@Nelson Vergel weren’t u on nandrolone for many years to treat muscle wasting due to having HIV? And wasn’t nandrolone the go to anabolic to treat other men with HIV for many years? Can u speak on ur anecdotal experience, cognition wise, while being on nandrolone, and maybe speak about anecdotal experiences other men u know that used it reported?
I personally know men that have been using nandrolone as the base of their HRT for years and report having better cognition than when they used testosterone as their base. They just report feeling overall better, cognition wise, mood wise, libido wise. I don’t think I know anyone using nandrolone as their base for more the 7 years tho. I think that’s the longest anyone I know has used nandrolone as the base of their protocol. But no issues cognitively so far, from what they report