Libido - 1 huge leap forward, 5 steps back.

The slice

I have always struggled with libido and generally feeling good on TRT.

I am a relatively low aromitiser and have single digit SHBG.

I have tried just about every protocol under the sun over the last 10 years. Over the last year I have been experimenting with lower doses (60-90 mg per week) I have better morning wood with this approach but ZERO libido and delayed ejaculation. I believe the issue with this approach is my E2 just gets too low, bottom 15% of the reference range.

I decided a few months ago to try higher dosages - (250mg / week) I got a minor improvement in energy, sense of wellbeing, a slight improvement in ejaculation but still zero actual libido.

A few weeks ago I stated to realise I was looking a little puffy, bloated and my morning wood was not consistent - I decided to try a small dose of an AI to see if there were any improvements. WOW!!! 12.5mg of Aromasin and the next day my libido was through the roof. I mean insane, for the first time in 10 years I felt sexual desire!!!!! I ordered a blood test as I wanted to get a reading of what my blood work looked like when I am feeling horny.

It was a week before my test arrived and over the course of the following days, the libido dropped. 2 days feeling amazing, 2 days feeling ok, and a few days of feeling just ok. My blood work (now a week after taking the AI) showed my E2 as right at the top of the reference range. I then took another 12.5mg of Aromasin and the effects were nowhere near as pronounced. I took another 12.5mg another week later and I felt like shit. Libido gone, morning wood gone - I did blood work and realised over the course of a few weeks I had managed to crush my E2. It was only just registering on the reference range. (11).

Couple of strategies I am considering:

Moving to test prop daily injections - I have heard of some people responding better libido wise to a more rapid fluctuation as opppsed to a steady release. Perhaps it was the fluctuation of using the AI that cause the improvement?

Lowing my test down to 40mg per week to bring my free test and androgen index within the normal range and adding E2 vaterate to make up for the low aromatisation. My body clearly likes having higher E2

Dropping test all together and running primobolan as my primary androgen alongside exogenous E2

Go back to doing the 210 test. Trying a lower dose of Aromasin and/or using HCG to minimise potential crashing of E2

As frustrating is this has been it does give me some hope that libido is possible - I am not joking, best part of 10 years I’ve had zero sex drive and for those few days it was like being a 15 year old kid again.

Any thoughts, insights or suggestions would be massively appreciated.
Thing that worked for me, stop using hcg after three weeks of use, and you get honeymoon period.
It won’t come immediately maybe the next day but give it 4 or a week max it will come.
I have been doing this for years now.
I discovered it because I travel often and. Noticed this keeps repeating and figured approximate cyclical time for it which is 3weeks.

Don’t stop using testosterone during this time, Only stop hcg. That the only thing worked for me.
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I have had similiar experiences. It has been 10-years now that I have been on HRT. Started very early in life with secondary hypo, idiopathic.

To get to your point, it wasn't until the last year that I realized without HCG I do not get good libido. Like you, the positive impacts are very short-lived and cyclical. I believe it is attributable to high E2 as the HCG causes really high E2. I have no idea why cypionate does not work well on its own although like you, have times where it 'works well' if I boost the dose before subsiding and feeling terrible.

Like you I have very low SHBG. Often I have low testosterone but high bio testosterone. E2 is always on the high side of normal but with HCG it can go well above the high side of normal.

So like you, I find it hopeful that we can turn our situations around as I proved this year after 10-years of HRT that sex life can be normalized and all is not lost. The erections I have had in the past year with HCG were the best ever and I didn't need pills. The challenge is to maintain the positive feeling which includes energy levels and gym strength.

So I re-started it all with anastrozole, starting with 25 mg per week and will go by how I feel. Also breaking my Cypionate dose into 2 (50 + 50) as rec'd by many of the knowledgeable members on here for those who have SHBG in a way to mitigate estradiol conversion. Also reduced by HCG dose to 300 miu x 3 rather then 500 miu x 3, which after a couple blood tests have helped lower estradiol.

Can't comment on low E2 as I haven't had that since without low tesosterone but high E2 is the end of your sex life on HRT from my experience.
I have had similiar experiences. It has been 10-years now that I have been on HRT. Started very early in life with secondary hypo, idiopathic.

To get to your point, it wasn't until the last year that I realized without HCG I do not get good libido. Like you, the positive impacts are very short-lived and cyclical. I believe it is attributable to high E2 as the HCG causes really high E2. I have no idea why cypionate does not work well on its own although like you, have times where it 'works well' if I boost the dose before subsiding and feeling terrible.

Like you I have very low SHBG. Often I have low testosterone but high bio testosterone. E2 is always on the high side of normal but with HCG it can go well above the high side of normal.

So like you, I find it hopeful that we can turn our situations around as I proved this year after 10-years of HRT that sex life can be normalized and all is not lost. The erections I have had in the past year with HCG were the best ever and I didn't need pills. The challenge is to maintain the positive feeling which includes energy levels and gym strength.

So I re-started it all with anastrozole, starting with 25 mg per week and will go by how I feel. Also breaking my Cypionate dose into 2 (50 + 50) as rec'd by many of the knowledgeable members on here for those who have SHBG in a way to mitigate estradiol conversion. Also reduced by HCG dose to 300 miu x 3 rather then 500 miu x 3, which after a couple blood tests have helped lower estradiol.

Can't comment on low E2 as I haven't had that since without low tesosterone but high E2 is the end of your sex life on HRT from my experience.
Seems like fluctuation in estrogen is the reason behind libido or whatever hormones hcg plays with.
I still cycle hcg to get that boost. I wish there was another way.
Seems like fluctuation in estrogen is the reason behind libido or whatever hormones hcg plays with.
I still cycle hcg to get that boost. I wish there was another way.
When you cycle HCG what does that timing look like? Been on a lowish dose(750 ius/week) for a few years and do well on it. Have considered taking a break, but then I always end up leaning towards “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.

Do you notice a benefit from a break that makes it preferable for you more than just staying on?
Anyone here on oral?
I used to be on oral T, way better than injections.

I used to be on oral T, way better than injections.

Perhaps for you, you also appear to be an outlier in a lot of ways. From what I’ve seen, most who’ve tried both greatly prefer injections.
I can't get Prop in Canada... thinking of trying Oral for a bit to see if libido would improve ....

Anyone here on oral?

I would try compounded cream applied to the scrotum if you can get it in Canada. Best protocol for me in 5 years of trying pretty much everything including combos of Test + Primo/Masteron, in terms of energy, libido and mental clarity.

Huge difference between once/day and twice/day application though; I don't feel nearly as good on twice/day application.

Test P was also great for libido but I aromatized too much on it and quickly got severe anxiety, water retention, higher BP, headaches, etc...cream is similarly quickly in and out of your system (also leading to less HPGA suppression), but the disproportionate conversion to DHT relative to any other exogenous Testosterone modality is great for those who aromatize more than ideal (I would guess the majority of men, especially as they get older) as DHT is strongly antagonistic of E2 (and in a way that is almost certainly healthier than AIs).
I can't get Prop in Canada... thinking of trying Oral for a bit to see if libido would improve ....

Anyone here on oral?

TE or TC are your only options when it comes to injectable esterified T as they are the treating testosterone deficiency in Canada.

As I have stated in a previous thread if you wanted to give TP a go than you would need to seek out a UGL source!

When it comes to oral TU in Canada your only options are the generics as the grand daddy Andriol which was the only oral TU available on the market for decades.

Even then would not even waste my time with the older TU formulation Andriol/generics due to poor absorption/blood levels achieved as they need to be taken with meals high in fat mind.

* Clinical and biochemical variability

* An early oral TU formulation (ANDRIOL®) was approved for use in many countries but never in the United States. This formulation is heavily reliant on dietary fat intake as a means of increasing absorption and therefore leads to significant intra- and inter-patient variability in testosterone response [23, 24]. This results in the need to dose hypogonadal men with several capsules three or more times daily affecting compliance. Several studies have also demonstrated both gastrointestinal and liver adverse effects including severe cholestasis and jaundice [25, 26]. Consequently, these oral TU formulations have never been widely utilized to treat TD in the United States although they remain available in many countries

A new oral testosterone undecanoate therapy comes of age for the treatment of hypogonadal men (2020)

*Historically, efforts to administer oral T have taken two primary paths: alkylation of T at the C-17 position to create T analogs that are resistant to first-pass hepatic metabolism (exemplified by methyltestosterone);2 or fatty-acid esterification of T to create a T-ester (exemplified by TU) that is absorbed via the intestinal lymphatic system thus bypassing the portal circulation.3 Oral methyltestosterone, originally discovered and used clinically in the mid-1930s,1 is the only oral TRT ever approved for use in the US, but has been associated with serious hepatotoxicity such as cholestasis, peliosis hepatis, and hepatic adenocarcinoma4–6 and therefore is not recommended for clinical management of male hypogonadism. Conversely, while oral TU has not been associated with liver toxicity, an early oral TU formulation approved for use in many countries but never in the US (Andriol®) was highly influenced by dietary fat, thus leading to significant intra- and inter-patient variability in T response and questionable clinical utility.7,8 Reformulation of this product to reduce the effect of dietary fat did not address the low TU content of the capsules, thus resulting in the need to dose hypogonadal men with several capsules three or more times daily. Even then, reported serum T response would not result in average serum T levels in the normal range9 and therefore would not pass current-day regulatory scrutiny for efficacy. Consequently, these oral TU formulations have never been widely used to treat T deficiency although they remain available in many countries.

You would be far better off using one of the newer oral TU formulations (Jatenzo, Kyzatrex or Tlando).

Unfortunately none of them are available in Canada but the good news is both as Marius Pharmaceuticals and Verity Pharmaceuticals are currently seeking approval from Health Canada.

If they are approved they will most likely be available sometime this year.

Perhaps for you, you also appear to be an outlier in a lot of ways. From what I’ve seen, most who’ve tried both greatly prefer injections.

Again much more to the story here!


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