What’s ur current protocol again? I agree with
@Seagal, if I had to guess, I would guess that lowering ur deca dose would be more likely to improve ur sides than increasing it
It truly is all about dialing things in/ balancing things out. I remember when I first did a nandrolone base, with 200mg deca, and 40-60mg test, my erections were the best they’d ever been on hrt. They were literal diamonds lol. And I’ve heard this quite a few times with other guys on a nandrolone base. There seems to be something to getting to keep androgens high, while keeping estrogen and prolactin lowish, that results in amazing erections, for quite a few guys I’ve talked to using a nandrolone base
I’ve been on a nandrolone base again now for like 15 months, and erections have been pretty solid the entire time. Libido has been ok. I would like it higher when I’m not engaging in sex. But when I start to engage in sex, libido gets very high, and I get very into it.
As of like 3 days ago, I dropped my deca dose by 40mg, and replaced those 40mg of androgens with 20mg of primo enanthate, and 20mg of masteron prop. Obv it’s too soon to judge, and I’m not trying to brag, but made my girl finish 3 times in like 20 mins last night, and I was ready to keep going after she was all done. Erections were on point. Maybe slightly better than before adding the dht’s. But could have just been in my head. Again, they’ve been pretty good the entire time I’ve been back on a nandrolone base
Obv everyone is different, with how they respond to things, but just trying to give u some motivation to not give up, and to continue to try and dial urself in. It’s all about finding what works for u. And if what works for u ends up not being a nandrolone based protocol, that’s obv fine as well. All I care about is that everyone feels and functions as good as they’d like to. I couldn’t care less how they do it