This is getting interesting...
As mentioned above, in early 2021 I ran blood test about two weeks after discontinuing Nastesto (1x daily). My TT was over 500, which was significantly higher than my pre-TRT baseline of 250-300 (I tested in this hypogonadal range for 5 years straight pre-TRT for my annual physical).
Fast forward to the present. I quit my low dose daily Propionate of 7-8mg (including experiment with twice daily Prop). I went cold turkey then started using nasal T gel again, this time with Empower's nasal gel pen 2x daily (8am & 4pm).
Went for my annual physical and tested 557 TT (300-890 range) at trough before morning application, nearly double my pre-TRT levels. In addition, my HPTA appears intact with FSH of 3.2 (1.6 - 9.7) and LH of 4.5 (1.5 - 9.3). The boys are back
This notion of quick-acting nasal T gel ramping up natural production is consistent with some of the studies that
@madman has cited.
Perhaps a new term is needed:
TST (Testosterone Supplementation Therapy)!
It is still early days, but exciting nonetheless. More to come next month when I get full blood panel. I will try to test both trough (before morning application) and peak (1 hour after morning application) and will also provide details on my subjective observations.