Thank you, but for me, I’m cynical, esp when the docs who prescribe it make money doing so.
Always good to be a bit cynical. Nothing wrong with that
Thank you, but for me, I’m cynical, esp when the docs who prescribe it make money doing so.
Totally agree.
Other question is what TT is ideal for longevity? My cardiologist says 500 TT, buy I also read that T has anti inflammatory affects... so I was thinking 800 personally. Only paper I saw was from Australia that said older men lived longer 3-500 range.
I responded in your other thread. This thread is about nandrolone.Totally agree.
Other question is what TT is ideal for longevity? My cardiologist says 500 TT, buy I also read that T has anti inflammatory affects... so I was thinking 800 personally. Only paper I saw was from Australia that said older men lived longer 3-500 range.
What’s your protocol the last few months been?Thought I'd hare my recent experience. Been on nandrolone for a few months now. Feel like absolute ass, mentally. No drive. No libido. Anhedonia. My life has taken a decent hit professionally and socially. I can barely get going to do anything. This stuff just isn't for me.
Different life circumstances but very similar experiences and psychological outcomes with me when I used nandrolone. It took about 3 weeks after I discontinued its use for the severe depression to lift.My protocol has been 150 TC and 100 ND split into EOD dosing. At the very beginning I felt good beause its always exciting trying differnet compounds but as time went on I noticed the low feelings growing more substantial until one day it just hit me and I realized I was barely functioning. I'm even on 300mg Wellbutrin and that doesnt seem to do anything. I feel like the ND is blocking my dopamine receptors or something. I'd say its almost difficult to conjour the gumption just to eat. I'll go a step further and say I'm full blown depressed. Started getting choked up walking through a grocery store, seeing all the holiday items. Couldn't even tell you why other than something to do with childhood trauma. Not really sure. Having a dick that barely works isn't exactly good for moral either. Nandrolone murders my libido. A few times I've caught myself thinking about death, like if God were to take me now, I'd be ok with it. I'm trying to hold it together for this girl I am seeing. She doesnt know what I am going through. She probably just thinks I am the biggest asshole to walk this planet and that I don't care about her in any way.
I'm not trying to freak you guys out. I know its just the hormones. I tell myself that all the time. It'll fade and i'll be better again soon. But holy shit, this sucks. Just going to keep plugging along until this shit gets out of my system.
Crazy thing is, I've done this before and the same thing happened.
Now I know for sure this stuff just doesnt sit well with me.
Different life circumstances but very similar experiences and psychological outcomes with me when I used nandrolone. It took about 3 weeks after I discontinued its use for the severe depression to lift.
Prayers to you man. One day at a time. You will be back to yourself soon enough.
How does high E2 cause severe depression?He's sufering high e2 simptoms, make. I was scrooling all this topic ans reading everything. Remember Gman talking about nandrolone inducing e2/prolacting symptons by the conjunction of testosterone? He's using 150mg of T with nandrolone. It's high e2 symptons showing.
When I was on a very similar protocol as @DixieWrecked about 2 years ago, taking Anastrozole to drive down E2 did not resolve the severe depression that presented itself with the addition of nandrolone. Logically, if it were solely high E2 or the sensitizing of estrogen receptors due to the addition of nandrolone causing the depression, one would suspect that driving down estrogen with small doses of Anastrozole would resolve these symptoms.He's sufering high e2 simptoms, make. I was scrooling all this topic ans reading everything. Remember Gman talking about nandrolone inducing e2/prolacting symptons by the conjunction of testosterone? He's using 150mg of T with nandrolone. It's high e2 symptons showing.
Much of the research suggests a direct impact of the nandrolone hormone on the central nervous system. There is no research directly linking it to depression, however. This is not to suggest that it does not create depression in some men, simply that there has been a lack of inquiry from researchers.@DS3 I don't know but I feel it. Or what I'm feeling is anxiety by the e2 spike and I confusing it with depression. If it's not e2 related what would be instead?
Same here. Anastrozole is the absolute worst medication I have ever put in my bloodwork with this protocol had my E2 around 35. So it wasn't very high. Perhaps it was the sensetizing of receptors. i don't know. But I do know that when I take anastrozole, my joints, bones and muscles hurt. I just feel like crap. For me nandrolone is permenant no-go.
Individualized responses to medications. @Jason Sypolt uses nandrolone and has fantastic results, mentally and physically. @DixieWrecked used nandrolone and experienced severe depression. What’s the difference? Their CNS response is very different to the medication. It is as simple and as complicated as that. Very simply, this means that some men will respond well to nandrolone, and others will not (independent of estrogen, progesterone, or DHN related explanations).@DS3 but if nandrolone does cause it by itself hos many men use it without sufer depression? Nelson Vergel for example used it for 20 years+. What's the trick?
Iirc wasn’t this study in vitro also ?I just wonder if nandrolone was 11x more toxic to vascular endothelial tissue due to it not converting to enough E2. We all know that without healthy E2 levels, testosterone itself can be very toxic to multiple areas of the body, including the cardiovascular system. With healthy E2 levels, test isn’t toxic. So I just wonder how much of the toxicity of nandrolone is due to the extremely low E2 levels that a person would have on nandrolone only, and how much can be tied to the compound directly.
Not sure tbh. I don’t trust or pay attention to most studies done on nandrolone. They’re usually done in vitro, or done on rats with way higher doses than humans would ever take, or the studies are done on nandrolone by itself, and who knows what effects are from crashed E2 levels and what are from the compound itself. So it’s rare that I see a nandrolone study that I put any weight intoIirc wasn’t this study in vitro also ?
done on rats with way higher doses than humans would ever take
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