I did but I don't remember the values specifically. HDL was in the 35 - 40 range, total T was in low 400's with the HCG. Didn't check free or SHBG. Hb was in the 18.0 - 18.5 range and that was way too high, HCT 55%. AST/ALT 80 - 120 range, GGT normal all other liver function normal. CK was in the 2000 - 2500 range, that was always my guide to AST/ALT. If I took a week off CK fell below 1000 and AST/ALT were cut in half so most of that elevation was from muscle damage. I don't where my lab archives are, if I find them I can post more data. Overall pretty much what Nelson described above. For certain, just 200 mg every two weeks was plenty. I was about 250 at 10% BF (underwater weigh), you can do alot with a pretty small dose if diet and training are spot on. I was a skinny fat ectomorph most of my younger life, but I was also hypogonadal and didn't know it. Once I was treated that changed. Had liver US and echo's done, mild concentric hypertrophy but within normal limits and docs felt it was normal given the resistance exercise. Liver US normal.