Yes, Yes, Yes x 1000.
Sleep quality/duration is far too often overlooked and underappreciated. Without enough QUALITY sleep, our body just doesn't's as simple as that. Everyone should view sleep as a vital nutrient, hormone, etc necessary for the body to function and thrive.
This is why untreated and undiagnosed sleep apnea is such a huge problem for many folks.
Ive been tested a few times for sleep apnea. Both times I was negative. My sleep does in fact suck. Wife says I snore. I never used to snore. She says its been for the past 4-5 years. I dont know if that has to do with weight gain or not. I was in the 170's while in my late 20's and early 30's. Something happened in my early 30's to where I started to slow down a little. I work in the HVAC field which was always great until I started sweating really bad. We all sweat when its 95 degrees out with high humidity but I was getting to the point that I needed a shower and change of clothes every hour lol. Im to the point now that a casual walk in the summer, while wearing light weight and light color t-shirt and gym short, has me sweating to the point that I need to carry a hand towel. Im sure some of the weight gain was due to me cutting out some of those activities that I would normally do during the warm weather time of year. Now, just sitting on the couch watching tv, i get bad under arm sweats. My groin area sweats to the point that I need to apply some powder to keep from chaffing lol. No doctors can explain it. So with all that said...... I lay in bed with hopes of falling to sleep before midnight. Maybe 1 or 2 nights I cant fall asleep until 1, ,2, even 3 am. Wake up at 530. Cycle the snooze button 4 times. Feet are on the floor by 6. Within an hour Im feeling ok. By 10-11 am Im feeling tired. Eat lunch, feel a little better. Make it thru the afternoon. Get home around 4. Make dinner, help with homework, interact with family. by 5-6 pm I'm exhausted. Usually hit the gym between 6 and 8. I just push through the fatigue. Usually feel pretty good after workout (weights/cardio 1-1.5 hours). Get home and though I feel tired, I cant fall asleep. This same pattern repeats with or WITHOUT a visit to the gym.
Had blood drawn on MLK day. Here are the results
Cortisol- 14.4 (4.6-20.6)
TSH- 2.33 (0.40-4.50)
T4 Total- 7.4 (4.5-12)
Free T4- 2.6 (1.4-3.8)
T3 Uptake- 35% (22-35)
Glucose- 68 (65-99)
BUN- 19 (7-25)
Creatinine- 1.02 (.6-1.35)
eGFR Non-AfrAm- 92 (<60)
Sodium- 139 (135-146)
Potassium- 3.7 (3.5-5.3)
CO2- 29 (20-31)
Chloride- 102 (98-110)
Calcium- 9.7 (8.6-10.3)
Total Protein- 7 (6.1-8.1)
Albumin- 4.3 (3.6-5.1)
Globulin- 2.7 (1.9-3.7)
Alkaline Phos- 72 (40-115)
AST- 22 (10-40)
ALT- 15 (9-46)
WBC- 6.2 (3.8-10.8)
RBC- 5.31 (4.2-5.8)
Hemoglobin- 14.9 (13.2-17.1)
Hematocrit- 45.3 (38.5-50)
MCV- 85.3 (80-100)
MCH- 28.1 (27-33)
MCHC- 32.9 (32-36)
RDW- 12.9 (11-15)
Platelet Count- 250 (140-400)
MPV- 9.8 (7.5-12.5)
Absol Neutrophils- 2988 (1500-7800)
Absol Lymphocytes 2102 (850-3900)
Absol Monocytes 713 (200-950)
Absol Eosinophils 329 (15-500)
Absol Basophils- 68 (0-200)
Neutrophils- 48.2
Lymphocytes- 33.9
Monocytes- 11.5
Eosinophils- 5.3
Basophils- 1.1
DHEA-S 114 (106-464)
Reverse T3- 17 (8-25)
Opinions......... thoughts.......... help?...........