@Gman86, can I ask for an updated opinion on nandrolone? I intend to plow through what's written here to gain greater insight on it. I started at page 1 and so far, am only on page 7! Most of what I have read so far has been back and forth between you and
I ask because on a call with
Defy the other day, my provider brought it up as an option. Without any form of TRT, I feel tired, run down. But, I have a ton of issues tolerating most forms of TRT. I have posted in several threads that I consistently experience unacceptable side effects with just about everything besides Natesto and hCG. I categorize my lack of tolerance into two categories: (1) typical TRT sides that many guys experience, and (2) migraine/headache issues that only I get. I have a long history of headaches, and I have limited tolerance to tinkering. It's the second category that has plagued me when trying to find a TRT "sweet spot".
In the end, I can accept Natesto/hCG as my long term solution. BUT, I am missing a few key benefits with this regimen: it does very little for libido and it does not appear to have any anabolic benefit. Anabolic is my lowest priority, but I do believe there is benefit in improved lean body mass that TRT offers. I also think that injections and maybe cream help my various musculoskeletal ailments (nothing serious, but a lot of tendon soreness).
I have been working to try to figure out what triggers my headaches, and theories include: ester, oil, preservatives, absolute T levels, transitioning T levels or downstream metabolites. If anyone wants to know how I have been tracking these variables, I am happy to post details, but I don't want to bore you with them.
Long story short, on my call with
Defy, we postulated that one possible explanation for the headache issue is not so much what is happening with T levels, rather perhaps it is downstream metabolites causing the problems. Therefore, nandrolone was proposed as an option to supplement my regimen to gain the anabolic benefit without bumping DHT or estrogen, etc.
On one hand, I am trying to simplify my regimen, but this suggestion intrigued me. I am considering it, but before I do, I need some good ole-fashioned bro science to help me feel good about it!
@Cataceous, I saw you weigh in during the early discussion. Do you have an updated opinion?
I am not 100% decided yet, but if I tried this approach, ideally, I would use it to supplement Natesto. Not sure if that's ever been tried in anyone, and not sure it makes sense.
Thanks for listening!