Test enanthate dosage??


New Member
Hey guys, first time poster long time lurker. I (38M, 215, 300s T, decent free T) just started my TRT journey and had my first injection on Monday 53mg. I used Defy. Defy and a few friends recommended 200 mgs a week but after research on Reddit and a little here I decided on 160 mgs weekly, SubQ, split MWF. But now I’m second guessing myself (which I do with everything). 20 years ago did a bunch of random cycles with questionable stuff, young and dumb) thank god for sites like this now. So should I stick to 160 or drop it down ?
First, it's going to take a few weeks for your natural production to cease, so you will be in a a state of high fluctuation until you reach a new steady state. 160 per week still sounds very high to me. Some people do very well on a dosage like that but others do best on much lower dosages like 60-90 per week, so until you know how you response both in terms of numbers and symptoms, I think the general consensus here is to start low and work your way up if necessary. It is generally easier to increase the dose than to decrease it. By easier I mean to get an accurate sense of how the dosage affects your symptoms.
A reasonable starting protocol is 40 mg twice a week, or 25 mg three times a week. This is one area where I criticize Defy. It's ridiculous to start somebody on a protocol that provides more than double high-end natural production of testosterone. That is, the normal range of testosterone production is 3-9 mg per day, with 6-7 mg being typical for healthy young guys. In contrast, you're starting with 16 mg per day. While some guys get away with this, others end up pretty miserable with various side effects. You can read some anecdotes here:

When it comes to hormones, a low-and-slow approach is usually going to be best. That is, start with a low-end dose, and only increase slowly, if needed, to attain resolution of symptoms. The only possible exception is if you value body composition and athleticism over overall health. Then you might be willing to risk the consequences of taking supraphysiological amounts of testosterone.
I take enanthate; 160mg would be way to high for me. I took 84mg/wk before cutting down to 77mg/wk. At 84mg/week my TT was 29.4 (normal 8.4 - 28.8) and my free T was 723 (170-475); I also had lipids that were negatively affected, as well as higher hemoglobin and hematocrit. As you can see, cutting down to 77mg/wk should still leave my T in a good place while benefiting the rest of the profile. Granted, I've always been a good responder to meds, but other people are too. What would happen if I started at 200 mg/wk or even 160?
I am brand new to TRT as well, I am prescribed 80mg/week to start. From everything I read and people I’ve talked to, thats sounds like a good place to start. Good luck.
Hey guys, first time poster long time lurker. I (38M, 215, 300s T, decent free T) just started my TRT journey and had my first injection on Monday 53mg. I used Defy. Defy and a few friends recommended 200 mgs a week but after research on Reddit and a little here I decided on 160 mgs weekly, SubQ, split MWF. But now I’m second guessing myself (which I do with everything). 20 years ago did a bunch of random cycles with questionable stuff, young and dumb) thank god for sites like this now. So should I stick to 160 or drop it down ?

200 mg T/week whether injected once weekly let alone split into more frequent injections is OVERKILL for the MAJORITY!

Better yet starting one on such is pure nonsense!

Unfortunately many of those clueless sheep stinking up the so called men's health/HRT forums are caught up on the more T is better BULLS**T!

Dime a dozen club at it's finest!

Common starting dose is 100 mg T/week or better yet 50 mg T split twice-weekly (every 3.5 days)

Yes you can even start off on <100 mg T/week.

Start low and go slow as we want to see how your body reacts to testosterone and where said dose will have your trough TT and more importantly FT let alone other critical blood markers RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit!

Always time to increase the dose if need be!


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