Active Member
Just curious. So you went through 2 weeks of anxiety during your protocol change, but the after two weeks it went away?
started on week 2, went away after a week gradually.
Just curious. So you went through 2 weeks of anxiety during your protocol change, but the after two weeks it went away?
started on week 2, went away after a week gradually.
Oh, so two weeks you were pretty good, then anxiety hit, but only lasted about a week?
basically 1.5 weeks in I was ok, then got massive anxiety like never before, then a week after that the anxiety was gone. I have heard a few other people mention they had similar experience when switching protocols. It is a time of great variations in levels. If your new protocol is reasonable i would wait it out for at least 6 weeks.
Don't you mean for low-SHBG? Generally if SHBG is high, you give a larger dose which lowers SHBG. You lower the dose and increase injection frequency with low SHBG guys.
Ok I will post labs here for easier reading:
6/2018 (80mg, 500iu, .125ai MTh) [labs done Monday AM before shot]
Test 1500+
FreeT 25.8
E2 sensistive 47.2
SHBG 66.7
HCT 54.5
12/2018 (54mg, 350iu, .125ai MWF) [labs done Monday AM before shot]
Test 1500+
FreeT 27.5
E2 sensistive 47.9
SHBG 70.4
HCT 53.8
I have already donated blood 3x in the past 7-8 months.
I am considering moving to (46mg test only MWF). Thoughts?
I hadn’t been feeling great. Poor ability to cope with stress. Anxiety and mood issues. At least my hct seems under control at the lower dose. I am going to stop the topical fin and am going to go minimalist for a while with Test only until I get all these variables figured out.
Gave it a month. No ai or hcg. Did not feel good. Trouble sleeping and anxiety/depression symptoms.
I am going to revert to my last bloodwork labs protocol which had great numbers. .46mg 250iu .125ai 3x/wk.
I think the topical finasteride was throwing a wrench in things because my last dht pull was 24 (low). I stopped that also during this past month. Maybe something to do with dht vs estrogen that I learned about on this forum recently.
Today when I added back in the ai and hcg I felt better within 3 hours. This last week or two I had been in a very depressed mood.
I would make it more clear for people to understand your labs and type out your protocol, free T, Total, E2, SHBG, dhea etc for that period and do the same for your other protocol.
6/8 was 80/500/.125 and 9/24 was 54/350/.125 ? it is suprising that your free testosterone went up so much with more frequent injections. For that reason I am thinking I am interpreting this wrong.
how long have you been on the new protocol? on week two of my new protocol i got crazy anxiety but it resolved itself.
But having normal testicular size is the goal at least for me. If 200iu/week does the job I don’t see why inject more hcg.I only use 200iu once per week, nuts not shrunken up. My clinic looks at me funny but HCG is more like just water to me, either seems to complicate things or it's use is completely transparent, has no positive effect on me in any way.