only happy when estradiol is VERY low

unlike T it takes 10 days for your body to stabilize on AI. So start with .25mg 1X/week. Keep track of sleep, energy, morning erections, libido, ... I use a 123 scale (bad, good, Great!!!) track all your symptoms daily. After 2 weeks, increase teh AZ to 2x /week and so on and so forth. At some point you'll hit diminishing returns. Aches, pains, lower libido, lower erections. so you can reduce it to a known level once you get there.
Prolactin: 7.1 ng/mL DHT: 58 ng/dL

The reality, or the reality I'm dealing with, is that E2 is the one variable and I have nothing to lose by experimenting. How else will I know? And I'm willing to go balls to the wall. And my doctor is curious about this, too, since he's never had a patient who did better when E2 was essentially, deliberately crashed with an ai. We both agree that the 'problems' are in the hypothalamus. Arginine, L-citrulline, boron, PDE-5 drugs all give me serious problems/side effects, so they're off the list. But, from the beginning of my testosterone journey, I've been afraid of an ai and maybe it has been the missing piece.

This a thread created by one guy, @ggenovez, who only who only feels and functions well when his E2 is <5. Yes, absolutely against conventional wisdom, but this is the human body, so presumptions are just presumptions, even if the presumption was made by a doctor. As there are men who feel/function better with high E2, there equally have to be men who do better with rock bottom E2. Can't use logic because logic has left this realm. We could be in a quantum universe.
unlike T it takes 10 days for your body to stabilize on AI. So start with .25mg 1X/week. Keep track of sleep, energy, morning erections, libido, ... I use a 123 scale (bad, good, Great!!!) track all your symptoms daily. After 2 weeks, increase teh AZ to 2x /week and so on and so forth. At some point you'll hit diminishing returns. Aches, pains, lower libido, lower erections. so you can reduce it to a known level once you get there.
Are you still taking .5 mg, daily? I've read the half life of AZ is two days, so that would mean you still have of the original dose in your system. Got it. Thanks.
I am. the half life could be 2 days but the stabilizing effects are 10. T has a half life of 8 days from what I remember but it takes 4-6 weeks for your body to stabilize. Similar effect, different time frame. take your time. Find the right dose.
I am. the half life could be 2 days but the stabilizing effects are 10. T has a half life of 8 days from what I remember but it takes 4-6 weeks for your body to stabilize. Similar effect, different time frame. take your time. Find the right dose.
Thank you.
DHT: 58 ng/dL

This is another variable, which if one is having libido issues, could perhaps be said to be on the lowish side. DHT can be manipulated higher. I would suggest starting with a single click of cream to the scrotum, keeping the injection protocol the same.

I also am in agreement with testing out 0.25mg anastrozole seperately. Suggest on your injection day. Bump up to 0.5mg if zero difference is felt.
This is another variable, which if one is having libido issues, could perhaps be said to be on the lowish side. DHT can be manipulated higher. I would suggest starting with a single click of cream to the scrotum, keeping the injection protocol the same.

I also am in agreement with testing out 0.25mg anastrozole seperately. Suggest on your injection day. Bump up to 0.5mg if zero difference is felt.
I've tried compounded T cream on the scrotum, 10 mg, and within a few days, my prostate was bothering me. Also, my skin and hair became greasy. Maybe I over convert. Still something to reconsider, perhaps at 5 mg or even less.
During those few days was there anything libido wise to report?
Maybe, but I don't recall a 'Wow' moment and too, that was about 6 months ago. My libido, sexual thoughts/the desire for sex, is there most of the time, and certainly being on testosterone keeps it burning. For some of us, that's the disconnect; a strong sexual desire but no corresponding erectile function. Yes, that's where PDE-5 inhibitors come in, if one can either work through the side effects or is fortunate to have none. Trimix is an option but you have to have a spouse or partner who has a similar libido(IMO) and who isn't put off by the idea of knowing that one has to inject into the penis in order to get hard. My wife and I had nasty arguments when I was trying erectile medications. She couldn't or wouldn't understand that I couldn't get it up the way I did when we met.(I was in my 40's and had no problems). She also has this idea that men who take erectile meds are disgusting because all they want is sex. Yeah, she's effed up. Probably part of the etiology of my ED. This from a woman who tried everything on the sexual platter when she was younger. Won't go into how I learned(it's twisty, turny) this but it is revealing. If she had remained that younger, open minded, adventurous version of herself, we'd probably still be getting it on.

I'm invested in restoring my erections because that loss has caused, and continues to cause, significant emotional distress, added to my distress from severe bipolar illness that blew up my life over 17 years ago. My wife has early or middle stage dementia and her general health is declining, so I doubt there will be any rekindling of a love life. I miss sex and I desire it. In my head, I'm still a young man. And physically, at 71,in decent shape. While other men might dream of travelling or business success or buying expensive toys, I just want a functioning penis.
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@MIP1950, will you let us know how the AI goes? I am toying with it again. I have never been consistent with it. Earlier in the week, I introduced some enanthate into my system (I usually use Natesto). I have had a low grade headache all week (a chronic problem for me with TRT). One of my theories is that the headaches are somehow tied to estrogen (either absolute levels or fluctuations). Realistically, the headaches could be multifactorial. For example, I also notice a small bump in blood pressure. Maybe that's it?

In any case, I decided to add an AI this morning. Not sure if it's placebo, but the headache has improved a lot. Not gone, but better. If I can just be patient, I'd like to try it more consistently and report back.
@MIP1950, will you let us know how the AI goes? I am toying with it again. I have never been consistent with it. Earlier in the week, I introduced some enanthate into my system (I usually use Natesto). I have had a low grade headache all week (a chronic problem for me with TRT). One of my theories is that the headaches are somehow tied to estrogen (either absolute levels or fluctuations). Realistically, the headaches could be multifactorial. For example, I also notice a small bump in blood pressure. Maybe that's it?

In any case, I decided to add an AI this morning. Not sure if it's placebo, but the headache has improved a lot. Not gone, but better. If I can just be patient, I'd like to try it more consistently and report back.
Will do. Keep working on it.
We discussed the pros and cons. A few years ago, back in Maryland, with this urologist, I was taking 30 mg, Test E, IM, daily. My libido was strong, but few if any erections and I was already overweight for me, I went from 155 to 170 and my E2 sensitive was 60 pg. I totally subscribed to not using an AI. My decision, not my doctor Maybe that was a mistake. Everytime I hit a brick wall, I learn, but I get banged up, too. I'm just stumbling along trying to feel better,overall, and get my penis to work. My doctor is great and I'm his problem patient. @ggenovez reports great results from taking .5 mg anastrazole, daily, as part of his testosterone protocol. @Gman86 posted reports from three guys who also took enough AI to drive E2 way down and they experienced great improvements. Totally contradictory from what we know at the moment. If this doesn't work the only other option is to take estradiol tablets to push E2 higher.
I know it’s late response but Man I feel you and you made me crazy laughing ,I’m with you , I tried everything , every protocol you can think of , even I went as small frequent as twice daily injections ( crazy and unscientific) and all of that has been without an Ai for 2yrs, but what else I can do to restore my energy( I need to make a living), erection( 42 yrs now & 10 yrs no relationship) , and Tons of other things , for more than 2 yrs I have been letting my E2 to go as high as 110pg/ml or maybe higher and the only test dose that I have not tried yet is 300mg/week , I listened to the anti-ai and went against my Dr advise but after all of that have never felt good, have never had an erection or maybe very soft one for few sometimes during 2yrs period , the anti ai one time they say increase your dose till symptoms relief ( blood thickened , high bp and constants headache ) , one time they say if you go to higher dose and no symptoms relief it means you have other problem ( I checked even my asshole nothing ) , one time They say if you use topical on the ball U will Be walking with a boner ( tried nothing but good thing I gained weight bcz bad absorption) , and other shit. Thy go against bro science but they do worse. I don’t care about science or research or bs anymore because either way I’m gonna die but I think with the ai I get to try to have sex before I die if it works after I lower my e2 enough. All I care about it now is to feel better and able to work and try to have sex before they bury me
I’m telling ya man, the answer for u lies in diet and supplementation. With u having bipolar disorder, until u dial those both in ur gonna always be chasing ur tail. I worked in psych for 5 years, and been a nurse for 10+ years, I would stay far far away from any and all psych meds.

Have u looked into lithium orotate?

I try my best to not push anything on anyone, but I can’t help but let u know that with u having bipolar disorder, ur always gonna be chasing ur tail until u optimize ur diet, supplementation, exercise and sleep.
Been re-reading this thread and started back on .25 anastrozole. Will take it 2X week, for starters. Regarding my bipolar & sleep issues, been experimenting with liquid levothyroxine at night. Started at 40 mcg, then 80, along with my .5 mg clonazepam. T4 does get me to sleep, though sleep quality isn't good. Last night spent 6:30 to 9:30 pm trying to stay awake. When I went to bed, couldn't get to sleep. Kept increasing the dose of T4. Got to 160 mcg. That put me out at midnight. Slept until 7. During the day, taking T3 for depression; up to 100 mcg. Not hyperthyroid. Actually tired most of the day.
I know it’s late response but Man I feel you and you made me crazy laughing ,I’m with you , I tried everything , every protocol you can think of , even I went as small frequent as twice daily injections ( crazy and unscientific) and all of that has been without an Ai for 2yrs, but what else I can do to restore my energy( I need to make a living), erection( 42 yrs now & 10 yrs no relationship) , and Tons of other things , for more than 2 yrs I have been letting my E2 to go as high as 110pg/ml or maybe higher and the only test dose that I have not tried yet is 300mg/week , I listened to the anti-ai and went against my Dr advise but after all of that have never felt good, have never had an erection or maybe very soft one for few sometimes during 2yrs period , the anti ai one time they say increase your dose till symptoms relief ( blood thickened , high bp and constants headache ) , one time they say if you go to higher dose and no symptoms relief it means you have other problem ( I checked even my asshole nothing ) , one time They say if you use topical on the ball U will Be walking with a boner ( tried nothing but good thing I gained weight bcz bad absorption) , and other shit. Thy go against bro science but they do worse. I don’t care about science or research or bs anymore because either way I’m gonna die but I think with the ai I get to try to have sex before I die if it works after I lower my e2 enough. All I care about it now is to feel better and able to work and try to have sex before they bury me
Been reading this thread again and saw your reply. Yup, we sound the same. Your trials and tribulations made me laugh. Why it's so simple for some guys and for guys like us, wandering the wilderness. Turned 72 yesterday. Wife turned 77. She's told me several times that she's finished with sex. Well, sorry honey, but I'm not. Women flirt with me, so I know I still have something to offer, LOL. Wanna die with a hard on(and a woman riding me)!

So I'm back to trying anastrozole(.25 mg 2X week). I drive my urologist crazy because I'm desperate to for those erections. He's understanding. Good man, good doctor. Keep trying, man. No pay off for giving up.
Been re-reading this thread and started back on .25 anastrozole. Will take it 2X week, for starters. Regarding my bipolar & sleep issues, been experimenting with liquid levothyroxine at night. Started at 40 mcg, then 80, along with my .5 mg clonazepam. T4 does get me to sleep, though sleep quality isn't good. Last night spent 6:30 to 9:30 pm trying to stay awake. When I went to bed, couldn't get to sleep. Kept increasing the dose of T4. Got to 160 mcg. That put me out at midnight. Slept until 7. During the day, taking T3 for depression; up to 100 mcg. Not hyperthyroid. Actually tired most of the day.
Man I feel for u big time with everything u have going on. Not being able to get quality sleep on top of everything is no bueno. In regards to sleep, I’ve found supplementing with magnesium very helpful. And then the other main thing is definitely a good pair of red and green light blocking glasses. Ive been wearing them for years now, and luckily I sleep really well. There’s other ways to improve sleep obv, but those are the main ones I would say. Highly recommend to implement both, if ur not already. I get my glasses from blublox btw
Man I feel for u big time with everything u have going on. Not being able to get quality sleep on top of everything is no bueno. In regards to sleep, I’ve found supplementing with magnesium very helpful. And then the other main thing is definitely a good pair of red and green light blocking glasses. Ive been wearing them for years now, and luckily I sleep really well. There’s other ways to improve sleep obv, but those are the main ones I would say. Highly recommend to implement both, if ur not already. I get my glasses from blublox btw
Thanks. Check on the magnesium & blue block glasses. Put them on at 6 p.m. every evening. Many abstracts about levothyroxine and bipolar by Dr. Peter Whybrow, who has been researching the thyroid/bipolar connection for at least 35 years and his co-researcher, Dr. Michael Bauer, in Germany. As I've written, my sleep was fine until I relapsed back into bipolar. That was the first symptom to reappear in mid 2004. In 2003, slept fine, worked hard, had erections to spare. I worked as a courier, running on adrenaline 10 hours a day, driving all over the Baltimore/DC area and I almost know that's what tipped my neuroendocrine system over the edge. And even leaving that profession, working part time in less stressful jobs didn't stop the dam from bursting. 18 years, and I'm still trying to put myself back together. I'm the human embodiment of Humpty Dumpty.

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