Kinda need emergency help (stopped taking TRT)


New Member
Hey, I've been on trt 100mg per week for 5 months, its made me super weak and suicidal. So I stopped taking it this last Thursday, I feel much better. I'm taking MYOMIN to combat estrogen but now today my feet are sweating and my chest is kind of burning. My doctor is like mentally retarded, he didn't even "believe" in estrogen testing in men and when I forced him during therapy I was at 68pg. He refused to do anything about it. I told him it was making me angry, weak, anxious and suicidal and he's just literally so ****ing dumb I can't even believe he has a medical license. I would get more help talking to a homeless man. So idk what to do right now, if the symptoms get worse I was thinking of taking a microdose or something. Pretty nervous boys, any advice would be seriously appreciated :) (Lol he literally just texted me back, "no they aren't making you suicidal" like okay doctor josef mengele, thanks for the no help)
Welcome to Excelmale. Can you give us some more information? Where were your levels when on your protocol? Was your estradiol measured with the sensitive, LC, MS/MS, test? What about your health - taking anything else? Do you have a history of anxiety or depression? The more you can tell us, the more focused the discussion will be?
You need a knowledgeable doctor that knows what to do when you get side effects. There are other reasons why a guys responds negatively to TRT, adrenal fatigue, low thyroid function to name a few. If your doctor doesn't know what to do you can't play the TRT game.
Thanks guys, yeah idk whats up, I take 50mg test C two times a week and I feel angry all the time, severe body weakness, last month my legs and feet swelled up with an enormous amount of water. The MYOMIN herbal anti-estrogen was able to get rid of the water. I ended up just taking it again the shots again. I'm going to have to look around for a doctor who will actually treat my high estrogen.
Welcome to Excelmale. Can you give us some more information? Where were your levels when on your protocol? Was your estradiol measured with the sensitive, LC, MS/MS, test? What about your health - taking anything else? Do you have a history of anxiety or depression? The more you can tell us, the more focused the discussion will be?

Thanks coast, sorry I was vague when I posted this. When I asked my "physicians assistant" to test my estrogen, he laughed at me and said "men on TRT don't need estrogen testing" I twisted his arm till he did it but he wouldn't do high sensitivity. When it came back high, he said there is something wrong with me and tried to make me get an MRI looking for brain cancer lmfao.... I'm so pissed like you have no clue, I feel like I"m dealing with baby monkies on a farm. My thyroid looks good, I'm sure my adrenals are messed up but he won't allow me to test them. Believe it or not, the first day I took TRT 100mg test C IM, I went to sleep and I woke up shaking with power, I had so much internal power I walked a few miles just to calm down, then the next day I felt burning in my chest and I've been severely weak ever since that. I've rapidly gained weight, I've gone from 190 to 316lbs. He refuses to give me anti-estrogen medicine, I would literally rather tank my e2 and get bone disease than be where I'm at now, although the MYOMIN herbal formula at least keeps me from getting severe edema in my legs. If I don't take it the burning in my chest amplifies and the water comes back, its so bad my legs are still kind of messed up, you could press on them and they would stay dented in for 40 minutes, like my leg was made out of silly puddy. Scary stuff man. Besides that my ticker is okay, I just have severe anxiety and 24/7 rage gorilla feeling in my head from the shots. So I counter-act the anxiety with Magnoila Bark Extract from Liftmode, which acts like valium.

(I was unable to quit the other day, around day 4 is when I posted here because I started to really fall apart, sweating all over, feeling super strange, it was so bad I was fumbling and hand tremoring trying to get a Sub-Q shot in my belly to make it stop)

If my estrogen was high without the high sensitivity test (he's literally a baby monkey and refuses to do it, I've asked him 9 times now) Would that mean I would be higher or lower with a high sensitivity test and could my symptoms possibly be the E2:T ratio

I was just going to login to my portal so I could screenshot you the last 5 months of labs and stitch them together into one picture but it's down for maintenance. So when I first started my total went from 190 to 500+ with extremely low SHBG, always have like 3.4% free. At my highest, total test hit high 700's, right before my legs filled up with 20 pounds of fluid, it rapidly dropped down to 350 total test (same injection method, 100mg test C once per week) Because of that horrible experience, I now do SubQ, 50/50mg and am forced to take the Myomin. I guess I'll always have my memory of the one day I had my body back. I'm just so frustrated and angry that these village idiots are allowed to medically treat people.
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Thanks guys, yeah idk whats up, I take 50mg test C two times a week and I feel angry all the time, severe body weakness, last month my legs and feet swelled up with an enormous amount of water. The MYOMIN herbal anti-estrogen was able to get rid of the water. I ended up just taking it again the shots again. I'm going to have to look around for a doctor who will actually treat my high estrogen.

Sounds like high E2 levels, whenever my E2 gets high my socks are drenched in sweet and even family notices the bloating. Any doctor who doesn't believe in monitoring E2 is to be discarded.
Sounds like high E2 levels, whenever my E2 gets high my socks are drenched in sweet and even family notices the bloating. Any doctor who doesn't believe in monitoring E2 is to be discarded.

I've had high E2 and low T as far as age 17, I had testing done because of gyno. Nobody wanted to give hormones to a 17 year old though. (I'm 29 now) Do you also get incredibly weak? When they first gave me this shot, literally the first day (after maybe 12 hours after the 100mg/testc injection, I woke up shaking with power, I had to walk a few miles just to calm down, I felt like a new person, then the next day I got severe burning in my chest and I've literally turned into a swamp monster ever since that. It takes a tremendous spiritual effort just to make myself walk in a forward direction.
I've had high E2 and low T as far as age 17, I had testing done because of gyno. Nobody wanted to give hormones to a 17 year old though. (I'm 29 now) Do you also get incredibly weak? When they first gave me this shot, literally the first day (after maybe 12 hours after the 100mg/testc injection, I woke up shaking with power, I had to walk a few miles just to calm down, I felt like a new person, then the next day I got severe burning in my chest and I've literally turned into a swamp monster ever since that. It takes a tremendous spiritual effort just to make myself walk in a forward direction.

I had the same reaction as you did on the first shot, I felt intense feeling and soon felt like crap for a month. Then after I started feeling a little better I would get red flushing in my face on and off for about a month, it was scary to see friends face turn and look in astonishment. Your swamp monster is from the increase in red blood cell production and your reaction is a normal one.

You are one of those guys that must start out low and go slow, I believe your dosage was too much for you to handle all at once. Inject small doses twice weekly and know that it gets better. However if your thyroid function is low TRT you could end up making you feel worse as TRT attempts to restore your metabolic rate that's too much for a low functioning thyroid to handle, cortisol levels need to be checked.
Laughing P.A. said: "men on trt don't knead estrogen testing"
Thank such people profusely for their wisdom followed by showing them this clip:

I regret being unable to share with the club a decent video with sound of Laffin Sal. I visit her often on the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. She was exiled here from SF in 2004 when the powers that be began to worry that their game was up.

Q: IF my estrogen was high on the standard test does that mean it will come back higher or lower on the sensitive test
A: Both. LC MS MS sensitive returned both higher and lower than the standard IF test on the same draw for me which I posted on these pages.

Q: My doc wants me to have an MRI of my brain. I'm so pissed, so frustrated , so angry with these village idiots. It's like dealing with baby monkeys on a farm.
A: MRI could pick up a defect in the pituitary or another problem. Suggestion: Gadolinium MRI contrast medium. Taking sufficient time to weight the risk against possible benefit.

I'm sure this doesn't apply to you but I have this theory. Before there was trt there was compliance. Then the veil lifted. Men became aware. Aware men ask questions. When reasonable men get obfuscation for answers they get angry. Anger is contraindicated to the bottom line requiring the awareness medicine to receive the appropriate regulatory scheduling. In any case a profound reaction in a mere 12 hrs to an initial 100 mg dose suggests to me a reaction to the carrier oil. If wheezing also occurred then its possible that medicine entered the circulatory system directly.

Agree with S.L. on frequency, SHBG then daily or EOD dosing. A weight increase from 190 to 319 dosen't happen under the care of a competent physician. Finding a competent physician is easier said than done. Meanwhile may I suggest that you reduce or eliminate contact with American powerhouse portfolio medicine? Self guided care isn't for everyone but it is an option. Most important is the understanding that it can take up to a year of consistent TRT dosing before the body adapts and one begins to realize the benefit. Obsessing over lab leads to messing with dose. After a few months one can learn to adjust the dose based upon wellness and symptoms.
Hey, I've been on trt 100mg per week for 5 months, its made me super weak and suicidal. So I stopped taking it this last Thursday, I feel much better. I'm taking MYOMIN to combat estrogen but now today my feet are sweating and my chest is kind of burning. My doctor is like mentally retarded, he didn't even "believe" in estrogen testing in men and when I forced him during therapy I was at 68pg. He refused to do anything about it. I told him it was making me angry, weak, anxious and suicidal and he's just literally so ****ing dumb I can't even believe he has a medical license. I would get more help talking to a homeless man. So idk what to do right now, if the symptoms get worse I was thinking of taking a microdose or something. Pretty nervous boys, any advice would be seriously appreciated :) (Lol he literally just texted me back, "no they aren't making you suicidal" like okay doctor josef mengele, thanks for the no help)

Whats your history with anxiety? Diagnosed, or not? E is not in and of itself going to make any suicidal so to a point your Dr is right.
Vince Carter, increased cognitive functioning is correlated to TRT. Is it far fetched to suspect then that it leads to increased awareness of self and of community? We look up to catch wealth trickling down from above as promised like a Rocky mountain blizzard and are greeted instead with a bloody ax. It's easy to see how testosterone replacement can break down the delusional shield that keeps many afloat from day to day. A entirely rational person might conclude that ending it all quickly is the best course so who are we to disagree?

The solution lies in either lacing all testosterone with Soma or the inclusion of a mandated federal right to medically supervised euthanasia for everyone over 65 and those dependent on health subsidies for chronic conditions.
Thanks guys, I am doing much better, I was able to reverse my severe mania by eradicating my anxiety with magnoila bark extract from lift mode. I'm doing well on the shot. So in conclusion, I'm going to have to find a GP that will actually monitor estrogen and now I'm having a new problem, everywhere I inject I'm getting an itchy painful red rash that doesn't go away for a week. (yes I alcohol pad the vial and then the area and let them fully dry before doing anything, so I really don't think I'm pushing bacteria into me)
I live in new york though my friend :( Good news at least, I got him to switch me to the enanthate, so that should at least help my itchy reaction and hopefully reduce my water retention. Can anyone delete this thread by the way, I'm very thankful for all the answers but I got all the help I needed on this topic, thank you all so very much for your time!
I live in Louisiana and I use Defy Medical since every doctor in my area is about 20 years behind the current protocols used by professionals who actually do this for a living... It just sucks that I had to get screwed up through an estradiol crash in order to obtain better care.

Get this, my local TRT doctor and his staff had the mentality that men on TRT did not need estrogen at all. They literally have some of their patients taking 1 mg of Anastrozole per day without the labs to support it! In fact, when I started complaining about my symptoms, the first thing the NP there did was suggest that I up my Anastrozole dose.

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