Came off TRT. Now insanely high SHBG with LOW E2


New Member
Hi all,

I am a Saw Palmetto sufferer. After many years of trying to correct everything through diet and exercise, I decided to try TRT.

Originally I started out on HCG mono which worked for the first few weeks improving my symptoms then seemed to taper off. I then added TRT into my regiment which improved me in many ways but still not much in the way off libido or spontaneous erections.

I had issues with TRT. Mainly feeling angry all the time, still tired still lacking in sexual desire but I was able to preform. I had numerous E2 tests done and they came back slightly high but it was not the sensitive test so I never took an AI.

Anyway, I was losing hair and feeling off and I had to try and weigh up the positives vs negatives and whether it was actually helping. I was on it for 5 months. I am now 27.

I decided to come off TRT and persue natural routes as many post finasteride users have reported benefit with cycling herbs.

Coming off TRT was not to bad. I continued the HCG for 3 weeks after my last injections. The strangest thing happened, when coming off of everything I had this massive boost in libido which I haven't had in a long time. Maybe dopamine resensitizing?

A month after coming off TRT I had bloods. Things had gone down in the bedroom department. Still with weak morning wood but no interest in sex at all. My LH and FSH had come back online, my Total test was low (14nmol/l) and my E2 at 72pmol/l. However, the issue I have had since crashing from Saw Palmetto is high SHBG.

SHBG has been between 40-50 since becoming ill. When I was healthy it hovered around 30 nmol/l. I still have no clue why my SHBG is so high.

Anyway a month later things got really bad. Zero libido. Zero erections, sleep became impossible, Insomnia at its worst, zero energy. Numb penis.

Just got my blood results back from yesterday:

Total Testosterone: 20.3 nmol/l 7.6-31.4

Estradiol (non sensitive): 24.7 pmol/l 50-199

SHBG: 71.9 nmol/l 16-50

Now what has my confused with my condition is that I have sky high SHBG and low E2. This would probably explain alot of the issues I am having. I thought SHBG was raised through HIGH E2,not low. I cannot find anything on the internet regarding low E2 and High SHBG. I seem to be the only one in the world.

I am worried about the side effects of being low for any longer. I am also concerned at not having an erection in two months.

What can I do now?
I wonder what your true estradiol levels are at. We all know how inaccurate the Regular estradiol test is. What your vitamin D levels at?
I'm not an expert for sure, doubtless one will be along shortly with better / more information.�� Meanwhile my understanding is that your total T could be mid range, as your bloods suggest, but since SHBG is also high you will have low Free T in your system. The SHBG will be binding to your T and making it unavailable otherwise. With low Free T, there may be less T available for aromatisation and therefore conversion to E2. I have successfully used Proviron to minimise my SHBG and make more Free T available.

Ill bewatching your thread with interest, it's all a learning curve. IAM happy to be educated ��
I wonder what your true estradiol levels are at. We all know how inaccurate the Regular estradiol test is. What your vitamin D levels at?

Ive had my vitamin D levels checked multiple times and they are top of the range. I supplement with it everyday! It is a mystery!
I'm not an expert for sure, doubtless one will be along shortly with better / more information.�� Meanwhile my understanding is that your total T could be mid range, as your bloods suggest, but since SHBG is also high you will have low Free T in your system. The SHBG will be binding to your T and making it unavailable otherwise. With low Free T, there may be less T available for aromatisation and therefore conversion to E2. I have successfully used Proviron to minimise my SHBG and make more Free T available.

Ill bewatching your thread with interest, it's all a learning curve. IAM happy to be educated ��

That was my understanding too. It is just that everything you read regarding SHBG normally accounts high levels of E2 or hyperthyroidism for the cause. Seems crazy to have a high level of SHBG with low E2? All of my liver profile is perfect. I have an extremely healthy diet also.

I will keep you posted!
Your labs are very similar to mine, low e2, very high shbg inflating total T, and very low free T. If you check your free T I bet it is very low like mine was. If you search through the forum you'll find there are other people with labs similar to ours.

Anyways, I couldn't go on with low free T, in my 3rd week of trt now. Vitamin D is supposed to help with high shbg, I felt a little better, but def wasn't enough to avoid trt, for me at least.
Your labs are very similar to mine, low e2, very high shbg inflating total T, and very low free T. If you check your free T I bet it is very low like mine was. If you search through the forum you'll find there are other people with labs similar to ours.

Anyways, I couldn't go on with low free T, in my 3rd week of trt now. Vitamin D is supposed to help with high shbg, I felt a little better, but def wasn't enough to avoid trt, for me at least.

I will follow your progress then. Are you feeling much better yet? I was on TRT for 5 months and could never level out. It was just a hideous rollercoaster constantly.
I feel amazing, but I'm only on day 17 or so, I'm still in the honeymoon period. Doing 80mg cyp 2x weekly, hcg 270iu 3x weekly, dhea 25mg daily.

There's no way I will be able to go off trt, free T levels were so low they were below the range. I'm only 25 and in really good shape but my joints were clicking/dry from the low e2, skin was dry, was getting injured easily playing sports, I could go on...
I feel amazing, but I'm only on day 17 or so, I'm still in the honeymoon period. Doing 80mg cyp 2x weekly, hcg 270iu 3x weekly, dhea 25mg daily.

There's no way I will be able to go off trt, free T levels were so low they were below the range. I'm only 25 and in really good shape but my joints were clicking/dry from the low e2, skin was dry, was getting injured easily playing sports, I could go on...

Sounds very familiar. Can you tell me how your sleep was when you were low e2? I have difficulty falling asleep and toss and turn most of the night.
Your labs are very similar to mine, low e2, very high shbg inflating total T, and very low free T. If you check your free T I bet it is very low like mine was. If you search through the forum you'll find there are other people with labs similar to ours.

Anyways, I couldn't go on with low free T, in my 3rd week of trt now. Vitamin D is supposed to help with high shbg, I felt a little better, but def wasn't enough to avoid trt, for me at least.

Exactly the same situation here. How did TRT go? Did you ever think about doing something else to lower your SHGB and increase your e2? I'm seriously considering TRT right now, but if there is an alternative method to get that fixed, I'd prefer that.
//I am a Saw Palmetto sufferer//

Funny how an herb that's been used for male virility for hundreds of years has never had any historical mention of side effects until it was found to reduce DHT levels in some studies although the data for this was poor, then all the sudden some dudes think its ruined their life. I had labs done when I was on SP and my DHT levels were in the upper levels, it didn't lower mine at all.
Hi all,
Now what has my confused with my condition is that I have sky high SHBG and low E2. This would probably explain alot of the issues I am having. I thought SHBG was raised through HIGH E2,not low. I cannot find anything on the internet regarding low E2 and High SHBG. I seem to be the only one in the world.

What can I do now?
I had high SHBG/low E2 as well. Probably more common than you might think. Are you pretty lean?
Hello guys,

I am suffering from saw palmetto side effects from past 1.5 years. In starting i was not that affectes but with time its become worse.

My report are fine t level is ok, estrogen level is fine, total t is ok, but a bit high in free t.

Consulting many doctors but no one have any idea.

Can someone suggest in which way i should proceed with my treatment.
Anyone has overcome form these side effects?

If any one want can connect with me to dicuss this, so we can share each other progress.
[email protected]
Just mentioned the subject as saw palmetto side effects.

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