Take whatever I say with a grain of salt, as I am one of those searching for the best protocol. That said, I have tried various forms of TRT at various doses. For me, the most consistent winners have been Natesto and Xyosted.
Natesto never made me anxious. It works well for mood and what I would consider the "psych" aspect of TRT. I think it works less well for libido, however. You can read more about my feelings on Natesto
I also really like Xyosted, which is what I am currently using. The knocks against Xyosted is that it is a very expensive version of what you can simply draw from a vial for much less money. That said, Xyosted is covered by insurance for me, so it costs me $0. The experience on Xyosted, for some reason, has been better than T cyp and T enanthate from a vial. Not sure why, but could be due to lack of alcohol preservative. I am very sensitive to additives. It doesn't take much to give me headaches. I suspect the lack of preservatives may be good for me. I have also read on the forum here that the lack of preservatives affects the pharmacokinetics, which in my case may be favorable. The auto injector also ensures a consistent experience: always the exact same dose/always the exact depth into SubQ tissue. Finally, you don't worry about sterility with this delivery system.
You will find a ton of opinions on hCG on the forum. I even polled the audience
here to get some idea of what the overall hCG experience has been for others. You will see from the poll (only 19 responses) that it's about a 50-50 split on guys who use hCG and like it and guys who have tried it and have stopped. I have used it on an off for years. In the recent past, I have been experimenting with going off it, primarily to see if it reduces headache frequency for me. As you likely know, headaches are complicated and causes can be multifactorial. But, after being on hCG for years (usually 100-150IU daily), I started to suspect it lowered my headache threshold. Recently, I have gone off it for stretches for a few weeks at a time. I track headaches closely with an app. According to my data, there does seem to be a correlation.
However, being off hCG means I have committed myself to TRT long term. I have come to terms with that, as long as I have good quality of life.
I'd say tweak your protocol, using as little of everything as you can and titrate up or down as needed. But, whatever you pick, try to give it time and expect that you will likely tweak it over time. You might also seriously consider trying Natesto. According to a bunch of studies out there, it may not shut down endogenous production, assuming that's a concern.