Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin): Effect on Lab Tests

While on TRT, does adding nandrolone increase or decrease TT?

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Of those EM members that have taken nandrolone or are currently taking nandrolone alongside their TRT, we are conducting a small ExcelMale study to help determine the effect that nandrolone has on Total Testosterone, E2, Prolactin, SHBG, free T, and DHT while taking TRT.

Here is what is needed:

Simply post the following information...

(1) Pretest Labs (Labs taken before adding nandrolone to TRT):
Free T
Blood Assay Methodology
RX Protocol

(2) Posttest Labs (Labs taken during nandrolone treatment):
Free T
Blood Assay Methodology
RX Protocol

Let's move our knowledge forward!

@Gman86 @Vince @Nelson Vergel @Jason Sypolt @madman @madhacker @Cataceous
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This is from an IG post by Victor Black. Personally I don't worry about a 10 - 15% drop in HDL from either T or ND, but a 50%+ drop from an oral C-17, it matters over time. A 12 week course of 10 mg of OX once every 12 - 24 weeks, probably not clinically meaningful to someone with low LDL and no family history. Run it year round, that's a different story. IMO, if you want to lower E2, cut out some T and replace with either DHT or drostanolone (if you are in a country where it can be obtained legally). View attachment 17789
Thanks, @Wilson7 Can you forward us that link please?
Ah so this explains my >1500 TT when bloods were drawn 5 days after 100mg test and 50mg deca (never been that high before on just that dose of T)

My e2 came back high too as Roche ECLIA, I know that trenbolone reads as e2 on the cheap test, was there a conclusion as to whether ECLIA E2 also is affected by deca?
My e2 came back high too as Roche ECLIA, I know that trenbolone reads as e2 on the cheap test, was there a conclusion as to whether ECLIA E2 also is affected by deca?
Umm...good question. I will try to see if there is any data out there.

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Umm...good question. I will try to see if there is any data out there.

I'm getting an e2 sensitive test tomorrow to check how different the results are from the non sensitive. Will post the results because it seems odd my E2 jumped up so much since starting deca
Nelson et al...So can you use nandrolone with dutasteride/finasteride or not? If you are tending towards hair loss? My understanding is that Nandrolone exerts its anabolic effects after it has been 5 alpha reduced by 5 alpha reductase enzyme to dihydronandrolone. If you take finasteride/dutasteride this does not happen and you have only the highly androgenic unreduced form in your body.....thus more hair loss...??
Nelson et al...So can you use nandrolone with dutasteride/finasteride or not? If you are tending towards hair loss? My understanding is that Nandrolone exerts its anabolic effects after it has been 5 alpha reduced by 5 alpha reductase enzyme to dihydronandrolone. If you take finasteride/dutasteride this does not happen and you have only the highly androgenic unreduced form in your body.....thus more hair loss...??
That has been a long standing question in both the HRT and physique community ever since 5 ARi were created. From experience in women, using nandrolone only vs testosterone in dosing around 70 - 80 mg/wk, nandrolone at least in the two I knew did not result in hair loss, the TC did, significantly. One had tried using FIN with a mix of TC/ND, still had hair loss issues, but not with ND only and no FIN. Hard to say what was going on. Regardless, the issue is very individualized as are most of the sides associated with the use of androgens for any reason in either sex. The only way to know for sure is to try it and give it time to assess any change. Women seem to be OK with ND only from a libido standpoint (they will still virilize depending on dose), guys are not. IMO, testosterone should always be the base in any HRT setting < 200 mg/wk or much lower doses in women. By far lowest risk. Given that so many HRT clinics are now using ND with TC, it wouldn't be that hard to give at least some direction. I doubt anyone is going to do an RCT however.
Nelson et al...So can you use nandrolone with dutasteride/finasteride or not? If you are tending towards hair loss? My understanding is that Nandrolone exerts its anabolic effects after it has been 5 alpha reduced by 5 alpha reductase enzyme to dihydronandrolone. If you take finasteride/dutasteride this does not happen and you have only the highly androgenic unreduced form in your body.....thus more hair loss...??
I would not mess with my 5 alpha reductase. Just use topical products (Nizoral shampoo, generic Rogaine).

Hey Nelson, you said in your list #10 No diff on ED issues.

I used Nandrolone while rehabbing a rotator cuff issue (tear). Worked wonderful. Now FYI, among other things I take as maintenance for multiple health reasons:
Nettle Leaf, Tongkat Ali, Pine Bark, Tadalafil (EOD), Eve Primrose Oil, Progesterone
And I do believe all this stuff works synergistically in ways we don't understand.

Thu I changed my weekly T Cyp (recently upped to 200 mg) to a protocol of
100mg each of T Cyp and Nandrolone.

Yesterday and today (Fri & Sat) w/my baby? I kinda for fun named that low brain, bit aggressive part of a guys brain that comes out to play in sex the "Jaguar". Sometimes I talk about the Jag in the third person, we have some fun with him. 24 hours after that injection the Jag was acting like someone kicked him in the ass. And my man part was definitely in on the fun. If a dozen guys from this forum had been flies on the wall they'd have had a hard time believing I'll be 70 in Sep. :)
Hey Nelson, you said in your list #10 No diff on ED issues.

I used Nandrolone while rehabbing a rotator cuff issue (tear). Worked wonderful. Now FYI, among other things I take as maintenance for multiple health reasons:
Nettle Leaf, Tongkat Ali, Pine Bark, Tadalafil (EOD), Eve Primrose Oil, Progesterone
And I do believe all this stuff works synergistically in ways we don't understand.

Thu I changed my weekly T Cyp (recently upped to 200 mg) to a protocol of
100mg each of T Cyp and Nandrolone.

Yesterday and today (Fri & Sat) w/my baby? I kinda for fun named that low brain, bit aggressive part of a guys brain that comes out to play in sex the "Jaguar". Sometimes I talk about the Jag in the third person, we have some fun with him. 24 hours after that injection the Jag was acting like someone kicked him in the ass. And my man part was definitely in on the fun. If a dozen guys from this forum had been flies on the wall they'd have had a hard time believing I'll be 70 in Sep. :)
So needless to say 100mg of test and 100mg of nandrolone works very well for u? Would u say that u feel overall better on this protocol than 200mg of test alone?
Well I wouldn't call 3 days a definitive test period. But the empirical evidence so far, energy, desire, performance, I sure ain't changing anything for some future months. I need to lose some visceral fat. Got a new smart scale. My muscle mass percentage is plenty good. But visceral fat and body fat percentage are too high. Not good for my health. This Covid bout makes it even harder to judge. So let's see how I do on Keto, incorporating some HIIT which hasn't been my thing, some timed eating (form of fasting) and see how I do. I'm expecting from what I've experienced so far that the protocol together with my other stuff this is gonna be such a great alternative to straight T that I'll be on it for some time to come.

One pertinent supp I forgot list is Yohimbine HCL. Everything is in sensible doses, not blasting on anything. 200mg, whether all T Cyp of halfsies w/Nandrolone isn't out there in steroid abuse territory. One other detail that might make my story legit. Some might think, "Aw this guy's full of s***. No late 60's gal is gonna keep up w/that much athletic sex and liking it." Well that's probably true. I'm married to a gal that 19 yrs younger than me. I will say my GP has seen me for a dislocated kneecap (planking w/VERY strong quads) and a strained IT band (leaning back too far on a memory foam mattress topper). My baby's been in for a cortisone shot in her hip. I'm trying to be good, but damn it's fun being a little bad when we're both makin' up for lost time.
Well I wouldn't call 3 days a definitive test period. But the empirical evidence so far, energy, desire, performance, I sure ain't changing anything for some future months. I need to lose some visceral fat. Got a new smart scale. My muscle mass percentage is plenty good. But visceral fat and body fat percentage are too high. Not good for my health. This Covid bout makes it even harder to judge. So let's see how I do on Keto, incorporating some HIIT which hasn't been my thing, some timed eating (form of fasting) and see how I do. I'm expecting from what I've experienced so far that the protocol together with my other stuff this is gonna be such a great alternative to straight T that I'll be on it for some time to come.

One pertinent supp I forgot list is Yohimbine HCL. Everything is in sensible doses, not blasting on anything. 200mg, whether all T Cyp of halfsies w/Nandrolone isn't out there in steroid abuse territory. One other detail that might make my story legit. Some might think, "Aw this guy's full of s***. No late 60's gal is gonna keep up w/that much athletic sex and liking it." Well that's probably true. I'm married to a gal that 19 yrs younger than me. I will say my GP has seen me for a dislocated kneecap (planking w/VERY strong quads) and a strained IT band (leaning back too far on a memory foam mattress topper). My baby's been in for a cortisone shot in her hip. I'm trying to be good, but damn it's fun being a little bad when we're both makin' up for lost time.
Hahah I love hearing stories like this! Gives me a lot of hope for the future lol. I think sex is a very important aspect of a healthy relationship, and life in general. If the sexual aspect of ur relationship dies, ur basically just best friends. Which there’s nothing wrong with. But I think a relationship where two people desire eachother sexually is healthier, and obv much more fun and fulfilling. So good for u and ur wife! People have no clue what the human body is capable of if u keep up with it and correct hormone imbalances. I see vids all the time of men and women in their 70’s that have bodies that are better than 90% of people in their 20’s, and doing things athletically that most people in their 20’s can’t even do. There’s no reason why u can’t be athletic and having great sex until u die. It’s gonna be extremely fascinating to see future generations age that started replacing their hormones in their late 20’s/ early 30’s, that have also been very focused on diet and exercise from an early age. It’s gonna blow a lot of people’s minds once those people get into their 60’s+. There’s already people doing amazing things and looking and feeling amazing in their 70’s that started replacing hormones and optimizing their health in their late 50’s/ early 60’s. So just imagine if they had been doing all of the above since they were 30.

And I didn’t catch that u had only been on this protocol for 3 days. I definitely would stay on track as well. Seems like the protocol change is going extremely well so far
Hey Nelson, you said in your list #10 No diff on ED issues.

I used Nandrolone while rehabbing a rotator cuff issue (tear). Worked wonderful. Now FYI, among other things I take as maintenance for multiple health reasons:
Nettle Leaf, Tongkat Ali, Pine Bark, Tadalafil (EOD), Eve Primrose Oil, Progesterone
And I do believe all this stuff works synergistically in ways we don't understand.

Thu I changed my weekly T Cyp (recently upped to 200 mg) to a protocol of
100mg each of T Cyp and Nandrolone.

Yesterday and today (Fri & Sat) w/my baby? I kinda for fun named that low brain, bit aggressive part of a guys brain that comes out to play in sex the "Jaguar". Sometimes I talk about the Jag in the third person, we have some fun with him. 24 hours after that injection the Jag was acting like someone kicked him in the ass. And my man part was definitely in on the fun. If a dozen guys from this forum had been flies on the wall they'd have had a hard time believing I'll be 70 in Sep. :)
Sir,do you mean 100mg test + 100mg ND twice a week or what ?? Could not understand. Secondly how is the sex drive on this ?? What all ancillaries you taking while on this protocol ?? Thank you.
Sir,do you mean 100mg test + 100mg ND twice a week or what ?? Could not understand. Secondly how is the sex drive on this ?? What all ancillaries you taking while on this protocol ?? Thank you.
Folks on here believe in very frequent dosing. T Cyp original manufacturers protocol was every 2 weeks. I am good on every week. So 100 T Cyp + 100 Nandrolone once per week. Other stuff? See the list in post. I forgot 10mg Yohimbine HCL. (DO NOT OD on Yohimbine! Dangerous.) SEX drive? I am 70. Please read all my posts directly above and you will see your answers.
Hey Nelson, you said in your list #10 No diff on ED issues.

I used Nandrolone while rehabbing a rotator cuff issue (tear). Worked wonderful. Now FYI, among other things I take as maintenance for multiple health reasons:
Nettle Leaf, Tongkat Ali, Pine Bark, Tadalafil (EOD), Eve Primrose Oil, Progesterone
And I do believe all this stuff works synergistically in ways we don't understand.

Thu I changed my weekly T Cyp (recently upped to 200 mg) to a protocol of
100mg each of T Cyp and Nandrolone.

Yesterday and today (Fri & Sat) w/my baby? I kinda for fun named that low brain, bit aggressive part of a guys brain that comes out to play in sex the "Jaguar". Sometimes I talk about the Jag in the third person, we have some fun with him. 24 hours after that injection the Jag was acting like someone kicked him in the ass. And my man part was definitely in on the fun. If a dozen guys from this forum had been flies on the wall they'd have had a hard time believing I'll be 70 in Sep. :)
Sir,one more thing. I’ve heard ND increases prolactin. Adding progesterone 100mg bio identical daily while sleeping,is it fine or will it also raise prolactin levels ?? No idea about the use of progesterone on ND. But yes,or else progesterone orally bio identical one 100mg with 250mg test weekly does wonders.
Sir,one more thing. I’ve heard ND increases prolactin. Adding progesterone 100mg bio identical daily while sleeping,is it fine or will it also raise prolactin levels ?? No idea about the use of progesterone on ND. But yes,or else progesterone orally bio identical one 100mg with 250mg test weekly does wonders.
Idk, prog is a tough one. On paper it’s supposed to lower prolactin, but idk exactly if that translates into real life. Have never really seen labs done before and after using prog, in regards to prolactin levels. I’m currently using selegiline to keep prolactin levels under control.

And idk how nandrolone effects progesterone receptors/ prog levels, with it being a progestin. These are all things I’ve been extremely curious about and would love to know tho

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Dr Gordon to Danny Bossa @ 21:00 in -> "you are doing the one tire approach" explanation to Danny's "raise T until symptoms resolve"
Sir,one more thing. I’ve heard ND increases prolactin. Adding progesterone 100mg bio identical daily while sleeping,is it fine or will it also raise prolactin levels ?? No idea about the use of progesterone on ND. But yes,or else progesterone orally bio identical one 100mg with 250mg test weekly does wonders.
I'm no expert, but in the natural world the presence of progesterone inhibits prolactin production.

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