Need fish oil recommendation

I am so glad we have Will Brink on

I have been a long time admirer of his work since back in the 1990's when I was doing research for my first book.

Stick around, Will!
I am so glad we have Will Brink on

I have been a long time admirer of his work since back in the 1990's when I was doing research for my first book.

Stick around, Will!

Much appreciated Nelson! I like to think I helped changed/improve peoples lives via all the magazines, etc, but you sir saved peoples lives, and did so during the darkest times and against medical establishments advice, etc. You did so for a population no one was really helping as it was "just a *** mans disease" at the time. I played my part by being the first to review and recommend Built To Survive in my column in MMI. I wonder how many people here really know what you and Mooney achieved with that book?
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interesting video, I'm assuming that is the Ethanol molecule corroding the plastic cup, although that Natures Bounty Fish oil doesn't really look good to me, the EE form from Zone Labs looks crystal clear with out any type of smell, you should be doing a comparison with a high quality FO, but maybe doesn't really change the outcome if that is the Ethanol doing that, I mean thinking of ingesting Ethanol does not sound great, but we do ingest some poison from the food/water as well, one of these arsenic, so that would not sound great neither, beside if I'm understanding well from my research, the TG form will be a more "dirty" form as the process will remove less contamination, unless it is a RE-TG form which will be to expensive, correct? although TG would be probably the more "natural" way for the body to get EPA/DHA

at the end I find producer of EE FO showing all the best data proving that their FO is the one to buy, and same happens with TG form producers

I personally had started FO from ZoneLabs over 3 years a go, and I noticed a decrease in anxiety panic attacks I had at that time, plus some joint help, so I decided to keep using it till lately that I have been trying to find a less expensive product but effective

that is what I wanted to go with as well, expensive though, I like 2:1 EPA/DHA ratio, the Omega RX extra liquid, 3gr a day for 48days are $67 on, I have to say despite EE form that Doctor Sears offer, they have an excellent costumer service, I always speak with same people and they always ready for any question,

I use Nordic Naturals liquid omega-3, I take 4 teaspoons daily.
I got to know LifeExtention actually not much long a go, and they are amazing, I mean, consumer service amaze me, I use the "two per day" Multivitamin Vince recommended me, I love the formulation with the Vit Bs on the active form, $20 for two months! unbeatable

I use and recommend Life Extension foundation.
interesting Nelson about LDL and NAC, I had a blood work last week, my LDL improve quiet something, I thought it was because I added 200mg of Ubiquinol, but also NAC! thank you for reminding me about that

I use this one since it has good data and no fishy burping.

Neptune is also another good brand. Viva Labs is recommended by (they test ingredients).

I have great LDL and triglycerides. I am taking it to improve my HDL along with NAC (I react badly to Niacin)

Krill oil supplementation: big boost to HDL and lower LDL

Krill Oil Compared to Fish Oil
interesting Nelson about LDL and NAC, I had a blood work last week, my LDL improve quiet something, I thought it was because I added 200mg of Ubiquinol, but also NAC! thank you for reminding me about that

I believe NAC has improved my HDL, but maybe it has also improved my LDL. I also started using NAC because of Nelson's threads and posts on it.
I got to know LifeExtention actually not much long a go, and they are amazing, I mean, consumer service amaze me, I use the "two per day" Multivitamin Vince recommended me, I love the formulation with the Vit Bs on the active form, $20 for two months! unbeatable

Generally an excellent company. If you run my name at their site you'll see the various articles I have written for their magazine over the years.
Generally an excellent company. If you run my name at their site you'll see the various articles I have written for their magazine over the years.
My take was similar to What Vince said, a bit heavy on the advertising, and I'm not certain I, in Canada, can access their services, but will give them a closer look.
My take was similar to What Vince said, a bit heavy on the advertising, and I'm not certain I, in Canada, can access their services, but will give them a closer look.

I used to order from them back in the day when are dollar was higher. Found out about the company from reading Wills book Priming The Anabolic Environment. great read by the way! 519R9KBAVRL__SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.webp 519R9KBAVRL__SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.webp
I mentioned LEF that far back?! Dang. Been a member since 92, well before I did any writing or consulting work for them.

Think I purchased this book in 96 when I was in my early twenties. You mention LEF briefly and there is a phone number/address to reach them! I used to purchase Muscle Mag religiously and had read many of your articles and was also how I first heard of your book Built To Survive with Michael Mooney. I always enjoyed reading your material as it was so thorough and interesting. I was always fascinated with nutrition/muscle/testosterone and AAS at a very early age. Hell when I was 16 I was in my local library reading everything I could regarding testosterone/aas, mind you I never did them and now I am here in my 40s on trt who knew! Cool that I am speaking to you now as I used to always tell my friends about William D. Brink LOL much respect to you!

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