And here is my anecdotal evidence. In 2019/2020 wasted my money on 15mg BPC-157 for gastritis, oral administration. No noticeable or lasting effects on irritated gastric mucosa. I literally can't find a single report of someone that cured an ulcer or gastritis with BPC-157, in 30 years!, despite what the sales representative here will tell you.
If you have intestinal problems, best is to go to gastroenterologist and get the standard drugs that work, not waste your money on unproven and possible dangerous (cancer anyone?) baloney on internet because of the pretty "research" in mice and not a single human study in 30 years since the "discovery".
If you have intestinal problems, best is to go to gastroenterologist and get the standard drugs that work, not waste your money on unproven and possible dangerous (cancer anyone?) baloney on internet because of the pretty "research" in mice and not a single human study in 30 years since the "discovery".