Hehe, yeah I've been reading and studying Taeians FB posts for some months now after
@Gman86 intruduced me to his material, and I like his views. Also been in touch with him lately and he is helping me with my severe gut issues I've been battling for the past year or two. He suggests 6 on 4 off cycling IIRC. I have Deca ready to give it a go. Most of his guys loving Deca solo cycles or Deca HRTs with minimal Test just for E2. Also I've been listening to Dr. Litchten how he treats various diseases with Deca and other androgens and been doing that the longest from them all. I think he is in his 70s. Really awesome stuff.
I also have Telmisartan and Nebivolol at hand just in case I will need it. My BP on 100mg Test E5D a few weeks ago was 105/66/58 upon waking fasted. But ofcourse I do serious cardiovascular work in the gym and lift heavy 3-4x week. Been off for a week or so as caught a flu or something but its getting better. I will keep an eye on the BP once I switch to Deca and see what happens. I've been in the MAN2MAN meetings with Dr. Thomas O'Connor and listened to him about all these BP meds and according to him and literature they do have a lot of health benefits as well. But I prefer to do it all naturaly, tick all boxes and only then if its needed take a pill. Great that you stay on top of your BP. Kudos.
Point taken re Primo and seems like many guys love it and feel great on it without an AI. Might try that sometime in the future when the time is right and the rhyme is right ,) Will be interesting to see how your experiment goes and def keep us posted.