Most common problem with TRT

I'm hypopituitary due to a head injury when 7 yrs old. So here's the big list.. I recently managed to get off Florinef.

Cortisol 30mg daily (15+10+5)
Synthroid 250mcg daily
Cytomel 20mcg daily
Test-C 45mg E3.5D
HCG 500iu E3.5D
Losartan 50mg daily
Progesterone cream approx. 11mg daily
DHEA 50mg daily
Pregnenolone 25mg daily
LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) 4.5mg daily
Iron 25mg tablet daily
Metformin 1000mg daily
Iodine 12.5mg daily
Vit B-12 1000mcg daily
Arimidex .125mg E3.5D
Magnesium 600mg daily

Holy crap that’s a lot to take daily but if it works that’s all that matters.
I think the different results as far as libido and the lab numbers from person to person has to do with neurotransmitters. Not exactly an advanced field as far as the science goes imo. They give people antidepressants to alter serotonin or dopamine levels, and the results vary to an extreme from person to person.

Well my basic understanding is that e2 is primarily responsible for serotonin, and testosterone dopamine as it relates to TRT. The ratio and levels that work best is going to vary quite a bit from person to person.

I dont know about you guys, but it’s a pretty tight relationship for me between libido and general mood as it relates to my protocol. Not a coincidence.
I think you’re exactly right joe.
My libido never failed even when I wasn't physically able to have sex. I always wanted sex even when I couldn't get an erection... and again I wanted sex when I could get an erection but couldn't orgasm and so on. I believe libido mostly refers to a person's wantingness to have sex if I can use that as a word. I find many here misuse this word to describe different conditions. Some mean they can't get an erection. While others mean they are so depressed they are simply not interested. Wiki describes libido as: Libido is a person's overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity. I guess the real question is: How do you rate your desire to have sex?

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