not quite - the study showed a total of 10mg/kg per week done on rats. When you apply the human equivalent dosing as shown in the table below you divide the animal dose by 6.2 which equals 1.6 mg/kg. For a 220 /lb man thats only 160 mg / week not that far off from our TRT dosing.
However, there is a huge difference between animal studies and humans. Many rat studies simply do not carry over well because rats were designed to live 4 years max - whereas humans are obviously far more complex and live for decades. This was one of the reasons why the study on the PED Cardarine, which gave all rats cancer at all doses, is still used today years later in the bodybuilding and fitness community yet there has been no reported cancer to my knowledge from that - and I am on about half a dozen forums looking for that.
The info is just that - more to weigh in on the risk / reward of using androgens.
I have serious issues with joint pain that only nandrolone resolved - so maybe its time to get the BP monitor and check this daily like I did before and then make a decision.
A simple practice guide for dose conversion between animals and human, Anroop B Nair, Shery Jacob