wed friday. IM so tired and my mood is like a rollercoster. cant exercice and i feel low and depressed, zero motivation and mucle paine After exercice. Recent labs Testosteron 15 nmol/L ref 8.8-31
SHBG 42 nmol/L ref 16-54
E2 90 ref <160

tsh t4 and t3 are normal.

Iam going to take testosterone enathe together with hcg and fsh becouse i cant live with this tiredness and depression Any More, but i still want to get wife pregnant. How much enathe and how often Will be best together with hcg and fsh? IM thinking of subq 30mg mon wed fri togheter with hcg and fsh sameday. And maby 6,25mg aromasin. Or 100mg E7d. What you think?
If fertility is priority I would try clomid. Or if you really wanna go back to TRT because you feel terribel then I would use 500IU HCG + 75IU FSH EOD. 100mg testosterone a week is a good start. With your SHBG I would try 50mg E3.5D. You need to measure your estradiol using the correct test. Theb add an AI if needed.
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Fertility is priority but i cant stand to feel like this anymore, its hard to do regular work. Need to drink alott of caffeine to take me Thrue the day. I think the e2 lab is the correct one.
E2: 90 pmol/L ref: <160 Im in Sweden so i dont think they use the same labs.
90 pmol/L to PG/ml 24,5, so i dont think e2 is a problem right now.
50mg e3.5d would it be best to do IM injetions or can i do 50mg subq?
Fertility is priority but i cant stand to feel like this anymore, its hard to do regular work. Need to drink alott of caffeine to take me Thrue the day. I think the e2 lab is the correct one.
E2: 90 pmol/L ref: <160 Im in Sweden so i dont think they use the same labs.
90 pmol/L to PG/ml 24,5, so i dont think e2 is a problem right now.
50mg e3.5d would it be best to do IM injetions or can i do 50mg subq?

I hear you. I never tried HCG mono before but i tried clomid and it sucked. IM vs Subq you will find a lot of different opinions here. I prefer shallow IM (28G 1/2 inch syringe) on my thighs. Subq for me doesn’t work well at all plus i get a lot of skin irritation/lumps if i do subq in my abdomen.
Does the timeing for the testo injekt matter? Can i do testo hcg and hmg at same day or Should i pin testo on days i dont take hcg and Hmg?
So it Will be ok to take hcg/fsh mon wed sat and testosterone 50mg on tuesday and friday. Or Will it be better to take hcg/fsh eod and this way it Will some Times’ be testosterone pin and hcg and fsh at samedays. My english is bad sorry. Thanks for your help.
So it Will be ok to take hcg/fsh mon wed sat and testosterone 50mg on tuesday and friday. Or Will it be better to take hcg/fsh eod and this way it Will some Times’ be testosterone pin and hcg and fsh at samedays. My english is bad sorry. Thanks for your help.

Doesn’t really matter. FSH half life is very short so EOD would be ideal. However Mon Wed Fri should work fine. If it is more convenient you can inject testosterone on the same days. However unnecessary given your SHBG.
Will this be god for stabel levels. Sunday 50mg testosteron Mon: hcg/fsh 500ie/75ie wedsday hcg/fsh 500ie/75ie Thursday 50mg testosteron friday hcg/fsh 500ie/75ie. Or is anyother protocol better?
Will this be god for stabel levels. Sunday 50mg testosteron Mon: hcg/fsh 500ie/75ie wedsday hcg/fsh 500ie/75ie Thursday 50mg testosteron friday hcg/fsh 500ie/75ie. Or is anyother protocol better?

Why not keep it simple and do T33mg/HCG500IU/FSH75IU M W F?
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Why not keep it simple and do T33mg/HCG500IU/FSH75IU M W F?

It will be S T T. So for Done one inject with 32,5mg t 500ie hcg and 75ie fsh and can tell my Mood lifted After only a couple hours and my energi is back. Have only gone one day but so far i feel great. Better then i did on all those years on nebido. Did the t shot subq with 30g 1/2. I Will do seman analys in 2-3 months, hope this Will Work.
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