Nandrolone Experiences

I thought it was well agreed that 2 Tcyp for each 1 part Deca was essential to avoid major sides. I'm thinking of running 3 parts Cypionate to 1 part Deca to be extra conservative or starting with just a touch of Deca with my Cypionate to see what it does. Did any of the rest of you similarly titrate up? Will definitely post results. Not starting till my labs are back.
2-1 Testosterone/ Deca being the best is a myth. It was from over conservative doctors. 1-1 is fine. But if you would like to be cautious, there is nothing wrong with going low. Personally, I’ve found the benefits of deca do not emerge until I’m doing 70 mg per week at least amd even then I only do 80-100 mg of Testosterone.
How likely is it to get side effects when adding in low dose nandrolone? I want to try it for my joints, but I'm so happy with my current protocol that I'm also kinda afraid to rock the boat.
I was just as concerned as you in the beginning but my journey to find something other than NSAIDS daily to help control my shoulder bursitis led me to try Nandrolone. I titrated up first started at 50 mg weekly which I quickly saw an improvement but only lasted about 3 days. Then I upped it to 75 mg for about a month pain relief lasted a little longer keep in mind I weight train 3x a week so had I not weight lifted regularly I can honestly say 75-100mg is enough to get by on.
For me it has taken 150-200 mg weekly to make it through the week with no shoulder pain so far no negative side effects for me. Actually all positive effects, body composition has improved, lifting heavier without any shoulder pain and sex drive is through the roof.
200mg Nandrolone/160mg Testosterone I’m 54 years old not sure how long I can sustain this but sure feels nice
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I was just as concerned as you in the beginning but my journey to find something other than NSAIDS daily to help control my shoulder bursitis led me to try Nandrolone. I titrated up first started at 50 mg weekly which I quickly saw an improvement but only lasted about 3 days. Then I upped it to 75 mg for about a month pain relief lasted a little longer keep in mind I weight train 3x a week so had I not weight lifted regularly I can honestly say 75-100mg is enough to get by on.
For me it has taken 150-200 mg weekly to make it through the week with no shoulder pain so far no negative side effects for me. Actually all positive effects, body composition has improved, lifting heavier without any shoulder pain and sex drive is through the roof.
200mg Nandrolone/160mg Testosterone I’m 54 years old not sure how long I can sustain this but sure feels nice
Did your Libido increase with the Nandrolone?
I thought it was well agreed that 2 Tcyp for each 1 part Deca was essential to avoid major sides. I'm thinking of running 3 parts Cypionate to 1 part Deca to be extra conservative or starting with just a touch of Deca with my Cypionate to see what it does. Did any of the rest of you similarly titrate up? Will definitely post results. Not starting till my labs are back.
I’m wit Defy and Mike is my provider. We added nandrolone for joint pain and to lower my TCyp because I was very sensitive to DHT. I’m taking 120 T and 120 N with 750 HCG split M/W/F. I feel great and have no side effects. I can handle the more mild DHN and with a lower T dose my DHT is dialed in.

I’m tempted to try a mix from Empower of TCyp Tprop and Nandrolone. But the ratio
I decided to stop due to blood pressure and decreased HDL. Not a compound to be on forever. I used it on and off for 15 years.
There is no issue mixing oils.
Libido was high while on nandrolone. Higher free T and probably some central effect of having an average of 300-400 mg per week of total androgens may have something to do with it. I was also younger and had more energy, which accounts for higher libido for me.
hello Nelson! can nandrolone be administered by subq injections?
Yes, but I would not inject more than 1 ml (cc) subcutaneously since you may develop nodules. I would rather use shallow IM with 1/2 inch needle atb90 degrees on glutes, delts and probably legs.
do you think since npp gets into the bloodstream sooner than deca (nandrolone decanoate) maybe it raises prolactin levels better? because it suddenly gets into the blood ... I'm sensitive to prolactin and I'm a little scared. I don’t know if npp or deca is the better choice for me.
I’m wit Defy and Mike is my provider. We added nandrolone for joint pain and to lower my TCyp because I was very sensitive to DHT. I’m taking 120 T and 120 N with 750 HCG split M/W/F. I feel great and have no side effects. I can handle the more mild DHN and with a lower T dose my DHT is dialed in.

I’m tempted to try a mix from Empower of TCyp Tprop and Nandrolone. But the ratio
How long are you on for - will you be cycling on and off or is that dose good for life?
Yes, but I would not inject more than 1 ml (cc) subcutaneously since you may develop nodules. I would rather use shallow IM with 1/2 inch needle atb90 degrees on glutes, delts and probably legs.
Do you think nandrolone at moderate doses (100-120) a week would be significantly detrimental to ones health? Specifically longevity and cardiovascular health?
sorry for bumping this thread up. Just wanted to ask folks who are with Defy who are on Nandrolone, who is your Defy Consultant? I just signed up and got blood tests done recently, now I am waiting to speak with Dr. Saya, but not for 2 weeks because of his busy schedule.

Anyone else using Dr Saya, and is he okay with nandrolone for TRT? If not who at Defy should I be consulting with, or are they all of the same mindset with regards to using nandrolone?
sorry for bumping this thread up. Just wanted to ask folks who are with Defy who are on Nandrolone, who is your Defy Consultant? I just signed up and got blood tests done recently, now I am waiting to speak with Dr. Saya, but not for 2 weeks because of his busy schedule.

Anyone else using Dr Saya, and is he okay with nandrolone for TRT? If not who at Defy should I be consulting with, or are they all of the same mindset with regards to using nandrolone?
Given the assumption you have a medically justified need for nandrolone, nandrolone is inside the standard of care at Defy. Hence, any provider there can provide direction on an appropriate protocol. Of course I am partial to Dr. Saya and his keen mind and thoughtful approach so I pay more.
Given the assumption you have a medically justified need for nandrolone, nandrolone is inside the standard of care at Defy. Hence, any provider there can provide direction on an appropriate protocol. Of course I am partial to Dr. Saya and his keen mind and thoughtful approach so I pay more.
This is my experience as well. However, @pfuked - realize that most places will not RX Nandrolone straight away while also getting on Testosterone (which I assume you will be doing based on your post). Otherwise it’s too many variables to account for. Things may be different now but that was my experience with Defy and some others.
Thanks, yeah I have been on TRT with another provider for 7-8 years now. I have some back issues and bicep tendonitis and also suffer from a lot of androgenic side effects from testosterone (hair loss, back acne) I figured I would give Nandrolone a try If they will let me.

A major reason I'd like to add nandrolone to my TRT is because of an experience I had back in college 30 years ago (I had low testosterone back then)-- I did a long cycle of Deca only. Cant remember the dose but it was in the 200/300 mg/week range. I added weight, lost fat, felt great, and it grew back all my hair...yes I was half bald in college. True story.
Do you think nandrolone at moderate doses (100-120) a week would be significantly detrimental to ones health? Specifically longevity and cardiovascular health?
Important to specify which individual you are speaking about when asking such a question. For a blanket question assume the answer is yes and calculate the risk / reward from there. I assume yes until data is provided to demonstrate otherwise (at the individual level).
Thanks, yeah I have been on TRT with another provider for 7-8 years now. I have some back issues and bicep tendonitis and also suffer from a lot of androgenic side effects from testosterone (hair loss, back acne) I figured I would give Nandrolone a try If they will let me.

A major reason I'd like to add nandrolone to my TRT is because of an experience I had back in college 30 years ago (I had low testosterone back then)-- I did a long cycle of Deca only. Cant remember the dose but it was in the 200/300 mg/week range. I added weight, lost fat, felt great, and it grew back all my hair...yes I was half bald in college. True story.
I’ve heard quite a few anecdotes of guys regrowing hair on nandrolone only. I’ve even heard of guys saying they noticed hair improving just adding nandrolone to their TRT. Makes sense with how DHN can displace or compete at the receptor with DHT. Makes sense with nandrolone solo even more because nandrolone only will shut down ur natural testosterone production, and if u don’t have any test in ur body, ur not gonna have anything converting into DHT, and u’ll just have a bunch of DHN floating around from the nandrolone, and DHN is pretty hair safe overall. So I can actually see for some men hair being better better on low dose nandrolone only vs being completely natural

Part of the reason I’m using nandrolone is to minimize hair loss and acne as well. And to answer ur question, I personally see Mike Linkus at defy. I think I’m overseen by Dr saya tho. But Mike actually uses a nandrolone base for his personal HRT protocol, so he understands the benefits of the compound, and there’s a good chance he’ll prescribe it to u if it’s something u think would be beneficial for u in regards to ur needs and goals
I’ve heard quite a few anecdotes of guys regrowing hair on nandrolone only. I’ve even heard of guys saying they noticed hair improving just adding nandrolone to their TRT. Makes sense with how DHN can displace or compete at the receptor with DHT. Makes sense with nandrolone solo even more because nandrolone only will shut down ur natural testosterone production, and if u don’t have any test in ur body, ur not gonna have anything converting into DHT, and u’ll just have a bunch of DHN floating around from the nandrolone, and DHN is pretty hair safe overall. So I can actually see for some men hair being better better on low dose nandrolone only vs being completely natural

Part of the reason I’m using nandrolone is to minimize hair loss and acne as well. And to answer ur question, I personally see Mike Linkus at defy. I think I’m overseen by Dr saya tho. But Mike actually uses a nandrolone base for his personal HRT protocol, so he understands the benefits of the compound, and there’s a good chance he’ll prescribe it to u if it’s something u think would be beneficial for u in regards to ur needs and goals
LOL indeed. You promise the guy? Wow.

I’m a health freak btw and longevity is extremely important to me. I’m confident that I can maintain great overall health and live a very long life continuing to use the protocol that I am, again 250 test, 100 NPP and 125 primo. So don’t worry at all about using just 308mg of test per week. U’ll be absolutely fine, I promise u lol


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