I have some nandrolone questions along with a few peripheral questions for a few guys.
When not TRT-optimized, I feel tired, lethargic, run down. When on certain forms of TRT, I feel a lot better, while other forms of TRT cause me a number of undesirable experiences, the worst of which is migraines. On a call with
Defy recently, we discussed considering low dose nandrolone to add to a form of TRT that I tolerate. The logic was that one possible explanation for my headaches is the downstream metabolites from testosterone. Thus, nandrolone may provide some TRT benefit without the headaches. I have since learned that there are a
ton of potential issues with nandrolone, so I am treading pretty lightly.
@Nelson Vergel, I know you did well on nandrolone for a long time. Do you think it impacted your libido in any negative way? Why did you eventually decide to stop? I have also read some of your posts on trimix. I don't use that product, but have a question on mixing oils. I can't imagine there is any issue with mixing nandrolone in grapeseed along with Test Cyp in sesame or other oil in a syringe (not mixing them in a vial, but in a syringe for a single injection)?
@Cataceous, I know you (very briefly) gave nandrolone a try. Did you do it IM or SC? I know there is a lot of debate on IM vs. SC Test injections. I fall into the camp that SC works fine. I think I saw one, old study on SC nandrolone, but didn't read it carefully. For those that successfully use nandrolone, is there any community consensus on IM vs. SC?
@ivkonst2017, I know you believe in IM only. In your experience, what is the minimum needle length you can use and still get into muscle? I think 1/2" in the thigh would work, but wonder what you have found.
I have read some of the threads on shelf life of testosterone. There has been a lot of discussion about potency and sterility. I have a vial of Test Cyp from Olympia pharmacy that was prescribed in 2017 or 2018. Unfortunately, I can't remember the oil. In any case, I barely touched it back then. I have had headache issues in the past with injections, most recently even with very low dose enanthate. I decided to give the expired Test Cyp a try at low doses. Interestingly, I tolerated it reasonably well. It felt more mellow than enanthate. If it lost potency, it has not lost so much that it does not provide benefit. I have seen a noticeable bump in energy. I cannot recommend doing this, as there could be sterility issues. That said, I can attest that even after several years, it seems to maintain is efficacy. Therefore, I am considering low dose Test Cyp along with very low dose nandrolone for a little while. Using them together may allow me to use low doses of both.