No, an androgen can't lower exogenous T because there is really no way to do that - you are getting what you inject, apply, etc. into the body and nothing is going to stop that - absorption rates, digestion, and things like that aside. What the other androgens will do is compete with T for androgen receptors and SHBG as well as lower SHBG which can give you some strange-looking lab results if you aren't expecting that such as crazy high T or a Total T that is half what you thought. Therein lies the importance of being thorough with your lab follow ups if you really want to see and understand what is going on and not just base what you are doing off of how you feel and partial assumptions. I had a draw for my follow up labs this morning and it was 7 tubes for my large protocol.
Androgens will lower endogenous T, that is what your body naturally produces. The negative feedback loop that controls this process is sensitive to more than T alone. There have been some instances of substituting testosterone in TRT with Nandrolone or SARM's. But I have never seen an instance of it working out well, let alone as being considered for a life-long treatment, and I don't think that there is currently enough understanding and data on the subject. DHT derivatives and metabolites will give you a lot of the same benefits of T and in some cases exhibit even more powerful effects so it makes logical sense, but the body also seems to require T specifically and the other androgens can't replicate that closely enough. So you end up with side effects like the well-known ED from Nandrolone. That happens when not enough (or zero) T is used along with it. With enough T however, Nandrolone has definitely boosted my own libido. Like anything else, doses and then results from those will also vary from person to person.
I’ve been learning a ton about nandrolone recently, and have learned some very interesting things, that I either didn’t know about it, or thought incorrectly about it. Deca dick, is one of those things, for example. And I’m not saying this is 100% facts, just saying this is what I’ve heard from guys that have studies nandrolone to high heavens, and guys using nandrolone only, or at least nandrolone as a base, themselves. According to them, nandrolone sensitizes the E2 and prolactin receptors. So any E2 and prolactin in the system, will have more of an impact. Nandrolone alone, produces very very low amounts of both E2 and prolactin. Again, according to them, nobody experiences deca dick, when nandrolone is used alone, at high enough doses. I say high enough doses, because when ran alone, you need to use a dose that will produce enough E2. When used at lower doses, if sexual function is an issue, it can usually be easily remedied with adding a small dose of an aromatizing compound, like HCG and/ or testosterone. They say that 99% of “deca dick” cases, are a result of too much testosterone on the system, along with the deca. Not the deca itself. This is due to nandrolone sensitizing the E2 and prolactin receptors, and making the E2 and prolactin from the testosterone more potent, and causing sexual function is issues. According to them, it’s also not good to have too much DHT in the system, at the same time as a bunch of DHN. Apparently it causes issues at the receptor level when levels of both are too high at the same time. I’m not 100% clear on the whole mixing DHN and DHT thing, but I think that it’s something along those lines.
Like I said, I’m no expert on nandrolone or anything, at this point, but it seems that you may be incorrect about deca dick being caused by not using enough exogenous T, when using deca. I’ve talked to quite a few guys on nandrolone alone, that have no issues, and a few of the guys I talked to are part of a fb group, where literally hundreds and hundreds of men are either using nandrolone alone, with great success, or using nandrolone with a small dose of testosterone, for the E2 boost, again with great success. But invariably, when you talk to guys that get “deca dick”, they almost always report taking higher doses of test than nandrolone. In my experience, whenever I ask someone that reports having “deca dick” they report using higher doses of test than deca, 100% of the time. I’ve only asked maybe 25-30 guys tho, in either the Youtube comments of a video, fb groups, and or forums. Here’s a few videos that kind of explain what I’m talking about.