We discussed the pros and cons. A few years ago, back in Maryland, with this urologist, I was taking 30 mg, Test E, IM, daily. My libido was strong, but few if any erections and I was already overweight for me, I went from 155 to 170 and my E2 sensitive was 60 pg. I totally subscribed to not using an AI. My decision, not my doctor Maybe that was a mistake. Everytime I hit a brick wall, I learn, but I get banged up, too. I'm just stumbling along trying to feel better,overall, and get my penis to work. My doctor is great and I'm his problem patient.
@ggenovez reports great results from taking .5 mg anastrazole, daily, as part of his testosterone protocol.
@Gman86 posted reports from three guys who also took enough AI to drive E2 way down and they experienced great improvements. Totally contradictory from what we know at the moment. If this doesn't work the only other option is to take estradiol tablets to push E2 higher.