Sleep Apnea Questions

I have been dealing with low T and low rate ogen for quite a while now, and I noticed that there was a direct correlation between my levels dropping and my sleep going to crap. I am waking up 5 to 6 times a night. I got a new primary care doctor, and he suggested a sleep study to see if I had sleep apnea, which he said could also be contributing to my low levels. I went before Christmas and I only slept about theee hours. The doctor said that I 100 percent have symptoms of sleep apnea, but they need a second study with a full night sleep to determine the severity and to recommend a course of treatment. I am going back Thursday night and they want me to take a sleep aid. I should have a good idea next week what I am dealing with. So for you guys my questions are
1. Have any of you had sleep apnea along with low T
2. Can fixing sleep apnea possibly return me to normal levels without TRT therapy
3. Can I go on TRT therapy with sleep apnea?

Thanks for the feedback in advance guys.
You can go on sleep therapy and trt, but I definitely would first take care of your sleep apnea. Having poor sleep does contribute to low testosterone, if you improve your sleep hopefully you will raise your testosterone to normal more levels. It's definitely worth a try.
I did a sleep study as a sleep center years ago and didn't sleep one bit. With all of the wires hooked up to my head and a tube partially up my nose, it would absolutely impossible to sleep. As a result, my doctor at the time concluded I was narcoleptic (which I'm not). However, when I slept I never felt fully rested when I woke up (even if I slept 8+ hours).

Fast forward a few years and I went to a new doctor (ENT specialist this time). They have a new take home sleep study that's a smaller box and only a few wires. It was much easier to sleep, but I kept having issues with the nose sensor. Nevertheless, I had atleast one full night data that determined I have mild sleep apnea. I was prescribed an auto-pap to sleep and the moments I did sleep I was definitely in deep sleep. I know because I was no longer snoring (recorded on SnoreLab app on my phone). However, I cannot sleep much with it. I've tried different masks, but cannot seem to find the one that will keep me asleep.

I've recently had an upper respiratory infection (caused by a bad cold/flu and not by the machine) so I haven't used it again and don't plan on it until it's completely out of my system. I picked up a new mask and hoping this will help me soon. I'm still feeling tired and really want this to work, but sometimes I feel like I'm claustrophobic even though I've never been in any other situation.

Based on what I have seen and heard, sleep apnea will definitely cause some of the symptoms of low testosterone and fixing that may fix some of the issues. However, it all depends on your labs, as well. I'm no expert, but just giving my examples of what I've been dealing with. I hope this helps.
I did a sleep study as a sleep center years ago and didn't sleep one bit. With all of the wires hooked up to my head and a tube partially up my nose, it would absolutely impossible to sleep. As a result, my doctor at the time concluded I was narcoleptic (which I'm not). However, when I slept I never felt fully rested when I woke up (even if I slept 8+ hours).

Fast forward a few years and I went to a new doctor (ENT specialist this time). They have a new take home sleep study that's a smaller box and only a few wires. It was much easier to sleep, but I kept having issues with the nose sensor. Nevertheless, I had atleast one full night data that determined I have mild sleep apnea. I was prescribed an auto-pap to sleep and the moments I did sleep I was definitely in deep sleep. I know because I was no longer snoring (recorded on SnoreLab app on my phone). However, I cannot sleep much with it. I've tried different masks, but cannot seem to find the one that will keep me asleep.

I've recently had an upper respiratory infection (caused by a bad cold/flu and not by the machine) so I haven't used it again and don't plan on it until it's completely out of my system. I picked up a new mask and hoping this will help me soon. I'm still feeling tired and really want this to work, but sometimes I feel like I'm claustrophobic even though I've never been in any other situation.

Based on what I have seen and heard, sleep apnea will definitely cause some of the symptoms of low testosterone and fixing that may fix some of the issues. However, it all depends on your labs, as well. I'm no expert, but just giving my examples of what I've been dealing with. I hope this helps.
Yeah, I go back to the sleep center for the second study tonight. I am taking a sleep aid to sleep tonight. Did the sleep center ever have you take one to sleep better with the wires?
Yeah, I go back to the sleep center for the second study tonight. I am taking a sleep aid to sleep tonight. Did the sleep center ever have you take one to sleep better with the wires?

I was always told we're not supposed to take any sleep aid because it could affect the results of the numbers from your sleep study, but I have no clue how the hell anyone could sleep without it. When I did my home sleep study, I took some Zquil the first night and was able to atleast stay asleep long enough to let the system get some numbers. The second night I didn't take any and could not sleep.
The mask is everything. Order a bunch on and return everything but the one you like best.

I have been on CPAP therapy for 15 years. I have been through many masks in that time. My mask of choice is the ResMed AirFit P10 nasal pillow mask. The P10 is light years ahead of my first mask. I barely feel it on my face. Plus, the P10 diffuses the air leaving the mask, which means that one does not blow cold air on one's partner.
Hello everyone does anyone here use a special apnea pillow. I faced it recently and consider buying it, but there are tones of different comparisons (like this one for example). It would make it a lot easier for me, if I would get some recommendations from real people who use it.

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