Could someone specify what microdose means?
As I wrote above I feel kind of ok on 10mg, though it seems too much on my bloodpanal. I have been on TRT for at least 11 years and being 52 the idea of letting it totally go seems strange to me. I even do daily doses for many years. The older I get the harder it is to tolerate higher doses. 20mg/d was "sports-TRT" 5 years ago. Nowadays more than 10mg increases my resting heart rate by 5 beats, and decreases !! (measured by HRV (Garmin)) my recovery makes my hair fall out and my prostate swells even though my PSA stays between 0,6 and 0,75.
Everything gets better when I am off. Recover faster from training, sleep better, able to increase the load with no impact on HRV.
There are two downsides of being off: Total loss of libido (expected) and with it a loss of drive in general. I get slow and unmotivated. I was not long enough off to see a change in body composition. I am aware that it will happen long term, I will lose bone density as well and my better recovery might be only transient. It is hard to find a way out.
Very low doses like 5mg might be an option to try, bulkier doses like 30mg twice a week or 60mg once do not work well both days after injection are impacted (sleep, recovery see above). I sound like a hypochondriac

Things like resting HR, HRV and recovery were not measured years ago, I had no data about sleep quality as well. And to be honest I did not care.