Need Help - Test Boosters Ruined My Health


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I began using Beast Test Booster for lifting purposes about a year and a half ago. I took a bottle not at full dosage over a period of time. Switched to Muscle Pharm Battle Fuel and did the same.proces. I then went back to beast and immediately felt horrible. Chest began to grow and I was having stomach pains. I stopped taking test at that point.

Then I felt as if I was dying. Literally I went to the Dr and told her I was dying. Stomach pains, muscles felt like they were wasting away while trying to sleep, chest growing to breasts. She gave me no assistance other than some.blood tests.

I then went and took Nugenix. I immediately felt great again. But this only.lasted for about 3 weeks. I then felt all of the effects from.before. now I had rectal bleeding. Could no longer sleep. Heart raced all the time. Lightheaded and dizzy. Feel as if whole body crumbling.

I went to Dr and explained everything and still did nothing. Had ultra sound to check organs and those came back fine along with all blood tests.

Over a 3 month period of lightly taking nugenix I just keep getting fat, losing muscle, dizzy, heart palpitations and growing breasts. Feel like death. I dont.kmow what to do. Take it or cut it. Take something.else?

Began researching my estrogen levels and aromatase. Began taking zinc and grape seed extract and notice myself feelong.slightly better.

Finally saw an endocrinologist today and ahe basically told me to stop taking it and let my body create my test on its own again bc I messed up that process. I'm assuming im.going to feel horrible now. I need help. Assistance. Advice. Testimonies. Anything. Please help me just get back to my healthy self.
Stop with the Nugenix and the rest of the boosters. If they worked we'd all be taking them rather than having to turn to testosterone. Something is going on with your health, you write of rectal bleeding, but you also have a high degree of anxiety that is working against you. Did you use any actual testosterone or other steroids? It makes no sense that these products you mention would have caused these problems.

How old are you? Did you do any lab testing before you started using boosters? Specifically, did you have confirmed low testosterone or did you jump into this blindly? What tests were run? Please post those results along with the reference ranges associated with each lab test.

Please tell us what are you taking in terms of prescribed drugs and supplements at this point. It sounds as if you've had a focused workup (ultrasounds and labs).

Without more information we are only guessing with you.
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I am 33. I took them blindly. I have never taken any actual testosterone or steroids before. I am also not taking any other prescribed medicine. My bloodwork has always been good and I did not have low testosterone prior. I took it to boost my workouts etc. Worst decision of my life for sure.

My last bloodwork teststosterone levels were at 734. But I've read about needing specific tests to tell me how kuch of that is being tranfered into estrogen.

My Dr told me to take 1 pill a day for a week and then go to 1 every other day to eliminate it from my system. I'm just afraid I will get even worse during this entire process.
It's funny you say that because I have battled anxiety and I had a panic attack. I was given anxiety meds for it but have not taken it yet. And my father died suddenly in the midst of all of this as well
I am 33. I took them blindly. I have never taken any actual testosterone or steroids before. I am also not taking any other prescribed medicine. My bloodwork has always been good and I did not have low testosterone prior. I took it to boost my workouts etc. Worst decision of my life for sure.

My last bloodwork teststosterone levels were at 734. But I've read about needing specific tests to tell me how kuch of that is being tranfered into estrogen.

My Dr told me to take 1 pill a day for a week and then go to 1 every other day to eliminate it from my system. I'm just afraid I will get even worse during this entire process.

You have to start taking responsibility for what you and your doctors decide. One pill of what??? Anastrozole? If so, one pill a day is a disaster. Was your estradiol measured? With the proper test?

What at reslits can you post?
1 pill of current test boost to try to work way off of it. She was not in favor of medication because of its effects on bones. My estradiol was not tested before but I just got tests done today and it was tested so I should have those results soon.
It does sound like GAD, but you may have low T which can exacerbate your anxiety. You need Testosterone labs, free testosterone, and estrogen labs. Your rectal bleeding could be hemorrhoids and that happens at times with everyone. If your rectum continues to bleed, particularly in large amounts, go see your physician.
I am a psychotherapist by trade, have been for 20 years. If this is not GAD, it certainly is some type of anxiety compounded in effect by the placebo and nocebo effects. First of all, T boosters don't work. They sell because of the placebo effect. Product names that include words like ultra, alpha, long, etc combined with a cool picture of a guy who uses steroids and some phony testimonials about two hour sex and multiple orgasms, set up the dynamic that create high expectations for a guy taking them, he works harder in the gym, gets results, and mistakenly attribute the results to these product, rather than the harder work. Don't get me wrong, what you are feeling is real, it's just not from these products.

My suggestion is to see your doctor and get a full physical, everYthing you can think of should be tested. If you get a clean bill of health, see a psychotherapist that specializes in or is good with anxiety disorders. Cognitive behavioral therapy would be my suggestion of the preferred treatment modality. Do not start with medication no matter what you are told. An MD is not really the best person for you to be treated by, as he will prescribe a pill and the preferred meds for this are controlled substances, habit forming, and you will need them for a long time for progress. If you are susceptible to placebos, it is quite easy to become dependent on them. To get through this you must start with changing your thinking and your actions. After 30 or so days, meds may be needed as an adjective therapy, but it probably won't be needed if you work the CBT. If meds are prescribed, stay away from those in the benzodiazepine class and consider something like vistaril or buspar, milder non addictive medications. I'd guess that there is only a slight chance they will be needed. Two things change brain chemistry, exogenous changes to it, like injury, and medications that alter functioning. The second thing is changing behavior and thoughts. Changing behaviors and thoughts take more time than a pill, but the results are more permanent and certainly safer.

Dont't feel badly that you are susceptible to the placebo, it can be an asset if you can harness your mind and body. First things first though-you absolutely must get a full work up from an MD. If their is nothing wrong, don't go looking for a second, third, or even fourth opinion. People with anxiety tend to do this. If you are deemed ok, see a psychotherapist and take it from there. Continue to workout, and workout hard during this time.Trust me, this is the best course of action.
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