Good suggestion
@BadassBlues I realize we all have opinions but I get kind of fed up with the attitude I am seeing where athletes are all lumped into the realm of dumbass jocks. BROSCIENCE is a very derogatory term used to dumb down anything an athlete says.
What Is BroScience? According to the urban dictionary... Broscience is the predominant brand of reasoning in bodybuilding circles where the anecd
Just a few remarks from those who have actually used this peptide. These are real people who have no hidden agenda.
Gut health? Take a Prilosec and eat some yogurt, If you take BPC and it helps your indigestion then good for you. BPC 157 has been marketed by BRO SCIENCE since the beginning to heal injuries. This is why it has become so popular. The one thing I have seen over the years is BRO SCIENCE usually turns out to be right on the money. BroScience says hig volume and heavy weight is a MUST to get huge. Science says they are wrong, yet EVERY pro bodybuilder uses high volume and heavy weight. Score another one for BroScience.
It was BroScience that told us you would grow more muscle and be a better athlete if you took steroids. Science told us we were all wrong. Science told us HGH did not influence muscle growth, BROSCIENCE said they were absolutely wrong. @Sammy says BPC is worthless, BROSCIENCE once again says @SAMMY is wrong. How about this one @Sammy, I remember when science told us saturated fats were the cause of CHD, so we invented margarine and stopped eating protein. Now we have several generation of fat asses with diabetes while they shovel those carbs down from the time they get up to the time they go to bed. Bodybuilders continued to eat huge amounts of protein and grew like weeds and stayed very healthy. BroScience usually make science look like idiots. What happens n the lab usually won't happen in reality Sammy. You claim science is sketchy because the product did not work for you to heal your gut issues?
I just have to remember back to around the year 2001 when Dr, John Crisler came on the scene. He was a member of a board called Professional Muscle and another called Anabolic Minds. Most of the members of these boards, at the time, were professional athletes of many different sport including Bodybuiding and Powerlifting. Dr. Crisler didn't go to these board to preach to those who had been using anabolic steroids and PCT for many years. He came instead to listen to BROSCIENCE and learn. Much of his protocols before he died came from athletes who had been using performance drugs for many years before he showed up. He wanted to know how they did things they did and got to the level they went to. Most of this so called BROSCIENCE came from hard core athletes that have spent a life time experimenting with anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing substances to find a combination that pushes them to the top. Crisler knew absolutely nothing about GHRPs, CJC etc but the group I was with had already found them in China and had been using them for a few years. He took lots of notes from what we said, asked questions and actually considered BROCIENCE to be a very reputable learning tool. Looks where that took the world.
Bro, I am an old guy and have been around this scene for quite some time as both a coach, scientist and athlete. I learned a long time ago to never discount what athletes do or say and instead try to find out why they are getting the results they get. I have been around some of the brightest minds in science and the best athletes in our times. When all work together we move forward. When science gets the attitude that they know more than athletes, we lost. Broscience is not what guys like you think it is.....a bunch of dumbass jock when don't know enough to think. Most athletes I know are very bright, do a whole lot of research and very methodical about what they take and how they train. We have guys here that get nothing from TRT. So according to your train of reasoning, it must not work and any science behind it must be sketchy. Then we have the law of individuality.....
I have to go back and include this story about BROSCIENCE
Professor Shnootgarten: What are you drinking there?
Tommy: Just a protein shake with some carbs; I need to get my 350 grams daily.
Professor Shnootgarten: According to the 30 pubmed studies that I’ve downloaded, any amount greater than 22.341 grams of protein post workout is superfluous for greater protein synthesis. Additionally, insulin spiking, if that’s your intended objective, is neither necessary nor helpful toward replenishing glycogen stores unless, of course, your focus is high rep, time under tension endurance tolerance rather than maximal load, low rep hypertrophy stimulation.
Tommy: Dude, over the last 8 years, I’ve gone from a 148 pound weakling to a 220 pound beast doing the same stuff that worked for my dad, and you’re a buck fifteen and have never actually seen the inside of a gym.
Professor Shnootgarten: Well, according to last year’s in-vitro study of skeletal-muscle glycogen phosphorylase done at the University of Stuttgart School of Bio-Organic Chemistry Deluxe…
Tommy: Spare me the science lesson Mr. Wizard; you’ll change your mind next week when new studies reveal the opposite conclusions. You can take your research and your weak pale self, and I’ll take the 500+lb.deadlift that I got with hard work and a little help from broscience.
Merry Christmas to all.