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Excelmale. Can you give us some more information? Where were your levels when on your protocol? Was your estradiol measured with the sensitive, LC, MS/MS, test? What about your health - taking anything else? Do you have a history of anxiety or depression? The more you can tell us, the more focused the discussion will be?
Thanks coast, sorry I was vague when I posted this. When I asked my "physicians assistant" to test my estrogen, he laughed at me and said "men on TRT don't need estrogen testing" I twisted his arm till he did it but he wouldn't do high sensitivity. When it came back high, he said there is something wrong with me and tried to make me get an MRI looking for brain cancer lmfao.... I'm so pissed like you have no clue, I feel like I"m dealing with baby monkies on a farm. My thyroid looks good, I'm sure my adrenals are messed up but he won't allow me to test them. Believe it or not, the first day I took TRT 100mg test C IM, I went to sleep and I woke up shaking with power, I had so much internal power I walked a few miles just to calm down, then the next day I felt burning in my chest and I've been severely weak ever since that. I've rapidly gained weight, I've gone from 190 to 316lbs. He refuses to give me anti-estrogen medicine, I would literally rather tank my e2 and get bone disease than be where I'm at now, although the MYOMIN herbal formula at least keeps me from getting severe edema in my legs. If I don't take it the burning in my chest amplifies and the water comes back, its so bad my legs are still kind of messed up, you could press on them and they would stay dented in for 40 minutes, like my leg was made out of silly puddy. Scary stuff man. Besides that my ticker is okay, I just have severe anxiety and 24/7 rage gorilla feeling in my head from the shots. So I counter-act the anxiety with Magnoila Bark Extract from Liftmode, which acts like valium.
(I was unable to quit the other day, around day 4 is when I posted here because I started to really fall apart, sweating all over, feeling super strange, it was so bad I was fumbling and hand tremoring trying to get a Sub-Q shot in my belly to make it stop)
If my estrogen was high without the high sensitivity test (he's literally a baby monkey and refuses to do it, I've asked him 9 times now) Would that mean I would be higher or lower with a high sensitivity test and could my symptoms possibly be the E2:T ratio
I was just going to login to my portal so I could screenshot you the last 5 months of labs and stitch them together into one picture but it's down for maintenance. So when I first started my total went from 190 to 500+ with extremely low SHBG, always have like 3.4% free. At my highest, total test hit high 700's, right before my legs filled up with 20 pounds of fluid, it rapidly dropped down to 350 total test (same injection method, 100mg test C once per week) Because of that horrible experience, I now do SubQ, 50/50mg and am forced to take the Myomin. I guess I'll always have my memory of the one day I had my body back. I'm just so frustrated and angry that these village idiots are allowed to medically treat people.