My HPTA recovery log: I have reversed my type 2 diabetes (SHBG 31/glucose 80) and may have never had hypogonadism!!

Yes i was going to say this too, i have personally been able to reap benefits of testosterone after stopping for quite some time.

Interesting. How long did you maintain the positive benefits, and how long did it take for the negatives to return(if they ever did)? When hearing stories of people stopping we usually hear about them feeling like crap pretty quickly, but I wonder how much of that is “placebo” and how much is due to the actual decrease in levels and/or return of negatives.
I figured out what’s causing my issues with regards to eating red meat and thinking I’m experiencing excess iron absorption, it’s not that. I consume vitamin C *****’s in the morning along with 1 ounce of orange juice to equal 100 mg of vitamin C, which is my perfect dose. Anymore any less and it goes too far on the other direction.

My skin turns orange when my vitamin C levels get too high and I don’t feel too well when it’s starting to fall. The point here is on the carnivore diet. My body hasn’t transitioned over to using fat for energy because I’m eating a very, very small amount of carbs, which is precisely the problem.

If my body still operating on carbs that I’m eating a very small amount, that’s not enough to get me through the day. So I performed a little experiment. After eating red meat and feeling weak I went and ate something with moderate carbs and bamb, energy through the entire day!

Those symptoms disappeared quickly. I really need to find vitamin C that’s 100 mg and doesn’t have any carbs in it so I can go on a true carnivore diet to wear my body transitions over to fat for energy.

If I eat red peppers with vitamin C in it, I can’t do it properly, i’ll get too much. Also, red peppers has 6 grams carbs in it.

Vitamin C supplement equaling 100 mg, how?

Any ideas?
I figured out what’s causing my issues with regards to eating red meat and thinking I’m experiencing excess iron absorption, it’s not that. I consume vitamin C *****’s in the morning along with 1 ounce of orange juice to equal 100 mg of vitamin C, which is my perfect dose. Anymore any less and it goes too far on the other direction.

My skin turns orange when my vitamin C levels get too high and I don’t feel too well when it’s starting to fall. The point here is on the carnivore diet.

My body hasn’t transitioned over to using fat for energy because I’m eating a very, very small amount of carbs, which is precisely the problem.
Observation very good. IMHO you jump to quickly to conclusions.
If my body still operating on carbs that I’m eating a very small amount, that’s not enough to get me through the day. So I performed a little experiment. After eating red meat and feeling weak I went and ate something with moderate carbs and bamb, energy through the entire day!
Here one could also assume that a long-acting carb source might be beneficial
Those symptoms disappeared quickly. I really need to find vitamin C that’s 100 mg and doesn’t have any carbs in it so I can go on a true carnivore diet to wear my body transitions over to fat for energy.
Enough fat in your diet? You can experiment with the prot/fat ratio
If I eat red peppers with vitamin C in it, I can’t do it properly, i’ll get too much. Also, red peppers has 6 grams carbs in it.
What you mentioned previously makes sense, your perception (brain,cns) is oversensitive compared to the average.
Vitamin C supplement equaling 100 mg, how?

Any ideas?
Please don’t forget about my father’s low T value in his 70’s. He’s doing very well at 91 and still very mobile. He moves around at a quick pace. He still washes his own cars, pays golf and does normal stuff and even dances.

Like father like son.

The only thing holding me back slightly is the vitamin D related problem. My body seems to have a love-hate relationship with vitamin D. I’m either urinating out lots of calcium, and when I’m not urinating out my calcium, the leg swelling and redness occurs, all pointing to hypercalcemia like symptoms.

Newsflash, you can still have normal parathyroid hormone with normal calcium, and have a parathyroid hormone problem.
I'm sorry if it has been asked frequently but have you tried cutting the d out for a while, seems you are hellbent on taking it daily? And please elaborate how you can have a parathyroid problem with none of the markers? You are supposed to check albumin corrected or ionized calcium as i'm sure you are aware.
Interesting. How long did you maintain the positive benefits, and how long did it take for the negatives to return(if they ever did)? When hearing stories of people stopping we usually hear about them feeling like crap pretty quickly, but I wonder how much of that is “placebo” and how much is due to the actual decrease in levels and/or return of negatives.
up to six months, it does gradually decline and there is a dip at first but when the bodys functions normalize i guess it works better for a while and you get a boost in hormones that tend to lag while on testosterone, like progesterone...not sure but i know of others that have gotten higher natural t-levels compared to pre trt, then to eventually see it decline again. Nagging pains and loss of recovery are usually signs that what was cured on t has been ruined by low t once again...pretty sure eunuchs never performed much physical labour.
And please elaborate how you can have a parathyroid problem with none of the markers?
There’s a new variant only discovered a year ago, where the only tell tale sign is elevated urinary calcium, but has normal serum calcium, and normal parathyroid hormone.

Elevated calcium excretion through the urine and all the classic symptoms of parathyroidism. My shoulders hurt like hell, especially when I urinate. My urine is very dark, urinary calcium is elevated and it’s difficult to urinate in the morning.

Kidneys checkout, liver is fine.

I’ve had to reduce my dose of vitamin D down below 1000 IU, as I can’t tolerate anything above that without side effects. 2000 IU was fine to get my levels up, but it is not a maintenance dosage for me.

You are supposed to check albumin corrected or ionized calcium as i'm sure you are aware.
I didn’t know that and I don’t think my Kaiser doctors know that either.
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There’s a new variant only discovered a year ago, where the only tell tale sign is elevated urinary calcium, but has normal serum calcium, and normal parathyroid hormone.

Elevated calcium excretion through the urine and all the classic symptoms of parathyroidism. My shoulders hurt like hell, especially when I urinate. My urine is very dark, urinary calcium is elevated and it’s difficult to urinate in the morning.

Kidneys checkout, liver is fine.

I’ve had to reduce my dose of vitamin D down below 1000 IU, as I can’t tolerate anything above that without side effects. 2000 IU was fine to get my levels up, but it is not a maintenance dosage for me.

I didn’t know that and I don’t think my Kaiser doctors know that either.
What was your hba1c with type 2 diabetes?
What was your hba1c with type 2 diabetes?
Right now, my A1c is hovering just above normal. Fasting 108-120, night time fasting is often <100 because I’m metabolically active all day. I’m still having a strange response to vitamin D supplementation. If I cut down my vitamin D from 1800 and side effects, cut down to 1600, then a day later 1400, on this day my energy is absolutely insane and my mind is very sharp.

The stars are aligning for me at this point, only for the rug to be taken out from underneath me at the end of the day. I feel as if I have vitamin D deficiency at the end of the day and this was the same experience on TRT. If go back to 1800 and vitamin toxicity symptoms restart, only not as bad as when on TRT.

I feel as if my vitamin D levels are not high enough at times, but whatever medical condition is making me lose calcium is causing problems for me. It says if the half-life of vitamin D is cut down to a few hours instead of weeks.

I’m still losing calcium in my urine and this had me thinking that my requirements for vitamin D are going up because I’m depleting calcium. Calcium helps, extend the half-life of vitamin D.

During this taper drown on dosing of vitamin D, my muscles are harder, look fuller and I’m strong AF! I wake up with full size testicles in the morning, I take vitamin D and my testicles pull all the way up into my scrotum.

I’m working 8-10 hour days, I feel okay, at times amazing. You may have notice I’ve spent less time posting. This should be a sign I’m doing better than the last several years.
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Well, it's been more than a month since I set foot in the gym, today was my day off and I don't get many of those these days. I'm noticeably stronger, can do more reps and can really push it without feeling run down, something I alway felt on TRT regardless of the dosage.

My heart rate stay slightly elevated 100 bpm for a few hours after the workout, but I felt perfectly fine.

Long before I stopped working out my arms started quivering violently, some people even noticed it.

I really pushed it hard in the gym today with energy to spare afterwords!

Sleep is great!

Things are progressing with you know who, she's falling hard.
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My estrogen labs are in, 18 pg/mL. The other labs are incoming. A1C 5.9. Urinary calcium is still high, doctor prescribed a diuretic, I declined as I’m already close to dehydration as it is.

Sometimes I feel as if my doctors aren’t paying attention to what I tell them and their actions are guided by guidelines rather than thinking for themselves. Diuretics always cause massive dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

He knows this and still prescribes a diuretic to block the calcium loss.
The last three days it feels like my issues are starting to melt away. I take my vitamin D and within minutes I feel weak in the legs which passes after some time.

The day keeps getting better building up to me feeling very well mentally and physically. My erections are becoming more active in the late evening and mornings.

My energy levels are increasing, my thought process clearer, more enthusiasm and positive outlook on things.
I have a vitamin K deficiency and have been supplementing vitamin K for over a month. My vitamin D is 24 taking 1800 IU D3 daily. Very strange being that in the last 5 days my energy is increasing, mentally sharper and more enthusiastic about things.

My muscles are getting really hard and fuller. There's more spring in my step.
Hey systemlord. I truly commend you for trying new things and having the balls to come off TRT and then being vulnerable to share your experiences.

BUT, your thread mentions that your testicles are rotating, you've lost no muscle, you turn orange if you eat an orange, your erections are fully flaccid. It's all sound pretty wild, dude. You sure you're stable?
BUT, your thread mentions that your testicles are rotating, you've lost no muscle, you turn orange if you eat an orange, your erections are fully flaccid. It's all sound pretty wild, dude. You sure you're stable?
I've never been more stable, the way I feel has never been more consistent. My testicles aren’t rotating anymore, they were for the first 3-4 weeks off TRT and the aching disappeared after 6 weeks. You can't expect normal testicular function right out of the gate after 3-4 years of being shut down.

I’ve regain the weight as my muscle are getting harder, fuller and bigger. My skin on my arms turns orange if I take more than 100 mg vitamin C for 3-4 consecutive days.

I had more issues with vitamin D 30>, now that it's lower I feel better. I don't understand it, but I only care about feeling normal, labs be damned.

I started getting increased energy about 5-6 days ago where progress started accelerating very quickly.

My weight has increased, this is when I noticed my muscles are bigger and getting harder and my weight is back up to 184 pounds.

My muscles were never this big or hard on TRT and I never felt this good. I work 10 hours shifts at Amazon and I’m full throttle the entire time and I get a lot of looks from coworkers. They probably think I’m on something.

My sleep is very good. All of this is confusing given my current labs. I simply don’t have an answer.

My hemoglobin A1c is 5.9. My glycemic control is much improved.
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Something very weird has happened in the last couple of days. At the beginning of this week, I tried lowering my dose to 800 units of vitamin D and it wasn’t enough so I went back up to 1000. Three to four 4 days later, I started encountering the symptoms of what clearly is too much vitamin D and I lowered the dose of vitamin D to 400 IU and I felt much better.

Now every time I try to raise the dose up to 800 units, it’s too much. It seems like my response to vitamin D is highly variable and changing day to day. I can no longer tolerate anything near 1000 IU. For two months prior I have been taking between 1800 and 2000 and always felt like it wasn’t enough.

Above 1200 units of vitamin D I feel like I’m a hyper absorbing nutrients and I feel like somebody drugged me after eating and it last for several hours.

Very strange!
I still have an issue going on with vitamin D. My levels are continuing to decline, 24 last time I checked while taking 1200 IU, my teeth are turning yellow, and I’m not sure what my issues are. If I take more vitamin D, I get horrible tension headaches.

My urine is very cloudy and very dark, My semen is yellow or brown. The only time it was white is when I overdosed on magnesium and I was dehydrated. My erections were amazing if only briefly. I have lots of muscle spasms, sometimes excruciatingly painful. I can’t seem to ever balance the vitamin D, vitamin K, and magnesium. Taking any of these separately or together causes problems.

I always had better erections taking vitamin D by itself, but left with those symptoms that vitamin K doesn’t fully resolve. I feel like the vitamin K is treating the underlying medical problem and feel somewhat strange taking it.

I feel even stranger taking the magnesium. Makes me super sleepy, fatigued, and burning pains throughout my body.

Not taking any of them causes even worse problems.

I never felt good on TRT for very long and I think it’s because my levels were too high.

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Damn, I’m iron deficient again. I’ve been feeling different the last month. It as if I lost my glycemic control overnight and became freezing cold, developed a chronic cough in my veins got really small.

Now that I start started iron supplements, my veins are big, cough is disappearing, and glycemic control is coming back and I’m no longer freezing cold.

The testosterone panel above was taken when I was iron deficient.

My muscle tone is good, better than on TRT and my muscle recovery is very good. My energy levels are still higher versus TRT.
Hey Ironman, that's really amazing that you are doing so well without TRT.
Now my ferritin is over the range. Truly I’m the Ironman. I have symptoms. Elevated heart rate from taking vitamin D @1200 units and if I drop into a deficiency my heart rate drops to the 60’s. I have a constant chronic cough that won’t go away, weakness and feeling cold,

All of these symptoms are triggered from taking the vitamin D. The chronic cough, coldness and weakness remain even if my vitamin D drops low.

Still trying to figure out from what. I feel as if it’s something in excess. I’m going to do a blood donation and see if the symptoms subside.

I felt strange after taking my vitamin C and potassium this morning.
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Now my ferritin is over the range. Truly I’m the Ironman. I have symptoms. Elevated heart rate from taking vitamin D @1200 units and if I drop into a deficiency my heart rate drops to the 60’s. I have a constant chronic cough that won’t go away, weakness and feeling cold,

All of these symptoms are triggered from taking the vitamin D. The chronic cough, coldness and weakness remain even if my vitamin D drops low.

Still trying to figure out from what. I feel as if it’s something in excess. I’m going to do a blood donation and see if the symptoms subside.

I felt strange after taking my vitamin C and potassium this morning. View attachment 50075View attachment 50076
Is vitamin k in range?
I wanted to do a DNA analysis but didn't know which provider to choose.
Have you done a DNA analysis? Maybe this could provide more insight to your symptoms which somehow make no sense.
Is vitamin k in range?
I wanted to do a DNA analysis but didn't know which provider to choose.
Have you done a DNA analysis? Maybe this could provide more insight to your symptoms which somehow make no sense.
I can’t afford DNA testing. When I take vitamin K, it doesn’t feel like the right move. I always feel weird when I take it, same with magnesium. Vitamin K is always at the bottom of the range. Magnesium suppresses my breathing, makes me very sleepy and very fatigued. It even makes my muscles very very soft.

The ferritin is the smoking gun, when I lower or stop the vitamin D my heart rate goes from like a resting of 122 the low 70s. That and the ferritin are key. I always felt better taking 1200 units of vitamin D with a 32 vitamin D level than I did at 25.

High ferritin can cause inflammation in the airways. vitamin D always causes abdominal cramping and muscle spasms. Early December I lost a degree of glycemic control overnight and then these symptoms started.

The vitamin D at or near 30 causes excess urination, strange taste in mouth, nausea, and wanting to vomit. I do labs for calcium today and tomorrow a 24 hour calcium urine sample. One theory is if my calcium levels are high in the urine, I wonder if that could affect my iron since calcium and iron affect each other negatively.

My erections have always been negatively affected going above a vitamin D level of 25. I only produce earwax when my vitamin D levels are at this level. My erectile function takes a shit when I push my levels near 30.
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