Is it okay to inject enanthate Subc using 29g insulin syringe


Active Member
Is it okay to inject Subc Enanthate using a 29G inulin syringe. I was using cypionate before and but noticed the enanthate is thicker and slower to suck up in to the syringe. I only inject 6.5mg daily but I notice some pain after injecting the enanthate which I didnt have on cypionate. Before anyone asks why only 6.5mg its because I also use Gel (long story)
Is it okay to inject Subc Enanthate using a 29G inulin syringe. I was using cypionate before and but noticed the enanthate is thicker and slower to suck up in to the syringe. I only inject 6.5mg daily but I notice some pain after injecting the enanthate which I didnt have on cypionate. Before anyone asks why only 6.5mg its because I also use Gel (long story)

Of course you can.

If anything the most commonly used carrier oil (cottonseed) for big pharma/generic TC is more viscous than the most commonly used carrier oil (sesame) for TE.

Even then if you find drawing/injecting more difficult with a 29G then warming up the vial before drawing or better yet switching to a 27G will make it much easier.

TC or TE can be injecting strictly sub-q or shallow IM using an LDS insulin syringe 27-31G.

Yes drawing/injecting can be slower when using a 30-31G but it is nothing to fret over if one is injecting low volumes of the oily solution.

I can easily draw/inject TC or TE even when using a 30-31G especially the BD brand with a thin walled needle.
I'm going to one up you. 29gauge good but 31ga even better. I inject enanthate daily. Drawing 6.5mg should be easy and relatively quick.

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